PSALM 121:7-8 tells us that: “The LORD will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. The LORD will keep your going out and you’re coming in from this time forth and forevermore.”
We live in scary times, but it doesn’t have to be that way. I want to encourage you to stay strong and be encouraged by God’s Word and by others who are and those who have faced far more difficult times that we are experiencing in the present. I want to recommend to everyone in my community to read the true stories of “Brother Andrew”. He wrote three books, starting with “God’s Smuggler”. I also want to recommend an incredible book, “Evidence Not Seen” A Woman’s Miraculous Faith in the Jungles of World War II”. By Darlene Deibler Rose. I am just finishing up her book and I have personally been impacted by (true) story, which is on par with the story of Louis Zamperini, who was also a Japanese prisoner of war in WW2.
Why do I recommend reading these books? Because they are modern day (in the last 100 years) stories of people who depended on the Lord to “sustain” them in seemingly hopeless times, under the most difficult, scary, life threatening circumstances-Being a prisoner of war in WW2. We have grown soft in American and the West as compared to the WW2 generation. I am confident that this softness will be repaired by the Lord as He takes us through some difficult times. This is a good thing. I sense the Lord is raising a new Great Generation up for His purpose on earth. I do not believe it’s the end for Christians and Christianity in 2023-but only the beginning. But, we must first be purified and put God first and all other things second. In my quite time this morning, I read Psalm 121 and I want to focus in on verses 7-8 which says:
“The LORD will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. The LORD will keep your going out and you’re coming in from this time forth and forevermore.”
The key words by God to you and I start in verse two through three which says: “My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber…” God goes onto expand on the fact that our “help comes from the Lord”. In verse 8 goes on to then make clear to us that: The Lord will keep your going out and you’re coming in from this time forth and forevermore” (Psalm 121:8).
God is speaking to Israel here but to us in application. In Psalm 121:5-8, the extent of God’s guarding and protecting Israel is twofold. On the one hand, it is physical, as indicated by the poetic imagery of God’s being the individual Israelite’s “shade on his right hand” (16:8; 73:23; 109:31),so that “the sun will not smite him by day” (49:10; John 4:6-8) “nor the moon by night”, indicating God’s care day and night The affirmation that “the Lord will protect you from all evil” (vs.7) shows the Lord’s total care God’s spiritual care is explicitly indicated by the statement “He will keep your soul” (vs. 7; soul includes both one’s material [body] and immaterial [soul] elements. Both aspects of God’s “keeping” (His overall concern) are summed up in the concluding verse, “Going out and…coming in” which speaks of our daily life (Deuteronomy 28:6; 1 Samual 29:6) and the living of the life from “this time forth and forever” in God’s “keeping” indicates God cares throughout life and even into eternity for the redeemed.
What is God saying in verse 8 make clear as to when and how often God has us in His hands, which is ALL THE TIME. The words “you’re going out and you’re coming in” is a figure of speech for “everything you do”. In other words, God watches over the believer ALL the time, in EVERY circumstance, and FOREVER. When God says “and even forevermore” this seems to be an antiphonal (short recited sentence) in response to the words of VSS 6-7. The poem concludes with a renewed affirmation that God’s ongoing protection in this life and the life to come is real and can be counted on (23:6). This does not mean that we will be free of trial and tribulation, but that God will takes us from or in some cases through those trials.
In closing, I want to encourage you to read the Psalm 121 in its entirety and please read “Evidence Not Seen”. You also want to have your children read it as well. While we live in seemingly scary times, it does not have to be that way if we understand, embrace and accept what God is doing in our country and countries all around the world as well as in our lives. In closing, I want to encourage you today, to stay strong and be encouraged by God’s Word and by others who have faced far more difficult times in the past than we are facing in the present. Lastly, let’s make the effort to encourage one another in the body of Christ. If we do this, we will receive a true JOY and PEACE that we cannot receive otherwise-in the “good and easy” times of life. That I promise you. With much prayer, love and encouragement.