We have so many options for recreation in todays' world that we often forget that Jesus made clear for us to "DO MY BUSINESS TILL I COME". The Bible is clear as one reads through it that God gently, and sometimes not so gently, reminds us to tune up our thinking, worldview and priorities as we live out our daily lives. Let's take a look at an all important Parable Jesus told in Luke 19.
In Luke 19, Jesus was preparing his disciples and followers in general for what was rapidly approaching-speaking of his death and resurrection. In preparation, Jesus tells the PARABLE OF THE TEN MINAS and sets the scene with saying this:
“13 Calling ten of his servants, he gave them ten minas, and said to them, ‘Engage in business until I come.’” (Luke 19:13)
SO WHAT? What did Jesus mean by saying this to His disciples then and to you and I as His followers today?
Jesus' words were: “DO BUSINESS TILL I COME”. This detail shows that Jesus’ return would not be immediate (v.11). The SERVANTS represent Jesus’ followers . They (and we today) are to serve God and others faithfully until Jesus returns.
The “TEN MINAS”: Each servant received one Mina, or about four months’ wages for the average worker. The master, symbolizing Jesus Himself, wants to see fruit, or dividends from his investment. Did his servants put the money they received to good use? What you and I? What about the Mina's we have received? Are you and I putting them to good use or are we generally trying to be good with what we have on a limited basis?
One of the core lessons here addresses the proper attitude all believers should have toward one’s TEMPORAL resources in light of eternity. Money, wealth, affluence, influence, power and like things are addictive, and as humans, we tend to grip-holding tightly to them in light of not wanting to loose any of these things, even if God asks us to let go of some if not all of it. It's sinful human nature, understandably.
Another key component to this parable is the issue of the NOBLEMAN who departed to a DISTANT COUNTRY to do what? RECIEVE a kingdom…and then return (19:12). In other words, God left us here as His citizens to see what we would do with the things He has given us. Sadly, we tend to worship these things (affluence, money, resources, influence, power, etc.). In the process we see ourselves as mini-gods, not wanting to submit to the Ultimate True God of the universe as a result. In this parable, the citizens, meaning the general population didn’t want this man (Jesus) to reign over them (19:14). These are a rebellious people who don’t want to be accountable to God and His all good ways in light of following their own desires in how they live out their life. You don’t have to imagine how the story ends-just read the entire parable for yourself.
For you and I today, this speaks loudly to how we are using the material wealth, the influence, affluence, power, connections and friends. Are we using all we have been given for God’s glory or our own?
Remember, Jesus’ return will not be immediate (v.11). While the SERVANTS represent Jesus’ followers-this includes you and I in today’s world as well. As such, you and I are to serve God and others faithfully until Jesus returns. In the words of Jesus, “Do my business till I come”.