God says through Peter says in 1 Peter 2:9,
“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1Peter 2:9). What does this mean?
To help us better understand what Peter is saying, let’s look at verse 10 which goes on to say, “Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people, once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy” (1 Peter 2:10).
What does it mean that Christians are “the royal priesthood?” To be clear, the church possess blessings similar to those Israel had, though it has not become the “new Israel”. It does not per se mean “identity” equal with Israel, but as God’s priesthood along side the Jewish people but as different. We need to zoom out at what is going on in chapter to do better understand what Peter is saying, so let’s take a short stroll through the basics of what exactly is going on in 1 Peter chapter 2. I will do this for us in four simple points:
- FIRST: In order to be God’s authentic and effective royal priesthood, we must stop inward fighting and turn our unified attention to the battle in front of us. Peter opens chapter one by addressing the sinfulness within the church because as a royal priesthood, that has to be corrected before one can rightfully execute the office of royal priesthood. Peter tells believers to put away all malice, and all deceit, and hypocrisy, envy and slander. Simply put, they were to grow up and stop worrying about themselves and focus on their character and the mission God called them too. As a result, the inward focus would and will melt away. We cannot be God’s royal priesthood if we don’t act like it.
- SECOND: In order for us to live out and be God’s authentic and effective royal priesthood, we must understand who the enemy is who he is not (other Christians). Furthermore. Peter makes clear that God is laying a cornerstone (Jesus Christ) in Zion and that cornerstone is “a stone of stumbling” and “A ROCK OF OFFENSE” for those who do not believe. (VSS 6-8). In other words, after we as the body of Christ stop our slandering, envying one another etc. we will notice, like we see today, that when we are doing our job as part of the God’s royal priesthood, that we are actually “a rock of offense” to the world more so than to one another. Think about that. Christianity is in crisis for no other reason other than we have focussed on ourselves, our comfort, recreation and bickering against one another. Once we fix this, we can unite against one enemy with the power and Word of God. That’s number two.
- THIRD: In order for us to live out and be God’s authentic and effective royal priesthood, we must understand what we are supposed to be doing in terms of how we are to live out our life for Christ in mission. The royal priesthood is not only to evangelize and defend the orthodox Word of God-but also to raise godly families and be good husbands and wives-and notably, to make disciples of the nations (Great Commission in Matthew 28). It means to execute the mission God has given each one of us. If we do this we will be so busy that we have no time for malice, selfish deceit, hypocrisy, envy and slander. Furthermore, when fighting the real enemy, we cannot take our eye off the ball (the enemy) and onto one another. Let’s remember that as part of the authentic priesthood of God, we are “a stone of stumbling” and “A ROCK OF OFFENSE” for those who do not believe. (VSS 6-8). As such, they (the world) is against us. Because the world is against us, we don’t have any time to bicker with and go after one another. We only have time to unite, get right and fight the good fight.
- FORTH AND Lastly: In order for us to live out and be God’s authentic and effective royal priesthood, we must respond to the world rightly in God’s way and not our own. Verse 12 says that as part of the royal priesthood, that we are to, “Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glory God on the day of visitation” (vs.12). “Having your conduct honorable” means the actual behavior of Christians (vs.11), responding with right actions is crucial as we live in the current world as outsiders and our “witness” for Christ depends on our words and actions. None of us are perfect, but we are to work hard on making our words and actions rightly in line with God’s Word. Peter says that we are to do all of this in light of “The day of visitation”. What is this day? This most likely refers the final day of judgment when all people, believers and unbelievers alike, will fall on their knees and acknowledge who Jesus Chris is, what He did for all mankind who would trust in on the Cross. And then. what He has done through His people-including you and I.
IN SUMMARY: FIRST: In order to be God’s authentic and effective royal priesthood, we must stop inward fighting and turn our unified attention to the battle in front of us. SECOND: In order for us to live out and be God’s authentic and effective royal priesthood, we must understand who the enemy is who he is not (other Christians). THIRD: In order for us to live out and be God’s authentic and effective royal priesthood, we must understand what we are supposed to be doing in terms of how we are to live out our life for Christ in mission. And FORTH AND lastly: In order for us to live out and be God’s authentic and effective royal priesthood, we must respond to the world rightly in God’s way and not our own.
Remaining true to God implies exhibiting a life that constantly and consistently does what is a rightful in God’s eyes in our living our life submissive to God in light of others for the sake of God. Remaining true to God will involve some suffering for Him. It also entails our demonstrating the same attitude that Jesus maintained when He suffered in His earthly ministry (Romans 8:17; Phil. 1:29). If the body of Christ will avoid the slander, infighting and back-biting within the church, we can unify against the true enemy and be more effective in helping others come to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Lastly, it’s also our witness to the lost world of gentiles and lost Jews (non-believers). And this is our job as part of God’s royal priesthood.