Steven Garofalo M.A.A. February 7, 2025
It has often been debated as to IF and WHEN God rewards us for our good deeds. In the Bible, Jesus discusses three pharisaic practices of piety that all us can fall into if not careful and the consequence of handling those practices rightly or uprightly. They include: 1) GIVING 2) PRAYER and 3) FASTING. Today, we are going to look at the first of these, which is “GIVING” and I will show you where and when God rewards us-and when He doesn’t. Let’s get started.
In the Book of Matthew, chapter 6, Jesus tells His followers how they (and we today) are to “Practice living out the Kingdom Life” which ultimately results in our receiving a REWARD from God our Father as opposed to other human beings. It's all about doing things God's way as opposed to our own way.
When we fail to keep God’s ways and carnally follow our own, we end up worshipping or drawing attention to ourselves. As a result, we receive an ARTIFICIAL REWARD in place of the authentic reward from the Father. This, then, is the beginning of a three part series covering the subject of God’s Rewards in relation to GIVING, PRAYER and FASTING. Today, we are going to address the FIRST, which addresses GIVING-how we are to give and the rewards given to us by God the Father.
Jumping right in, Jesus opens Matthew, chapter six, speaking about practicing our righteousness or righteous acts “before other people” (v.1). Why would one act righteously in front of others, you might ask? The answer is “ …in order to be seen by them” (v.1). It wasn't too long ago when giving was something done modestly and in private-and to do so publicly was rare outside of political figures. Today, sadly, it's considered the "right" thing for everyone to self-promote themselves above others.
Jesus goes on in verse two to speak to the PROPER way to give so that we are to avoid our good deed(s) being seen by others in verse 2, saying: “Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others.” In other words, there is a real consequence for or taking God's praise as our own.
THE CONSEQUENCE: Jesus goes onto explain the consequence of letting others deliberately know that you have given to others in verse one, saying: “…for then you will have NO REWARD from your Father who is in heaven.” WHY would God NOT REWARD a good deed? Because, as Jesus explains in verse 2, we are not to be like the religious leaders who were hypocrites in that they did what they did in terms of giving for personal attention, as opposed to giving praise, honor and credit to God.
Better yet, WHY would anyone take the credit for what God has given them to begin with? The ANSWER IS: “…that they may be praised by others” (v.2). In our carnal nature, we want to be known by others for our generosity in giving to others. By parading this openly or simply making our good deeds known among others, we put OURSELVES in a positive light among others within the Christian community. It might even put us in a positive light within the secular community depending on what the good deed is or what the giving opportunity. For example, if we help a person in the inner city and tell everyone what we did, even non-Christians might praise us for doing such a thing in the name of charity, social justice or works that are faith related.
Jesus makes abundantly clear in verse 2 that such giving negates the Father's reward, saying: “Truly, I say to you, they HAVE RECEIVED their reward.”
When we make our good deeds (and giving) seen before others, our reward ends up being given to us in the present world (carnally) as opposed to the best reward given by God. Carnally means we are seeking adoration or fake glory through the praise of other human beings. As a result, we forfeit the reward(s) of God our Father. We can’t have both. If someone happens to find out about our good deeds or act of giving by some way other than our own, we should not entertain discussing it, but change the subject and move on. As a result, we will gain God’s reward as we reflect on the fact that it is God and not ourselves who provided and gives all things, as we are simply a steward for them.
Jesus goes onto say in verse 3, “But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And our Father who sees in secret WILL REWARD YOU” (v.4). This is WHEN God dispenses His reward.
The bottom line is that when we give of ourselves, as best as we can, we are not to make it known to others. Letting others know “THAT WE GAVE," and "HOW MUCH” or “WHEN” we give of ourselves gains us credit before others, especially within the church. As such, our reward is given to us through the acknowledgement and praise of others. According to God, a truly selfless heart gives unconditionally and is kept between the giver and the receiving party of the gift.
By being humble and giving selflessly in the NAME of our Lord Jesus Christ, we give all honor, glory and credit to God who owns and gives it all to us as stewards of His blessings and resources. And when we do that, we invite the blessings and reward(s) of God the Father upon us. This is when God blesses us for GIVING to others. To God be ALL the Glory.