Fearless Faith Sharing
Steven Garofalo M.A.A. February 28, 2025
Have you ever been scared, ashamed or shy, failing to share our faith when you know that you should do so? Our modern world is very similar to the day when the Apostle Paul walked the streets of Corinth with a bold faith. Using Paul as our example, let’s worry more about living out the true message of the Cross and a lot less about what people think of us.
During the Apostle Paul’s ministry, the city of Corinth, like many U.S. West and East Coast port (and non-port) cities was the most strategic city in Greece. Not even Athens was as strategic as Corinth during the time in history. This had to do in part with ships having to sail around Corinth and into some of the most dangerous waters in that part of the world. As a result, most ships avoided the waters by moving ships and cargo over land in one of two ways.
WAY #1: If it were a large ship, they would dock and move the cargo over land manually to a second ship parked on the other side.
WAY #2: If it were a smaller ship, they would move the entire ship over land to the other side.
As a result of being such a strategic location, there were upwards of 750,000 people living in Corinth at the time of Paul’s ministry. This takes us to Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians (1 Corinthians).
1 Corinthians is a unique letter. Some call it Paul’s best sermon while others-his worst. The lesson in 1 Corinthians it simply that while we can RE-PACKAGE the message of the Gospel, it is an OFFENSE to the non-Authentic Christians of this world. It was an offense to the flesh in Paul's day and is the just the same to the people of the world today in the 21st Century.
As a result of his reputation, Paul was invited to preach (1 Corinthians), trying to appeal to some of the world’s most highly educated, philosophically astute individuals. The people were wealthy, and self-reliant.
Over the ages, the Word of God has (and cannot) change one iota, not a dot (Matthew 5:18). But, while God’s Word does not change, how we present it through the generations has. Sadly, in some cases, the re-packaged Gospel had left out the offense and power of the true Gospel message.
When it comes to sharing Christ, we want to be loving, sensitive, gentile, relevant and respectful. But MOST of all, we want to be RELEVANT to the true message of Jesus Christ who went to the Cross for you, me and all who would receive Him.
When sharing your faith, people will at some point accuse you of being intolerant and judgmental. WHY? The answer is found in 1 Corinthians 4:10 whereby Paul says that we are considered fools for Christ for sharing the Gospel.
1 Corinthians 1:18 says, “for the message of the Cross is foolishness for those who are perishing”.
For the spiritually blind and dark, they will see our message as foolishness. But for those who seek God, He will open their eyes. Look at it God’s way-If someone considers you a fool for sharing Christ-at least you are in good company!
When we share the Gospel message, we are often considered fools. It’s not the Gospel’s fault and it’s not God’s fault. The problem lies with the heart of the person you are talking with. Our message is not foolish-it’s the people who listen but fail to accept Christ who are foolish.
“For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believers. To the Jew first, but also to the gentiles” (Romans 116). It’s in the uncompromising Gospel where the power of God resides. And it’s in the uncompromising Gospels is where the power to save and to change people’s lives is. So, let’s worry more about giving out the true message of the Cross and a lot less about what people think of us. If we do that, lives will change, and the world will never be the same-but for the better.