When a nation forgets God, they end up mocking Him. As a result, out of mankind’s own depravity, God replaces their corrupt leaders with inexperienced children to govern their nation out of judgment. Today, I am going to show you through Isaiah 3 the life-cycle or STAGES of national leadership when God lifts His hands of protection, provision and blessing-only to replace it with judgment and condemnation. WHY am I doing this today? First, because it’s what I read in the Bible without searching for it. Second, because its the truth of what is going on in the United States and West at large-and would be wise to look at the truth for what it is as opposed to burying our heads in the sand. Let’s get started.
THE PROPHET ISAIAH opens Chapter 3 with the following all sobering words:
"For behold, the Lord God of hosts is TAKING AWAY from Jerusalem and form Judah (BOTH) support and supply” (v1).
SO WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? Verse 1 forward goes on to give us that answer in that God is withdrawing “…all support of BREAD, and all support of WATER” (v1).
AGAIN-WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? It means simply that God is “TAKING AWAY” Judah’s leaders by way of war and, the sword and exile. No historical reference is given because the truth is universal (2 Kings 25:18-21). Simply put, God was judging God’s people and their leaders in the most serious way as we will see in the continuing verses what this looks like. Let’s read on with Isaiah 3 verses 4-9.
ISAIAH 4-9 says: “4 And I will make boys their princes, and infants[a] shall rule over them. 5 And the people will oppress one another, every one his fellow and every one his neighbor; the youth will be insolent to the elder, and the despised to the honorable. 6 For a man will take hold of his brother in the house of his father, saying: “You have a cloak; you shall be our leader, and this heap of ruins shall be under your rule”; 7 in that day he will speak out, saying: “I will not be a healer; in my house there is neither bread nor cloak; you shall not make me leader of the people.” 8 For Jerusalem has stumbled,
and Judah has fallen, because their speech and their deeds are against the Lord, defying his glorious presence. 9 For the look on their faces bears witness against them; they proclaim their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to them! For they have brought evil on themselves” (Isaiah 3:4-9)
I would submit that God is giving us a model or cycle that happens (in consequence) when God’s people forget Him and in turn-disrespect and mock Him. Let’s break down verses 4-9.
LEADERSHIP CHANGE OUT: In verse 4, or the First Stage, Isaiah makes clear that because of the Lord’s judgment on Judah, the shrewd, ungodly leaders would be replaced by none other than CHILDREN and BABES, meaning inexperienced and incompetent leaders.
I want to pause here and simply point out that the United States of America is currently being governed for the most part by the most inept, inexperienced, highly educated but unwise babes/children in the history of our country. In short, we have the most incompetent leaders running the country, just like verse 4 points out. And when children are left minding the playground, they always abuse others out of immaturity, godlessness, inexperience, and a lack of healthy fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of all wisdom as Proverbs 9:10 states: "THE FEAR OF THE LORD IS THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM, AND THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE HOLY ONE IS INSIGHT". I submit that America is under the same judgement as Israel that we read about in these stages found in Isaiah, chapter 3. As a result of children being left in charge, they end up disrespecting their elders who know better and abusing and oppressing the masses.
In the next stage as verse five points out, “For EVERYONE” to be oppressed “BY ANOTHER” describes a state of ANARCHY. I would submit that this is here already and developing more deeply in the USA. Isaiah goes on to point out such an upside down world means that the “CHILD” is against the “ELDER, THE BASE against ThE HONORABLE”. And in His judgement the Lord has given over the wicked to their own evil ways.
In the SECOND STAGE, when God’s hand of of support and supply is lifted, mankind becomes massively depraved and the stronger abuse the weaker and the younger abuse the older because the Lord has given over the wicked to their own evil ways.
In verses 6 and 7, shows a period of deprivation whereby society would be so deprived of leadership and possessions that people would qualify for leadership merely by having “CLOTHING”.
This describes much of the West at the present time and I would submit that our visually stimulated and dependent culture that votes for the most best dressed handsome or pretty candidate over a candidate of substance is a symptom of our shallow sickness. As a result, this inexperienced, immature and lack of godly leadership leads only to a country that not only forgets God, but who is against Him.
There is much more to Isaiah 3, but I want to stop at stage four, ending with verses 8 and 9 which speak about the end game that results in a people ending up “AGAINST GOD” which is a very bad place to be. Let’s read vers 8-9.
“For Jerusalem has stumbled, and Judah has fallen, because their speech and their deeds are AGAINST the Lord, defying his glorious presence" (v8). The end of verse 9 goes on to say: “FOR THEY HAVE BROUGHT EVIL ON THEMSELVES”.
If we are honest folks we will admit that we today, like both Jerusalem and Judah, we have now in the year 2024 forgotten God and brought the evil we see in society on ourselves. ISAIAH writes about what happened in that the people’s arrogance and rebellion became something they were unable even to hide any longer as made evident in their “TONGUE” and the “LOOK” on their faces which betrayed their arrogance against God. This is us today folks. Just look at social media and the opening Olympics in France summer 2024.
IN CLOSING: When I think about the summer Olympics in France year 2024, I think of Isaiah 3. I submit that the United States is in the tail end of STAGE 4. When a nation forgets God, they end up mocking Him. As a result, out of mankind’s own depravity, God replaces their corrupt leaders with inexperienced children to govern their nation out of judgment. STAGES of national leadership are driven by God. Lets remember ROMANS 13:1 which makes clear: "LET EVERYONE BE SUBJECT TO THE GOVERNING AUTHORITIES, FOR THERE IS NO AUTHORITY EXCEPT THAT WHICH GOD HAS ESTABLISHED. THE AUTHORITIES THAT EXIST HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED BY GOD" The NLT says "ARE ALLOWED BY GOD", and the ESV says, "HAVE BEEN INSTITUTED BY GOD".
IN any case, God allows us to select our leaders by what we tolerate support and encouage in terms of our moral standing with God. In consequence, when God lifts His hands of protection, provision and blessing-only to replace it with judgment and condemnation, we should reflect up on ourselves before looking at our leaders.
And it’s my estimation that once it gets so bad, we cannot take it any longer-that is when we will seriously turn back to God, and depend on His ways, provision, protection and blessing to be over us once again. In the interim, hang in there as the cycle of rebellious living plays out once again in our modern age. And this is what happens when a nation forgets God.