Lest we be be tempted to believe that all religions somehow lead to the same true God of the universe and go to heaven, let's recall, remember and submit to the words of Jesus Christ who said…
“17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.” (John 3:17-18 ESV)
Rewinding one verse-to verse 16, Jesus said, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his ONLY Son, that whoever believers in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
SO WHAT is Jesus saying? This is what we know:
1) God so loved the world that He gave his ONLY Son for us! That includes you and me! That's HUGE. God's love is not restricted to any one nation or to any spiritual elite. "World" here may also include all of creation (Romans 9:19-22; Col.1:20). The Greek word for "begotten" suggests a one and only Son.
2) HEAVEN: Any of us who believes in Jesus as the true Son of God, God Himself, will not perish but have eternal life in heaven with God. Simply put, we go to heaven for ETERNITY. Forever is a very long time. Actually it's infinite-it's outside of what we consider the time-space contimuam itself.
3) ETERNAL LIFE: What is that exactly? Eternal life is a new quality of life starts here and now on earth, not just an everlasting “this-life”. Here begins another major theme of John, the dual one of REDEMPTION and JUDGMENT. Of course in the present, it's "a new quality of life" and in eternity, it's "forever eternal life". It reappears at 5:22; 8:15; 9:39; 12:47. Simply put, anyone who believes in Jesus is not judged or condemned in the future judgement. Anyone who does not believe has been judged already, here and now. The future judgement confirms but does not determine one's eternal destiny.
4) The emphasis on ETERNAL LIFE here is on the fact that men judge themselves. The acquitted are those who believed in Him; the condemned are those who rejected Him. This is the state of our current world.
Despite one’s feelings, opinion or beliefs, the truth is that God is the Standard of all Truth. He is the Truth. As such, He is the (only exclusive) Truth and the only true God. Hence, all other religions and gods are false. That is very politically incorrect, but it is the truth. Islam, Hinduism, Mormonism, JW’s, atheism, and certainly secular humanism are nothing more than an arrogant efforts by mankind to make God into our own image. And that doesn’t work, but instead leads only to a believe in a false god, which in turn leads to a false salvation. This is our start point when sharing our faith with people of different faiths and beliefs.
Lastly, I want to reiterate that one's eternal destiny is determined on earth, not in heaven. Anyone who believes in Jesus is not judged or condemned in the future judgement. WHY? Because anyone who does not believe has been judged already, here and now. The future judgement confirms but does not determine one's eternal destiny. When a person trusts Christ, he or she is born again and receives eternal and spiritual life (v.15), God's kind of life. The focus is not on our faith but on Christ, the object of our faith, Faith doesn't save. It is the channel to the One who saves-Jesus Christ.
Glory be to the God of the universe through His Son Jesus Christ!
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.“ (John 3:16)