In an article by PSYCHOLOGY TODAY titled, "Why Are We So Divided and What Can We Do About It?" By Beverly B. Palmer, Ph.D, Posted January 10, 2020 and reviewed by Libi Ma writes:
“Our nation is becoming increasingly divided into opposing groups. And these divisions are becoming more and more entrenched. Why is this occurring? Similarity Brings Comfort
Psychologists say it is easiest to stick with people whom we see as similar to ourselves. It requires more effort to step outside our bubble. We tend to associate with people who look or think like ourselves”.
We then take the similarity even one step further by assuming that people who are similar on one characteristic are similar to us on many other characteristics. For example, if a person belongs to the same political party or religion that we do, we might think they also like the same activities that we do. Thus, we have a strong tendency to categorize people with a broad brush.”
To be honest, this make a great deal of sense and explains things on the surface-as psychology often does. But per-usual, human psychology is always limited in getting underneath the real reason and solution to any problem, never the less solving the problem of human division. For this-we need God and His Word. That being said, let’s change gears and see what Jesus said about human division as He is God and the Creator of the human race to begin with.
Most of us think of and see Jesus coming to earth as the “Ultimate Great Uniting”, but nothing can be further from the truth. Within the body of believing Christians-yes, Jesus came to unite. But Jesus did not come to unite mankind on earth, but to divide us. The bottom line is that Jesus’ FIRST coming brought judgement on those who refuse to accept Him and DIVIDE the believers from the faithless.
While Jesus came to DIVIDE people on earth the first time, He is coming a second time to unite. We often confuse these two events. For today, I want to focus on dispelling the fact that Jesus came to unite in His First Coming. That being said, lets’ read and expound on Luke 12:49-53 which says the following:
Not Peace, but Division (Jesus speaking)
49 “I came to cast fire on the earth, and would that it were already kindled! 50 I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how great is my distress until it is accomplished! 51 Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. 52 For from now on in one house there will be five divided, three against two and two against three. 53 They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law”-Jesus Christ (Luke 12:49-53 ESV).
In the opening verse (49), Jesus says, “I CAME TO CAST FIRE ON THE EARTH, AND WOULD THAT IT WERE ALREADY KINDLED”. What does Jesus by he came to “CAST FIRE” as that seems pretty harsh and scary. I mean, these are some pretty direct, judgmental and to many, mean words. Well yes, for today’s overly soft students and sadly many adults, they are. But these words are the truth as spoken by God through His Son, our Lord and Savior. And this is the truth despite our sinfully politically soft minds mired in a false sense of secular humanism.
When said: “I CAME TO SEND FIRE” He was speaking of God’s judgement. Fire here is an image associated with God’s judgement (Jeremiah 5:14; 23:29). Jesus’ coming brought judgement on those who refuse to accept Him and DIVIDES the believers from the faithless. That’s the point of today’s passage. Though Jesus was ready for the judgment of humankind, other things had to happen first (v.50). It’s as simple as that.
In verse 50, Jesus said, “I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how great is my distress until it is accomplished!” Jesus is not speaking literally about his water baptism by John the Baptist but about his “Baptism with fire”, meaning his suffering on the Cross. Baptism here in this verse is referring to the overflowing waters of DIVINE JUDGMENT (Psalm 18:4; Isaiah 8:7). In other words, Jesus’ human response here is in response to what He recognized as His ultimate, necessary death on the Cross.
Jesus came to tie both events (Casting fire and Baptism) together because the latter, baptism, speaking of his suffering on the cross, are the only way for men and women to escaping the former (1 THESS. 5:9) speaking of judgment re: casting fire.
You see, Jesus’ commitment to God’s will was total and so should ours. He was completely government by the desire to complete His baptism to the point of suffering on the cross to the point of death in Jerusalem (Luke 13:32-33). So should we.
The disciples needed to know the DIVISION that serving Jesus would bring (12:51-53). Jesus arrival upon earth ushered in a period in history of disjointedness and crisis for people and between people. This division has and will continue to intensively reach the most intimate levels-even among families. This was made abundantly clear during the virus outbreak.
Jesus’ disciples needed to be DISCERNING about the nature of the times they were living in (12:54-56). And so should you and I and all believers. The time for repentance was running out the issue boiled down to the ability to discern the physical weather but not the coming of Jesus as God-Lord and Savior. How said that one can determine the literal “weather” but fail to discern the truth as to Jesus Christ as God, Son of God, Lord and Savior.
“54 He also said to the crowds, “When you see a cloud rising in the west, you say at once, ‘A shower is coming.’ And so it happens. 55 And when you see the south wind blowing, you say, ‘There will be scorching heat,’ and it happens. 56 You hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of earth and sky, but why do you not know how to interpret the present time?” (Luke 12:54-56).
Lastly, Jesus made clear to His dispels that they needed to SETTLE (temporal) accounts quickly (12:57-59). The point here is that the disciples ought not be found FUSSING over temporal matters when the Lord returns. And for you and I and all believers today, this is more true than ever before. Disciples should do whatever it takes to avoid spending their last dime or last hour before the Lord returns dealing with merely temporal concerns. We have work to do.
WHY? BECAUSE OF THE ARRIVAL OF GOD’S KINGDOM (12:53-56), it was time to get one’s life in order and be reconciled to God (12:58). In short, they (Jesus’ disciples) were to get things settled with the earthly judges so they could prepare to face the heavenly one. And so should you and I.
SO DID JESUS REALLY COME TO DIVIDE AND NOT TO UNITE? YES-here are the words of Jesus Himself.
“Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division” (Luke 12:51). In truth, part of Jesus’ mission was to create a DIVISION within humankind”.
The PSYCHOLOGY TODAY article titled, “Why Are We So Divided and What Can We Do About It?” was accurate in raising the fact that “Our nation is becoming increasingly divided into opposing groups. And these divisions are becoming more and more entrenched. And the article was correct to ask the question “Why is this occurring? and conclude that it is easiest to stick with people whom we see as similar to ourselves. Yes, we can be UNITED as a person who belongs to the same political party or religion that we do but divided by a person who belongs to the opposing political party. But the real divider boils down to JESUS. WHO Jesus is. WHY He came to earth a bit over 2000 years ago. And WHY He came in the first place. And the answer is that He came to DIVIDE!
While most of us think of and see Jesus as the Ultimate United-but nothing can be further from the truth. The truth is that Jesus offers peace to those who respond to Him-those who accept Him as Lord and Savior. But, for the rest of human kind, those who reject Him, He came to divide believers from non-believers. Those who authentically choose Jesus are for sure divided from those who reject Jesus (or who try to partially accept Him). And this does lead each one to one political party from another.
The FIRST COMING of Jesus’ was to bring judgement upon those who refuse to accept Him and DIVIDE those who believe and trust in Christ from the faithless who don’t. Yes, Jesus came to DIVIDE and not to UNITE. But, while Jesus came to DIVIDE the first time, He is coming a second time to unite. And it’s that desire to UNITE that will unite us once again, albeit here on earth or in the presence of the Lord. Either way, it’s our job to lead people to the true, exclusive free gift of eternal salvation. For once saved-true unity will abound.