There are many lessons God provides us regarding how we are to think in life, how we are to live out our life, and how we are to act in response of God’s commands as outlined in His Word. Today, I am going to provide you with SIX-RAW TRUTHS THAT LEAD TO A SUCCESSFUL LIFE.
- LIGHT IS SWEET AND PLEASANT AND DARKNESS THE OPPOSITE. “Light” signifies LIFE in this world and “Darkness” signifies DEATH.
- IF GOD GIVES YOU THE YEARS-ENJOY THEM. God’s gift of life on earth should be enjoyed, since it eventually terminates.
- BUT, REMEMBER-LIFE IS SHORT: The days of your life are a gift and short lived in the spectrum of eternity. Yes, as stated in number two, life eventually terminates-so enjoy each day as a gift of God.
- LIVE LIFE KNOWING THAT THE DAYS OF LIVING WITH ENJOYMENT ARE VANITY. Notice that all of your past vacations are behind you? The excitement of new home or automobile purchases grow faint and material things get old-just as we do. Only the things of God and unto God last forever. This boils down to the WHY and PURPOSE of your living. To live to self is a miserable existence because it’s al temporal vanity. To live for God and eternity is "Spirit led" and such a life can be filled with joy if we embrace the nice things of this earth in their proper context and perspective (namely using them for God's glory and others first).
- YOUNG PEOPLE SHOULD REJOICE IN THEIR YOUTH: For youth also is fleeting, so enjoy that season of life, but do so carefully and rightly. ALL of us over the age of 50 can relate to this in that you enjoy life while you are young, but must be careful in the reckless tendencies of your younger years. Also, let's make sure to enjoy our older years as a crown of life, uplifting the next generation as opposed to profiting from them. This is a major problem in today’s selfish, Western culture.
- LASTLY, WALK IN THE WAYS OF YOUR HEART AND SIGHT OF YOUR EYES, BUT KNOW THAT GOD WILL HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE FOR HOW YOU USED THE YEARS OF YOUTH. This pertains to how we act, the moral or immoral actions we take, and the things we prioritize in our youth as well as in our older years. Are we currently in our latter years, or in our youth-chasing the things of this world? Are we chasing wealth over the things of God? Or are we successful in our job, carrers, family, business, community-but staying grounded in ways of God at the same time?
- Let me pause here to point out that for most of us in America, it is very easy to justify a sinful (missing the mark life) in light of having checked the God box with what WE think of as being a good person and how (or how much) we GIVE of of ourselves; our time, money and expertise. It’s important for us to be honest with ourselves in that acting rightly in life. And living "RIGHTLY" boils down to a matter of sacrifice. This means giving of ourselves and our riches out of discipline, not out of our excess. God sees all things for what they are, not how we would like, want, or mean to them to be to God and others. King Solomon put it this way.
“7 Light is sweet, and it is pleasant for the eyes to see the sun. 8 So if a person lives many years, let him rejoice in them all; but let him remember that the days of darkness will be many. All that comes is vanity. 9 Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth. Walk in the ways of your heart and the sight of your eyes. But know that for all these things God will bring you into judgement.” (Ecclesiastes 11:7-9)