Steven Garofalo
News • Spirituality/Belief • Education
Steven Garofalo, M.A. Apologetics is president and founder of ReasonForTruth.Org and EquippedAcademy.Com. His mission is to help you not just survive, but to thrive by cutting through the distortion of current events with discernment, wisdom, and the truth of God-to encourage, educate and prepare you for what is, and what is at hand. www.ReasonForTruth.Org www.EquippedAcademy.Com
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Most of the world doesn’t know who or what they worship. At least not outside of themselves. In tomorrow article entry I am going to show you in five simple points why it’s so essential that we as Christians know EXACTLY Who and What we worship according to the words Jesus himself. We will do this by looking at the story of the Samaritan woman at the well found in John 4. This is an all too-familiar story to Bible readers who often and rightly focus the patients, love and grace that Jesus shows this Samaritan lady. Tomorrow, we will look at something Jesus says that sharpens the focus of His point in that the real issue is in “WHAT” and “WHO” we worship. You may want to read John chapter 4 in preparation. In the interim, make it a great day!-Steven

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My son Zach and Iniber the last few years. Thought you all might enjoy…Steven

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IS MULTICULTURALISM GOOD? America has been called “The Melting Pot” for all people, cultures and countries around the world. But is multiculturalism good? More importantly, is it biblical? In today's podcast I am going to show you the answer through reality and God's Word. In PART2, we will dig even deeper into God's Word to see what God says about the subject. The Scriptures makes clear that the gathering of many cultures in one place, or “multiculturalism” can be beautiful, but ONLY when under the Federal Headship of Jesus. Let’s jump into PT1!

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Jesus said that He will but not immediately.
Today, I am going to show you that, as such, you and I are to serve God and others faithfully until He (Jesus) returns in bodily form-for He commanded in Luke 19-“Do my business till I come”. We have so many options for recreation in todays' world that we often forget that Jesus made clear for us to "DO MY BUSINESS TILL I COME". The Bible is clear as one reads through it that God gently, and sometimes not so gently, reminds us to tune up our thinking, worldview and priorities as we live out our daily lives. Today we will look at what Jesus said in Luke 19.

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How is President Trump alive today? In this pre-released podcast, Steven will explain the attempted Trump assassination-biblically.

ARE WE TO GIVE AN “APT REPLY?”…or is that too direct?

Merriam Webster Dictionary says this:

“able to respond without delay or hesitation or indicative of such ability.”

People have called me direct and one who gives an apt reply at times. And some don’t like an apt reply. It seems too much for them to process the response - reply for some reason.

The bottom line is that we are not to play with words. If we speak truth we can speak and give an “apt reply” instead of some obscure encrypted sentence which is wrong.

I was sitting with some local folks that taught me that things often mean the opposite. One gentleman asked the other if he “might-could consider” doing something…then interpreted that the statement was a command. Was that an apt command? No. An apt reply is clear, concise, and universal. That’s why it’s called an “apt reply”.

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!” (PROVERBS 15:23)

To make an apt answer is to address a problem in someone's life. Proverbs 15:23.

NC Early Voting Is A Massive “Bloodbath” is what Dr. Steve Turley is calling it. See below
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By Steven Garofalo, October 21, 2024 (Copyright 2024)

What is the secret of life? The longer you live, the more you will ask that question. A good start place in answering that question is through God’s Word which tells us through King Solomon: "that the words of the wise are like goads"-meaning they are designed to annoy the reader.

Today, I am going to show you through Solomon WHY God’s wisdom was given to ANNOY us. King Solomon writes, “The words of the wise are like goads, and like nails firmly fixed are the collected sayings they are given by one Shepherd” (Ecclesiastes 12:11).

Solomon uses words such as “GOADS” to PROD us and “NAILS” to ANCHOR us. “DRIVEN NAILS” means, the nails, or pegs referred to in 2nd Chronicles: These would have been pegs or hooks in tents where family members hung the cloths and pots needed for everyday living life. Here, Solomon uses this analogy of “mental hooks giving stability and perspective to life itself".

The bottom line is that Solomon wrote this as inspired by God, for the simple reason that He expects His Word to STIMULATE some form of action or reaction through our reading  the Bible. Let’s get started. This is not from man but from God.


Fast forwarding, Solomon closes by giving credit and authority to the “ONE SHEPHERD.” This makes clear to the reader that the these words, the teaching of Solomon, are God given. Solomon states outright that the source of his ideas here and through the entire Book of Ecclesiastes are from God, the one true Shepherd of Israel (Psalm 80:1).


It means that God is nudging us, meaning you and I TODAY are to put ACTION into our FAITH. We used to call this putting legs to our words.

Just as an ox goad prods an animal (meaning to nudge gently or poke or jab or more aggressively) in the RIGHT DIRECTION, so will the WORDS written in the Book of Ecclesiastes when they are properly understood and applied to our lives. I find it fascinating that Solomon jumps to warn the reader about reading too much non-biblical literature. While it may seem out of place to the reader, it fits perfectly into what Solomon is saying, as God prods and nudges us through His Word, not secular literature.


Now, I find this one very interesting. Ecclesiastes 12:12 says, “My son, beware of anything beyond these (WORDS). Of making many books there is no end and much study is an earnings of the flesh”.

In other words, many other BOOKS (and I would submit YouTube) may “weary” their readers. Careful study of Ecclesiastes will have the opposite effect of secular literature, as it instructs, warns and admonishes its readers. Secular literature tells affirms to make us feel good according to worldly values while God’s Word properly leads us to a better life according to God’s leading. In other words, God makes it deep, simple, good, true and eternal, while we make our knowledge expansive, shallow and temporal.

Solomon is writing Ecclesiastes at the end of his life which gives us a whole new perspective. He didn’t write it as a young, inexperienced man, but at the tail end of his life, before going to be with the Lord. This means that he had lived out his life, experienced most everything wealth and power can offer, and gave a God inspired lesson to us as God inspired him to write Ecclesiastes.


Solomon makes clear at the end of the entire Book of Ecclesiastes that the end game of God’s Word and wisdom is taking God seriously. Verse 13 says this.

“The END of the matter ALL HAS BEEN HEARD, “FEAR GOD AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS, for this is the WHOLE DUTY OF MAN” (Ecclesiastes 12:13).

To “FEAR GOD” is one of the main themes of the book of Ecclesiastes, wisdom literature in whole, and throughout the entire Old Testament. 

To FEAR GOD is to RESPOND to Him in AWE, REVERENCE, and WONDER, to SERVE Him in purity of action, and to SHUN EVIL. This includes shunning the worship of anything else in His created universe. 

The command to “FEAR GOD” goes hand in hand with the command to KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS. This indicates that true “REVERENCE” toward and of God is to be manifested through obedience to Him. In today’s rebellious society, this command is at the center of most all the sin and evil we see and experience in our lives. It is our DUTY.

SOLOMON WRITES: “THIS IS THE WHOLE DUTY OF MAN,” literally meaning that this is the whole of man "i.e. for this is what man is all about." We as men and women should be all about this command. It’s not something we apply but who we literally are and how we are to think at our core. by “Core”, I mean our MIND, HEART, STRENGTH and SOUL (Luke 10:27; Matthew 22:37; Mark 12:30-31). In other words, “Our ALL”. As we close out today’s entry, I would like to zoom in on Solomon’s LAST words. WHY? Because these are God’s last words through Ecclesiastes in the last chapter of the Book, through Solomon in the last chapter of his life. In the Bible, God will more often emphasize His point at the end of His inspired word. Let’s take a look.


Solomon ends this passage and the entire Book of Ecclesiastes making very clear that with all God has blessed us with, we are to enjoy all of it-but within the context of God’s COMMANDMENTS. As such we must enjoy all God has blessed us with with an UNDERSTANDING that we will be held accountable to the mission calling God has given each of us. In other words, we will be held ACCOUNTABLE as to how we used what God has given us: Both material wealth, our time, personal and spiritual gifts, and the opportunities God provided or allowed to use all these things. Verse 14 says: 


This idea of accountability and judgement is the same teaching echoed by the apostle Paul in 2 COR. 5:10 in that death is not the end. All of life will be reviewed by our righteous Lord (3:17). For us, the bottom line is that life must be lived through faith with the virtues of the eternal God.

With that in mind, God has not told man how to comprehend all the frustrating futilities of life, but He has instructed man to enjoy life as His gift (2:24). As such, we are to make the most of every opportunity God leads us to (9:10), and to live life with a real REVERENCE toward Him (God) (12:13). 

We are made WHOLE and COMPLETE ONLY when we fear God and obey His commandments. What profit otherwise is there in living? If we follow what this book has said, we will have an authentic relationship with God and find life in and through Him. I find it fascinating that Solomon learned to live with life’s paradoxes by MAINTAINING A PROPER ATTITUDE TOWARD LIFE AND GOD. My personal take away is: So should we (starting with me). And this is the secret of life.

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By Steven Garofalo, October 18, 2024 (Copyright 2024)

I wanted to quickly communicate how this weekend's conference went. I spoke on Saturday morning and met folks from around the country and around the world as they visited with me to learn more about Reason For Truth and seek how we might help them.


1) I met a young American student of foreign background who is a college student and who ministers to internationals through ESL, teaching English as a Second Language. I was taken back by the fact that he and his friend had such joy and obedience to God in serving Him. What was amazxing was the fact that they were full-on in their call to mission at such a young age. 

This young man came to my talk on "Preparing" at the conference, and the came to my booth three times before spending the money (carefully) on the new Spanish version of All Roads Don't Lead to Heaven under the title of "Todos Los Caminos No Conducen Al Cielo" It's not uncommone for me to give away free books to college students. In this case he bought the book. In turn, I  gave him the English version at no cost. When I did that, he looked at me a bit shocked that I would give him the Englishg version for free. The joy was overwhelming for me personally. I had been speaking with he and his friend, telling that that they are now in the driver's seat for carrying God's mission into the world and to other students. 

I told them that it's my job to get behind them, not in their way-in front of them. As a result, they blessed me many more times that I was able to bless them. I provided a number of additional resources and made the online EQUIPPED course at not charge to them as well. This was made possible by the donors who support Reason For Truth. We use those funds very carefully and to edify God and the body of Christ.

2) The second blessing I received with through a young mother from Canada by the name of Heather, I later met her brother who I was just as impressed with. Why was I so impressed? Heather had a very good, well paying job in Canada (they live in Canada) and she gave up her career to HOMESCHOOL her children. Heather and her brother really stood out to me for a number of reasons. They were mission driven, sharp as tact, and they put God and family first. For them to come down from Canada is not a cheap trip, especially after givng all of her income up, just my wife did. She and her brother made no excuses, didn't ask for any discounts and didn't complain. They both moved forward  in their mission and that made me want to help them in any way I can. 

They looked carefully and saw the value in our resources we have to offer. They were simply very well spoken and spiritually rock solid. I decided gave them a free copy of the EQUIPPED online course and some other no-cost resources after she bought the EQUIPPED book. I was most blessed.

I am currently working on an article on the SECRET OF LIFE, but wanted to share a few brief thoughts with you all. I have been sick all week and I'm working late tonight to try to catch up a bit regarding article posts.


In the end, our sales were the lowest in the history of my working this conference-but so was the conference attendence. Furthermore, year after year, many came to my table and communicated that they had already bought some of my books in the past. I chuckle, because sales are necessary to keep producing materials, but it's God who provides the amount of sales. It's as simple formula. When I arrived home, I noticed that a friend back from college had made a substantial donation, allowing me to return to Portugal and Italy to minister to middle and high school students, evangelists, church folks and pastors. I chuckled because it was so apparent that God allowed for low book sales to show me the simple truth of who really owns everything. It's God who owns everything and it's God who blesses the most. We cannot out-bless Him no-matter how hard we try. An that's the greatest blessing.

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By Steven Garofalo, October 14, 2024 (Copyright 2024)

I wanted to quickly communicate how this weekend's conference went. I spoke on Saturday morning and met folks from around the country and around the world as they visited with me to learn more about Reason For Truth and seek how we might help them.


1) I met a young American man from a foreign background who is a college student and who ministers to internationals through ESL, teaching English as a Second Language. I was taken back by he and his friend's obedience to God. They were full-on to the call to mission God called them to at such a young age. This young man came to my talk and them came to my booth three times before spending the money (carefully) on the new Spanish version of All Roads Don't Lead to Heaven. I often give away free books to college students. In this case he bought the book. In turn, I  gave him the English version at no cost. When I did that, he looked at me a bit shocked that I would give him a resource at no cost (at our cost). I had been speaking with he and his friend, telling that that they are now in the driver's seat for carrying God's mission into the world and to other students. I told them that it's my job to get behind them, not in their way-in front of them. As a result, they blessed me many more times that I was able to bless them. I provided a number of resources and made the online EQUIPPED course at not charge to them as well.

2) The second blessing I received with through a young mother from Canada by the name of Heather, I later met her brother who I was just as impressed with. Why was I so impressed? Heather had a very good, well paying job in Canada (they live in Canada) and she gave up her career to HOMESCHOOL her children. She and her brother made no excuses, didn't ask for any discounts (as many folks do). They looked carefully and saw the value in our resources we have to offer. They were simply very well spoken and spiritually rock solid. I gave them a free copy of the EQUIPPED online course and some other no-cost resources after she bought the EQUIPPED book. I was very impressed and blessed to meet both of them.

WHY? Because my wife gave us her career and job which was 74% of our personal income to homeschool our three children. I know the sacrifice doing such a thing. It was one of the toughest things we have ever done and we will never recouperate financially from doing so. But it was the best investment in the world, as the children got their mother back, I got my wife back. And the kids got very well educated as opposed less than well educated and indoctrinated. Such a sacrifice is truly taking up our cross behind Jesus, because it costs us something. But, it's in that cost that the riches of God's blessings and satisfaction and joy of the Spirit of God abundantly provides us. 

I am working on an article on the SECRET OF LIFE, but wanted to share a few brief thoughts with you all. In the end, our sales were the lowest in the history of my working this conference. But, God's blessings were the greatest I have every received. And that was all made possible by those who stand with us through Reason For Truth. THANK YOU. Your generosity is reaching family's-parents, home schoolers, and most of all, students and children in the United States, Canada, and digitally all around the world.

In closing, I sit in awe, once again seeing and experiencing the simple truth that we cannot out-bless God, no-matter how hard we try. Have a wonderful day and be encouraged!

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