In today’s uncertain world, we tend to have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Today, I am going to show you what king Solomon says in Ecclesiastes about sleeping well and what keeps us up at night.
What is Solomon saying exactly about our sleep and dreams. I want to back up one verse to v.2 which says, “BE NOT RASH WITH YOUR MOUTH, NOR LET YOUR HEART BE HASTY TO UTTER A WORD BEFORE GOD, FOR GOD IS IN HEAVEN AND YOU ARE ON EARTH, THEREFORE…”
Simply put, Solomon is saying that as nighttime dreams often reveal one’s preoccupation with his work, so also excessive words in prayer may show a lack of intelligence. You see, these two verses go together. I am going backwards because I want to better illustrate the central point. Said differently, I want start with the TRUTH and then give the reasons.
If I may, please allow me to go back two more verses to make today’s point even more complete. Verse one opens the entire chapter staunt to “Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. To draw near to listen is better than to offer the sacrifice of fools, for to not know that they are doing evil”.
The entire chapter sets the tone with Solomon stating firmly to “GUARD YOUR STEPS”, meaning for example to be careful, attentive, listen in the spirit of “OBEDIENCE” to God. Verse Two is a pivotal verse that I believe is a hinge between the first part of this passage and the second.
Verse two says, “Be not rash with your mouth, nor let your heart be hasty to utter a word before God, for God is in heaven and you are on earth. Therefore let your WORDS be FEW.”
In other words, (no pun intended) Solomon is saying that we are not to make a rash or ill-considered bargain with the Lord, nor twist a wish into a demanding prayer to God (under the guise of “vision” or “faith”). In other words, we are always to be thoughtful and of few words when in God’s presence. Verses 4-5 go on to take this home in regarding GIVING and KEEPING our WORD as Solomon calls making these VOWS as optional, hence if made they MUST be kept.
The point of this passage boils down to the futility of careless worship which includes seeing God something less than the God of the universe and our heavenly Father who is all powerful, all loving, but all JUST as well. And our attitude towards God is reflected best in our worship of Him. Solomon sets forth an exhortation concerning proper worship.
As for how well we sleep, it all boils down to our mind and heart-namely how right we are with God. When our earthly work over-dominates our minds and heart, we get distracted and self-dependent on ourselves and this temporal earth instead of on God Himself as the ultimate Provider and Sustainer. God is not only over the universe, but also our lives and our work. As a result of a mis-aligned faith or obedience, we tend to become sloppy in our worship of God, making our time with him less authentic and heart felt and more mechanical.
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly is the problem I find rampant today, even with many Christians, which is the failing to keep one's word. I have one friend inparticular who I have known for decades who has said he was going to do something numerous times, but never carried through with his word (oath). Perhaps he spoke "hastily". I said something I to him at first but stopped saying anything to him about the matter(s) because I want to see the raw truth about this character and what kind of friend he is. I want to see if he continue to VOLUNTARILY give his word or make an “oath”. The failure to carry through with our word (oath) is a character flaw bathed in selfishness, selfish competition, and an unhealthy faith based on emotion and selfish-ambition over obedience.
When we fail to keep our word, God convocation us. How does He do this? Through His Spirit to ours. The mind and heart convicts us when we do such a thing because God’s Word is written on our heart. Furthermore, God's Law is written on our hearts-hence, we know better. “THEY SHOW THAT THE WORK OF THE LAW IS WRITTEN ON THEIR HEARTS, WHILE THEIR CONSCIENCE ALSO BEARS WITNESS, AND THEIR CONFLICTING THOUGHTS ACCUSE OR EVEN EXCUSE THEM” (Romans 2:15).
If we want to sleep well, we need to be right with God. We need a clean conscience and heart that while not perfect, needs to be cleansed daily through reading God’s Word, prayer, confession and supplication. Furthermore, knowing that we are sinners, we must approach our worship of God rightly, and with clean hands. This includes keeping our word or “oath’s” we have made to Him and to and to others-even when it hurts or costs us something.
This is called “obedience”. Once we begin to better do this, God makes clear that our sleep will be more relaxed, more sweet, less troubled, and more restful-even in today’s uncertain world. Yes, we tend to have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, but there is remedy, and that remedy is the God of the Bible and obedience in love in what He calls us to do, how we are to live, and how we are to properly worship Him-which entails all things we do in life. And with that, I wish you better sleep, better rest, and a better quality of life.