1) A sixteen mile, high elevation backpacking trip includes some SUFFERING.
2) But, KNOWING that suffering produces ENDURANCE, we continue to hike. WHY?
3) Because, ENDURANCE produces CHARACTER.
4) CHARACTER in return produces HOPE.
5) And HOPE does not put us to shame because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us!
"Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us." (Romans 5:3-5)
Believers can and should rejoice in our sufferings in and as much as that is possible. In most things we ought not boast, but in the case of trials and perseverance, we as believers ought to boast not only in our future hope (v.2) but also our present troubles as a witness to others.
"TRIBULATIONS" refer to physical hardships, suffering, and distress and PERSEVERANCE means to endure or "endurance". The truth is that trials and tribulation produce endurance when we exercise FAITH during difficult times (James 1:2, 3). In the end, faith produces its own reward (Matthew 5:10-12; 2 Timothy 2:12).
IN CLOSING, I want to focus on PERSEVERANCE because perseverance is necessary to produce CHARACTER. As believers we are called to endure tribulation as part of this life-as God works through our challenges to develop in us certain qualities and virtues. This ultimately strengthens us and draw us closer to Him. The final RESULT is fortified, stronger HOPE and FAITH in God and his Promises!
Well...Zach did it! Carvers Gap - Roan Mountain was over 6000 feet and dad couldn't be more proud of you as your PERSEVERANCE and ENDURANCE on this trip reflects your faith and walk with God through Jesus Christ. We hiked 16 miles over three days with a full backpack through and up steep elevations. Saturday's elevation gain Saturday morning alone was 900 feet in the first three miles of Saturday's portion of the trail. We live in a world that now demands much more PERSEVERANCE for the Christian than any other time in America's 400 years of existence. In that spirit, I want to leave you with one final thought as your continue on your day.
It's through our trials and tribulations that God will produce in the Christian "perseverance", "proven character" (v4) and "hope" similar to Romans 8:29-30. We don't need to go on challenging backpacking trips which includes mental, physical and spiritual discipline, endurance and perseverance-but we do need to go through the trials and persecution the world throws at us in order to strengthen our faith and develop our character. But, we must understand and embrace that truth as a start point. I trust we can all think about that and see the world and current world events through such a lens. Once we do that, these challenges will produce joy as perseverance develops our character and God strengthen's our faith-which in turn will give us great HOPE. Blessings to all:)-Steven