Steven Garofalo
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Steven Garofalo, M.A. Apologetics is president and founder of ReasonForTruth.Org and EquippedAcademy.Com. His mission is to help you not just survive, but to thrive by cutting through the distortion of current events with discernment, wisdom, and the truth of God-to encourage, educate and prepare you for what is, and what is at hand. www.ReasonForTruth.Org www.EquippedAcademy.Com
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Christianity is exploding in Cambodia! This is very exciting and I want to share with you all the great news!!

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My son Zach and Iniber the last few years. Thought you all might enjoy…Steven

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IS MULTICULTURALISM GOOD? America has been called “The Melting Pot” for all people, cultures and countries around the world. But is multiculturalism good? More importantly, is it biblical? In today's podcast I am going to show you the answer through reality and God's Word. In PART2, we will dig even deeper into God's Word to see what God says about the subject. The Scriptures makes clear that the gathering of many cultures in one place, or “multiculturalism” can be beautiful, but ONLY when under the Federal Headship of Jesus. Let’s jump into PT1!

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Jesus said that He will but not immediately.
Today, I am going to show you that, as such, you and I are to serve God and others faithfully until He (Jesus) returns in bodily form-for He commanded in Luke 19-“Do my business till I come”. We have so many options for recreation in todays' world that we often forget that Jesus made clear for us to "DO MY BUSINESS TILL I COME". The Bible is clear as one reads through it that God gently, and sometimes not so gently, reminds us to tune up our thinking, worldview and priorities as we live out our daily lives. Today we will look at what Jesus said in Luke 19.

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How is President Trump alive today? In this pre-released podcast, Steven will explain the attempted Trump assassination-biblically.

TRAIL LOFE 0413 boys and dads in Boone today partnering with Samaritan’s Purse to help with aid.

We are sending Zach out to help folks in mountains distressed by the flooding this weekend. We as a Trail Life Troop are canceling our October family trail life trip (3rd weekend of October) to join efforts with already on the ground groups-to assist in clean up and minister to those in need as affected by the flooding which has devastated many mountain communities. Getting inside reports that National Guard has blocked off roads which are mostly wiped out to manage looting and still retrieving cars washed into drainage ditches covered by mud and people/bodies still to be recovered: we are not involved with that the military is. Please pray for these poor folks, their families and for our efforts...that our Lord use us as needed.-Steven


Last weekend we took our daughter out for her second college visit in Virginia. Oh my…I want to go back to school! 😎

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By Steven Garofalo, October 1, 2024 (Copyright 2024)

Throughout history we find nations and leaders distorting the reigns of power in order to gain and or maintain power. Today, I am going to show you through God's Word that secular puppet leaders fail for once simple reason in that they trust in man's power instead of God's. Let's get started.


In the United States of America in the fall of 2024 (when I am writing this article), the United States is experiencing something internally that we used to fight against externally. That thing is "a puppet king", In our case, it's called a "puppet president". Nobody voted for the current president in power as I write this article on October 1, 2024. Puppet kings and puppet presidents never serve it's citizens well because they represent their own selfish interests and that of a very small group of individuals in power at the expense of the general population. The fact is that God does NOT approve of such a thing as made clear in the Book of Isaiah, chapter seven. Here we find this exact thing happening and get the benefit of reading God's direct response as to why a puppet king or president is wrong and why it will fail. Let's lay the groundwork before we read God's respond. This is what Isaiah 7:1-2 says for context.

Isaiah Sent to King Ahaz

"In the days of Ahaz the son of Jotham, son of Uzziah, king of Judah, Rezin the king of Syria and Pekah the son of Remaliah the king of Israel came up to Jerusalem to wage war against it, but could not yet mount an attack against it. When the house of David was told, “Syria is in league with Ephraim,” the heart of Ahaz and the heart of his people shook as the trees of the forest shake before the wind" (Isaiah 7:1-2 ESV)


In order to fully understand what is going on in this passage, we must look at 2 Kings as well as 2 Chronicles. Kings 16:5-18 and 2 Chronicles 28:5-21 record the historical background of this very chapter of Isaiah 7.


What is happening is that Syria and Ephraim (the 10 northern tribes of Israel) rebelled against their overlord, Assyria, and were attempting to force Judah into their alliance, even if it meant deposing Ahaz and substituting a PUPPET KING, the son of Tabeel (v.6). Isaiah 7:6 says: "Let us go up against Judah and terrify it and let us conquer it for ourselves and SET UP THE SON OF TABEEL AS KING in the midst of it..." (v.6)


God responds to the evil plan of deposing the king and substituting a puppet king-leader is very, very clear. This is what says through His prophet Isaiah: "It shall not stand, and it shall not come to pass, and it shall not come to pass. For the head of Syria is Damascus, and the head of Damascus is Rezin. And within sixty0five years Ephraim will be SHATTERED from being a people" (Isaiah 7:7-8)


The bottom line as to why puppet kings and presidents fail is simple in that they and those in power trust in their own power and reject, ignore and rebel against God's authority and will. This is made evident in Isaiah Chapter 7 with Syria and Ephraim (the 10 northern tribes of Israel) who rebelled against their overlord, Assyria and were attempting to force Judah into their alliance, even if it meant deposing Ahaz and substituting a puppet king, the son of Tabeel (v.6).

Thousands of years ago Isaiah saw a political crisis in the attempt to install a "puppet king-leader". As the election nears with the United States election in November of 2024, we find the same exact crises between man's will and that of God's. WHY is this wrong in God's eyes besides being full of selfish ambition, evil, sinful and against God's people? The reason is was loudly wrong in God's eyes is because (in Isaiah 7) Ahaz was TRUSTING MAN'S POWER rather than God's. The same is true for the USA and the world in large part in 2024.

Hang on because we have some a bit of a bumpy road ahead of us in the United States, Europe and much of the West. That being said, we can rest assured that God is in control and doing one simple thing, which is drawing His people back to Him. As a nation, we once trusted in God's power, but in our affluence, influence, military might and attitude, we have departed from God and His ways. We now trust in our own (man's) power rather than God's, but as we read in God's Word, that is always temperal. You can be assured of one thing in that we are on a journey back to God. And it will get worst before it gets better. As such, lets seek God's wisdom and direction as to how we as individual Christians are to serve God and be part of the New Christian world God is raising; out of the remnant and ashes of a man-centered Christian religion into a people of authentic Christ centered faith.

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By Steven Garofalo, October 3, 2024

I was reading in Ecclesiastes 9 today and wanted to share a bit of God’s wisdom through Solomon. God's Word and wisdom never seems to amaze me. This is what Solomon wrote:

Ecclesiastes 9:1 "But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God. Whether it is love or hate, man does not know; both are before him."

Solomon is saying that many events are beyond human control. Every possible circumstance that is possible can befall man, meaning something bad that can happen to any of us as a tragedy at any time. But, whether faced with LOVE (happy circumstances) or HATE (unhappy circumstances), God has arranged what will take place in one’s life and throughout the world.

IN THE HAND OF GOD means “In God’s control and possession.” 

LOVE NOR HATRED: What does this mean? 
Sometimes in Hebrew two opposites together are a way of saying “EVERYTHING”. Love and hate are best viewed as words for God’s favor and disfavor.

“THIS IS AN EVIL IN THAT ALL IS DONE UNDER THE SUN, THAT THE SAME EVENT HAPPENS TO ALL” (v2-3) I quoted only verse two here, but the point I want to make is that some versions translate the word “EVENT” as “FATE” (2:14). However, there is no hint here of the power of “fate” as some people in antiquity believed (the same is true for us today). The word simply refers to an outcome determined by God as stated above.

If you go back and read the entire prior section, Qohelet contended that the “righteous” and “wise” are ultimately under God’s control (remember-“in the hand of God”), and His plan is not predictable. This led Qohelet to another thought in that no one knows what future events or circumstances “AWAITS” him or her in this life, whether “love or hatred” (I.e. favorable or unfavorable circumstances). 

IN SHORT righteousness and wisdom cannot guarantee good times in life and God will not be manipulated. As we look at the impending political events, prospects of war and economonic calamity, lets remember one thing: GOD IS IN CONTROL and will use all things for His good and His plan. We are called to be courageous and accept all that is coming at us and be available to serve Him as He calls us according to his plan. While this sounds scary, it is also exciting. I ask that you pray over these Scriptures and ask God to show you His will and role for you in the present world and the changing world yet to come. For it's all in God's hands.

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September 30, 2024

In the famous (true story) movie, "UNBROKEN", Italian immigrant boy, Louis "Louie" Zamperini is always in trouble, but with the help of his older brother, he turns his life around and channels his energy into running track, later qualifying for the 1936 Olympics. When World War II breaks out, Louie enlists in the military. After his plane crashes in the Pacific, he survives an incredible 47 days adrift in a raft which is attacked by sharks and is eventually captured by the Japanese navy. 

He is sent to a POW camp and becomes a favorite target of the cruel prison commander known as "the Bird" by his prisoners for one reason. That reason was that NO MATTER WHAT "THE BIRD" (whose real name was MUTSUHIRO WATANABE) did, Louie remained “UNBROKEN” in his quintessential Italian spirit. 

Louie survived and returned home from the war with a bit of PTSD. As a result, he was very close to divorce when the Lord reached out to his heart and soul and as a result, Louie gave his life to the Lord at a Los Angeles Billy Graham Crusade in 1949. 

What is the TAKE-AWAY? That God's Word calls us to be and remain UNBROKEN in our SPIRIT, even in difficult situations or when persecuted.

Today, I am going to share with you biblically why the world and many of its leaders are corrupt, and how you and I can remain unbroken in our spirit. If we do so, God will use you and me in great ways. Let’s get started!

We live in a corrupt, sinful, abusive world. It seems that as we head toward the end of 2024 (when I am writing this article) that persecution is very real; so is our ability to persevere, overcome and remain UNBROKEN.

The corporate and political powers in America and across the world are so corrupt that they have become self-destructive, taking the rest of us with them. I was reading in John 3 this morning and God's Word brought to life the simple truth that explains WHY corruption exists and how we can overcome it. Better put, why do people get corrupt to begin with and why they seem to get more corrupt over time. 

The Apostle John explains it this way: "And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God” (John 3:19-21).

John is making clear that God sent His Son Jesus Christ into the world as God’s GOOD “Light” into our sinful, evil and corrupt DARK world. As a result, those in charge of this world from a governmental and corporate perspective are often (but not always) where they are at professionally due to their accommodation of sin, evil and a lack of goodness. Sadly, in our fallen world, in order to ascend the political and professional ladder and remain there, this seems to be what is necessary, but not always.  Some leaders choose to do the "RIGHT" thing. As a result, God honors and uses that person for His good and in great ways. I want to note that God also uses evil people in and for His overall plan for this world. This raises the question as to WHY all of us, and many of our leaders, do wrong if they do what they know is wrong.

The truth is that all people have God's "Moral Law" in their hearts and in their conscience (Romans 2). Furthermore, all people see God in the natural world. This is called the "Natural Law". Some people choose to EMBRACE God and the TRUTH about what is GOOD and what is RIGHT (according to God) while others reject God's TRUTH. Some people even work to distort the truth and accommodate their own sinful desires. If we are honest with ourselves, all of us do that to some extent from time to time. That doesn’t make it right though. 

It’s different for leaders in higher places who go unchecked because they are responsible for leadings others in and towards good or bad. Those in authority and in positions of power and influence will be held accountable by God to a much higher degree than those with less power and influence.

This can even apply to a parent who is a mentor to a child, a president or manager over their employees, and the everyday person who has influence and authority over others in any position. 

When a leader steps out and consistently does what is RIGHT and GOOD according to God's Word, the Moral Law and His Natural Law, people will gravitate toward that leader because they trust him or her.  They trust the leader because they know that they are treated fairly, and because they know that the leader does the “right thing”.

This is how true Christians who live out their faith in public eye rise up into a place of influence and affluence in our corrupt world. While that person may risk losing their leadership role by speaking the truth and doing the right thing, the risk is worth taking. 

Remember, it is God who raises us up as leaders and it is God who can and will allow us to be taken down as leaders if we veer from doing God's right for what is wrong. 

James 4 says: "Be humble before the Lord, and He will make you great" (James 4:10).

The truth is that God raises up leaders for His glory. This entails carrying out His right ways in order to light the path for others to see and follow. While this carries the risk of persecution, the character trait of perseverance will carry us through that persecution. 

I want to leave you with a handful of biblical verses to meditate on. These verses are straight out of God's Word to encourage you as you start each day.


1) Exodus 9:16 says, "But for this purpose I have raised you up, to show you my power, so that my name may be proclaimed in all the earth" (Exodus 9:16).

2) In 2 Corinthians 4, Paul makes clear that IF we stand strong on God's Word in Jesus Christ, we will be…"Persecuted, but not forsake; struck down, but not destroyed" (2 Corinthians 4:9).

3) Does the Lord really take us through the trials and persecution in this world and in this life? Psalm 37 tells us this: "Though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the LORD upholds his hand" (Psalm 37:24).

4) Fourth and lastly, the Apostle Paul says, "We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed" (2 Corinthians 4:8-9). And that says it all!

Like the Italian immigrant boy "Louie" Zamperini in the famous real life book and movie, "UNBROKEN", like Louie, we too can channel our energy into serving the Lord according to His will, His timing, and His plan for our lives. We don't have to spend 47 days adrift in a raft or be attacked by sharks, or even be captured by the enemy to do that. We simply need to be willing, able and strong in the Lord. We need to accept and see this life for what it is (which is temporal). If and when we do that, God will begin to use us mightily as an unbroken follower of Jesus Christ. As a result, God will show up in amazing ways and sustain, bless and even lift us up to places we never thought possible. And as a result we will develop the discipline of being "UNBROKEN"! I promise you that God will use you in this broken world as an UNBROKEN Christian if you will just let Him. Take it from Louie!

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