The Prophet Isaiah who lived between 740-680 B.C. Was a “Social Reformer”-but not in the way that we think of a social reformer today. Today, I am going show you in brief how much things really haven’t changed in almost 3000 years. And, in the end my conclusion is simply to say: “YOU THINK WE WOULD HAVE LEARNED BY NOW”.
We often think of really wealthy people as “ELITES” today-and to some degree that is true while that is not true at all in whole..The prophet Isaiah was born into an INFLUENTIAL UPPER-CLASS family himself. He rubbed shoulders with royalty and gave advice concerning the foreign affairs of the nation and was a great man of conviction.
What most people don’t know about Isaiah is that, though scoffed at, he kept on the mission and VIGOROUSLY warned Israel against foreign alliances and urged Judah to trust the Lord (7:4; 30:1-17). In Isaiah 7:4, Isaiah speaks about “TWO SMOLDERING STUMPS”. For example, Syria (which was crushed in 732 B.C.) and Israel (which lost her national existence in 722). These words of Isaiah were spoken about in 732 B.C.
I would submit that the United States faces becoming a “SMOLDERING STUMP” internationally and nationally if we continue to embrace the unfettered immigration of populations from godless nations to overpopulate the Christian values that America was built upon. I am not speaking about Christian Nationalism-but more about the values, norms, morals and laws that run the country. A multi-cultural country cannot have a multi-cultural legal system based on many different-conflicting values and beliefs. If this is not corrected, we risk becoming a smoldering stump of a nation.
In Isiah 30:1-17, Isaiah gives a further warning against Hezekiah’s seeking “AN ALLIANCE” with Egypt against Assyria WHY? Because to DEPEND on Egypt, a declining power, to help against Assyria (as opposed to God) would only result in SHAME for Judah (verse 3 and 5 of chapter 30).
BUT, Isaiah didn’t stop there-regarding the warning against bad “Foreign Alliances”. He also attacked the SOCIAL ILLS of the day, not because he was a SOCIAL REFORMER as we think of one today, but because he saw those abuses as symptom of “SPIRITUAL DECLENSION or DECLINE”. You can read an about that in 1:3-9 and 58:6-10).
So, what was the outcome for Isaiah? Well after living most of his life in Jerusalem, tradition says that Isaiah was martyred during the reign of Manasseh, king of the Kingdom of Judah, reigning (692-642) by being sawed in two inside a hollow log (Hebrews 11:37). So, what led to Isaiah’s death under Manasseh? What did Manasseh do that was so bad to cause Isaiah to speak out in an effort to better guilde the king of Judah in light of God’s ways as opposed to that of Manasseh’s?
The answer is that during the time of Manasseh, IDOLATROUS practices were REINSTATED from the past, and Iasiah warned he and the nation at large of the inevitability of the Babylonian captivity as a result of God’s judgment on them should Manasseh and Judah as a nation fail to repent. BUT, Isaiah ALSO gave an assurance of the preservation of the people and restoration of the nation. And that is the goal for you, me, the United States, and the West in whole.
IN CONCLUSION: The goal is to understand and embrace the simple fact that the “RESTORATION OF ANY NATION” comes from the inside out and not the outside in. RESTORATION comes from our dependency on God and His blessing upon our lives and nation. YOU THINK WE WOULD HAVE LEARNED BY NOW-From The Past
Today, we have learned just how much things really haven’t changed in almost 3000 years. Mankind is sinful and rebellious against God. I can hear the words my mother said to me as a child: “YOU THINK YOU WOULD HAVE LEARNED BY NOW!” Well God's people, and America, we go all over again. Let’s make sure to get in God’s Word and in prayer daily for what He has called us to and leave the consequences and results to Him. As CHRISTIANS, it’s our job to be a voice in the wilderness-not “SOCIAL REFORMERS” as see all over the internet and in society today. Let’s be Social Reformers in the sense that Isaiah was a social reformer in that he fought against the SPIRITUAL DECLINE of the nation despite of one’s color or ethnicity. Multi-cultural is is a beautiful thing when it falls under the common bond of God’s Word, morals and ways. If we can eventually make this happen, we might just be able to say, “It ALMOST happened all over again”-key word being “ALMOST”.