I wanted to quickly communicate how this weekend's conference went. I spoke on Saturday morning and met folks from around the country and around the world as they visited with me to learn more about Reason For Truth and seek how we might help them.
1) I met a young American student of foreign background who is a college student and who ministers to internationals through ESL, teaching English as a Second Language. I was taken back by the fact that he and his friend had such joy and obedience to God in serving Him. What was amazxing was the fact that they were full-on in their call to mission at such a young age.
This young man came to my talk on "Preparing" at the conference, and the came to my booth three times before spending the money (carefully) on the new Spanish version of All Roads Don't Lead to Heaven under the title of "Todos Los Caminos No Conducen Al Cielo" It's not uncommone for me to give away free books to college students. In this case he bought the book. In turn, I gave him the English version at no cost. When I did that, he looked at me a bit shocked that I would give him the Englishg version for free. The joy was overwhelming for me personally. I had been speaking with he and his friend, telling that that they are now in the driver's seat for carrying God's mission into the world and to other students.
I told them that it's my job to get behind them, not in their way-in front of them. As a result, they blessed me many more times that I was able to bless them. I provided a number of additional resources and made the online EQUIPPED course at not charge to them as well. This was made possible by the donors who support Reason For Truth. We use those funds very carefully and to edify God and the body of Christ.
2) The second blessing I received with through a young mother from Canada by the name of Heather, I later met her brother who I was just as impressed with. Why was I so impressed? Heather had a very good, well paying job in Canada (they live in Canada) and she gave up her career to HOMESCHOOL her children. Heather and her brother really stood out to me for a number of reasons. They were mission driven, sharp as tact, and they put God and family first. For them to come down from Canada is not a cheap trip, especially after givng all of her income up, just my wife did. She and her brother made no excuses, didn't ask for any discounts and didn't complain. They both moved forward in their mission and that made me want to help them in any way I can.
They looked carefully and saw the value in our resources we have to offer. They were simply very well spoken and spiritually rock solid. I decided gave them a free copy of the EQUIPPED online course and some other no-cost resources after she bought the EQUIPPED book. I was most blessed.
I am currently working on an article on the SECRET OF LIFE, but wanted to share a few brief thoughts with you all. I have been sick all week and I'm working late tonight to try to catch up a bit regarding article posts.
In the end, our sales were the lowest in the history of my working this conference-but so was the conference attendence. Furthermore, year after year, many came to my table and communicated that they had already bought some of my books in the past. I chuckle, because sales are necessary to keep producing materials, but it's God who provides the amount of sales. It's as simple formula. When I arrived home, I noticed that a friend back from college had made a substantial donation, allowing me to return to Portugal and Italy to minister to middle and high school students, evangelists, church folks and pastors. I chuckled because it was so apparent that God allowed for low book sales to show me the simple truth of who really owns everything. It's God who owns everything and it's God who blesses the most. We cannot out-bless Him no-matter how hard we try. An that's the greatest blessing.