Steven Garofalo M.A.A. January 17, 2025
This series started as America’s Guilt Culture and the Death. I think this is important because we can be a “National of Laws”, but if we don’t properly execute the law, we quickly become “Lawless”. As a result, today, I want to start with some application in order to wade into this subject in parts rather than in one big article. In this multi-part series, we are going to look at the Death Penalty and what the Bible says about Capital Punishment or the “Death Penalty”.
WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS-The Scriptures Are Clear
“Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in His own image” (Genesis 9:6).
Leviticus 24:17 states, "Whoever takes the life of any human being shall be put to death".
1) It’s wrong to kill. We all have the right to life and nobody deserves to be killed; despite what the Bible says. My response is directed at the “despite what the Bible says”. The thought that one’s virtue or self-proclaimed vision of goodness-if above God's Word is a sin and evil. All of God’s attributes are equal, including His mercy and His justice. God makes the rules, not us. The Bible is clear that to knowingly “murder” (premeditatively taking an innocent life) must be paid with the life of the murder of him or herself.
2) Innocent people will be murdered if we have the death penalty: With the advent of DNA and modern science, changed social norms and the reduction of prejudice in society, the chances of being wrongly convicted are very low if existent at all. Furthermore, the Death Penalty mandates a bi-cameral system that mandates a separate hearing to see if one even qualifies for the death penalty to begin with. The argument is valid one in light of past culture and technology or lack thereof. In today’s world, with the advent of cameras, DNA, Cell phone data, etc. there is few places one can hide. This argument has been so abused in our modern age that innocent people are being murdered-namely those who are let out of jail after murdering to murder again. While possible, it’s highly unlikely for one to be wrongfully convicted and sentenced with the death penalty in our modern age.
3) The Death Penalty is not a deterrent: The simple answer to this objection is that IF the death penalty would be applied SWIFTLY and WIDELY, it would have an immediate chilling effect on public behavior-especially the murder rate. At present, it takes at least a decade and in many cases much longer to execute a person who is on death row due to the length of the appeals process.
The United States or any nation can claim to be a “National of Laws”, but if we don’t properly and biblically execute the law, we quickly become a nation of “Lawlessness”. What the Bible says about Capital Punishment or the “Death Penalty” is just as true as any other Scripture reference in the Bible. We cannot choose to apply or don't apply, or we violate God’s laws, His Word, and His will. In our next entry (Part 2), I will show you in detail that Americans have become a “guilt culture” and how that has led to even more lawlessness-and (for many) a rejection of the death penalty against God’s Word. Let's remember the Words of God who said, “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in His own image” (Genesis 9:6). "Whoever takes the life of any human being shall be put to death" (Leviticus 24:17) .