Everybody Is An Investor PT1
Steven Garofalo M.A.A. March 7, 2025
In 2024, 62% of US adults invested in the stock market, according to Statista. This is a 20 year high. 87% of upper-income, 65% of middle-income, and 25% of lower-income Americans own stocks.
TODAY, through James 1:9-12, I am going to show you how we as Christians are to invest above all other means. Furthermore, we are going to learn what God tells us considering how we are to act and think in relation to the amount, levels and value of our earthly investments.
While a large percentage of people participate, the wealthiest individuals own a disproportionately large share of stocks. According to an article by the BUSINESS INSIDER, written by Jennifer Sor, January 10, 2024, the wealthiest 10% of Americans own 93% of stocks even with market participation at a record high.
· The richest Americans own the vast majority of the US stock market, according to Fed data.
· The top 10% of Americans held 93% of all stocks, the highest level ever recorded.
· Meanwhile, the bottom 50% of Americans held just 1% of all stocks in the third quarter of 2023.
The wealthiest Americans have never owned so much of the stock market, with the top 10% now holding a record 93% of US equities, according to Federal Reserve data. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/wealthiest-10-americans-own-93-033623827.html
Ecclesiastes 11:1-6 makes clear that monetary investing is good with king Solomon telling us to: “Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days. 2 Give a portion to seven, or even to eight, for you know not what disaster may happen on earth. 3 If the clouds are full of rain, they empty themselves on the earth, and if a tree falls to the south or to the north, in the place where the tree falls, there it will lie. 4 He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap. 5 As you do not know the way the spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a woman with child, so you do not know the work of God who makes everything.”
King Solomon is saying that we are invest, and as a wise investor we ought not always be averse to taking some risk, especially when there is genuine possibility of real gain (v.1). The adverse is to become like the lazy sluggard and fail laid in verse four which says, “HE WHO OBSERVES THE WIND WILL NOT SOW, AND HE WHO RAGARDS THE CLOUDS WILL NOT REAP”. In other words, there is a real danger in being overly cautious in light of life and nature’s unpredictability. Investing part of life and the only way to get ahead and have a more rewarding life. Reckless or taking excess risk by the can be bad, especially in your older years. But taking some risk can always be good. Risk to move to a new city, state or country can be good in our older years. In the end, taking some risk to start a business in retirement can be very good for our minds and our financial well-being. Risk at most any time in life is biblical and can be exciting and rewarding.
But then Luke 12:33-34 makes clear that investment of another kind is even more important, saying to: “Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”
God warns us through Luke what we might do with the fruits of our investments in that you are to “sell what you have”. This contrasts with the world’s hoarding of possessions; the disciple must be generous with what God gives. “MONEY BAGS WHICH DO NOT GROW OLD”: By serving God and others, you can invest in your eternal future. You cannot take possessions with you in the next life, but you can store up an eternal treasure by giving to others. In the end, as verse 34 makes clear, what people consider valuable is WHERE their energy will be spent. Knowing God and investing in His purposes should be where we invest and the TREASURE we seek.
Please allow me to leave you with one thought about today’s investor. In 2024, 62% of US adults invested in the stock market, according to Statista. This is a 20-year high. 87% of upper-income, 65% of middle-income, and 25% of lower-income Americans own stocks. Perhaps the truth is a good portion of that 87% of today’s upper-income investors have been investing a bit too much in the wrong places. Perhaps a good portion of the 65% of middle-income have been investing in the wrong areas of life. And what about the 25% of lower-income Americans who own stocks? Perhaps they are “watching the clouds” (v.4) and not investing enough. Or maybe, just maybe, they are investing properly in God’s kingdom. God’s authentic followers are found across all three classes of income and people. I think the question becomes an issue of where their heart is and where they are with their relationship to Jesus Christ and the biblical teachings. In any case, let’s remember that EVERYONE IS AN INVESTOR. It’s not a matter of IF but WHERE. Let’s choose wisely.