Most of the world doesn’t know who they worship. At least not outside of themselves. Today, I am going to show you in five simple points why it’s so essential that we, as Christians, know EXACTLY who we worship, according to the words of Jesus himself.
In the story of the Samaritan woman at the well, found in John 4, we as familiar Bible readers often and rightly focus the patience, love and grace that Jesus shows this Samaritan lady. Today, I want to look at something Jesus says that sharpens the focus of His point in that the real issue is in “WHAT” and “WHO” we worship. Let’s read the passage below and I will explain from there.
JESUS SPEAKING: “22 You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. 23 But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. 24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” 25 The woman said to him, “I know that Messiah is coming (he who is called Christ). When he comes, he will tell us all things.” 26 Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am he.” (John 4:22-26 ESV).
Let’s break this down in order to truly and more deeply understand Jesus’ point.
In verse 22, Jesus makes clear that “salvation is from the Jews”. What does Jesus mean by this? Jesus is making clear that the Savior was a Jew and the Jews were the first messengers of the good news. In this case, Jesus himself is a Jew speaking to a Samaritan lady. This is credence and the identity confirmation of Jesus as Lord and Savior.
The English word “WORSHIP” was originally spelled “WORTH-SHIP” and means to “ACKNOWLEDGE” God’s “WORTH” in “SPIRIT” (in contrast to material ways) and in. “TRUTH” (in contrast to falsehood).
In verses 21-23, Jesus tells the Samaritan woman that “The hour is coming”. What hour is Jesus speaking about? Christ here reveals to the woman that WHERE a person worships is unimportant. It is not limited to Mount Gerizim or Jerusalem. The Samaritans worshipped what they DID NOT KNOW, so they had created their own religion in a sense.
On the other hand, the Jews had divine guidance for worship. “SALVATION IS OF THE JEWS” means that the Messiah would come from the Jewish people as stated above.
Verse 24, Jesus gets down to business in making clear that God is not LIMITED by TIME and SPACE. When people are born of the Spirit, they can commune with God anywhere. “SPIRIT” is the opposite of what is “MATERIAL” and “EARTHLY,” for example: Mount Gerizim, a place which the Samaritans worshipped.
Christ on the other hand makes worship a matter of the heart. “TRUTH” is what is in harmony with the nature and will of God. It is the opposite of all that is false. Here the truth is specifically the worship of God through Jesus Christ. The issue is not “WHERE” a person worships, but “HOW” and “WHOM” they worship.
The Samaritans in this story (“you”” is plural in the Greek v.22) worshipped in IGNORANCE. How many Christians and, even more so, people who call themselves Christian in name only worship a false concept or understanding of God “IN or WITH IGNORANCE”. This is a dangerous notion. The TRUE MESSAGE here (as found in the Scriptures) and here through Jesus the Messiah of salvation comes from where and whom? THE JEWS, not the Samaritans. Never-the-less, the provision of salvation would encompass all people who had faith in the Jewish Messiah, including the Samaritans. How does this apply to you and those you know?
The bottom line Jesus gives us is that “Truth worshipers” are defined as those who “…will worship the Father in spirit and truth.” In “spirit” does not mean “with enthusiasm” or with “spiritual gifts” as many might believe. It’s not an emotional reaction. In v.24, Jesus explains that “God is spirit”, and to worship “in spirit and truth” means, among other things, to worship “with God in one’s life,” to worship as one in whom God, who is Spirit, dwells. Lastly, when Jesus points out that we must worship “IN TRUTH” He is speaking of the full revelation now given through Christ (1:114, 17). It’s our “FATHER GOD” who seeks this kind of worshiper (v.27). Thus, our worship (v.24) must correspond to the nature of God: Remember, “GOD IS SPIRIT” and we “MUST WORSHIP I SPIRIT AND TRUTH”. And this ladies and gentleman is why it is so important to know WHOM you worship.