Throughout history we find nations and leaders distorting the reigns of power in order to gain and or maintain power. Today, I am going to show you through God's Word that secular puppet leaders fail for once simple reason in that they trust in man's power instead of God's. Let's get started.
In the United States of America in the fall of 2024 (when I am writing this article), the United States is experiencing something internally that we used to fight against externally. That thing is "a puppet king", In our case, it's called a "puppet president". Nobody voted for the current president in power as I write this article on October 1, 2024. Puppet kings and puppet presidents never serve it's citizens well because they represent their own selfish interests and that of a very small group of individuals in power at the expense of the general population. The fact is that God does NOT approve of such a thing as made clear in the Book of Isaiah, chapter seven. Here we find this exact thing happening and get the benefit of reading God's direct response as to why a puppet king or president is wrong and why it will fail. Let's lay the groundwork before we read God's respond. This is what Isaiah 7:1-2 says for context.
Isaiah Sent to King Ahaz
"In the days of Ahaz the son of Jotham, son of Uzziah, king of Judah, Rezin the king of Syria and Pekah the son of Remaliah the king of Israel came up to Jerusalem to wage war against it, but could not yet mount an attack against it. When the house of David was told, “Syria is in league with Ephraim,” the heart of Ahaz and the heart of his people shook as the trees of the forest shake before the wind" (Isaiah 7:1-2 ESV)
In order to fully understand what is going on in this passage, we must look at 2 Kings as well as 2 Chronicles. Kings 16:5-18 and 2 Chronicles 28:5-21 record the historical background of this very chapter of Isaiah 7.
What is happening is that Syria and Ephraim (the 10 northern tribes of Israel) rebelled against their overlord, Assyria, and were attempting to force Judah into their alliance, even if it meant deposing Ahaz and substituting a PUPPET KING, the son of Tabeel (v.6). Isaiah 7:6 says: "Let us go up against Judah and terrify it and let us conquer it for ourselves and SET UP THE SON OF TABEEL AS KING in the midst of it..." (v.6)
God responds to the evil plan of deposing the king and substituting a puppet king-leader is very, very clear. This is what says through His prophet Isaiah: "It shall not stand, and it shall not come to pass, and it shall not come to pass. For the head of Syria is Damascus, and the head of Damascus is Rezin. And within sixty0five years Ephraim will be SHATTERED from being a people" (Isaiah 7:7-8)
The bottom line as to why puppet kings and presidents fail is simple in that they and those in power trust in their own power and reject, ignore and rebel against God's authority and will. This is made evident in Isaiah Chapter 7 with Syria and Ephraim (the 10 northern tribes of Israel) who rebelled against their overlord, Assyria and were attempting to force Judah into their alliance, even if it meant deposing Ahaz and substituting a puppet king, the son of Tabeel (v.6).
Thousands of years ago Isaiah saw a political crisis in the attempt to install a "puppet king-leader". As the election nears with the United States election in November of 2024, we find the same exact crises between man's will and that of God's. WHY is this wrong in God's eyes besides being full of selfish ambition, evil, sinful and against God's people? The reason is was loudly wrong in God's eyes is because (in Isaiah 7) Ahaz was TRUSTING MAN'S POWER rather than God's. The same is true for the USA and the world in large part in 2024.
Hang on because we have some a bit of a bumpy road ahead of us in the United States, Europe and much of the West. That being said, we can rest assured that God is in control and doing one simple thing, which is drawing His people back to Him. As a nation, we once trusted in God's power, but in our affluence, influence, military might and attitude, we have departed from God and His ways. We now trust in our own (man's) power rather than God's, but as we read in God's Word, that is always temperal. You can be assured of one thing in that we are on a journey back to God. And it will get worst before it gets better. As such, lets seek God's wisdom and direction as to how we as individual Christians are to serve God and be part of the New Christian world God is raising; out of the remnant and ashes of a man-centered Christian religion into a people of authentic Christ centered faith.