I am saddened by the decline of my beloved America. But I am also reminded of the fact that God, who created the Universe and raised up America to begin with - to be light reflecting God-(the Light) for all mankind started almost 400 years ago. Has God "allowed" America (through our free will) to fall into such levels of sin and rejection of God, departing from His Word and biblical ways to the point of no return? At the moment, we are still the light of the world, but that is changing rapidly. That light is fading rapidly I should say. As such, we as authentic believers in Jesus Christ have work to do here in America and abroad.
As I prepare for my trip to Europe in September, I am reminded of the Great Commission (Matthew 28) and the importance of missions here and abroad. We live in sober times. Fancy Christian programs (often shows) and emotional gatherings are limited in value. Emotion is good when kept in check with the mind. There is a place and time for each, but emotionally faith is shallow and limited.
on the other hand, communing with God is a serous thing. Executing the Great Commission in the USA and thoughout the world is a serious mission. Please pray for me and my travel companion as we prepare to minister to churches in Europe and a new class I am teaching inn Charlotte at a larger church from September through November.
I have been invited to two minister in multiple countries and will faithfully go as God calls me to each mission. I don’t have much is any time for recreation in my life as I have been called work while there is still light. It's God and family and mission and friends. What else is there?
“As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work” (John 9:4).
While Jesus was speaking in the immediate regarding the fact that "NIGHT IS COMING WHEN NO ONE CAN WORK", referring to the time of the crucifixion, when the disciples will be scattered and Christ will neither teach nor do miracles, in application, the exact same principle and command applies to you, me and all authentic believers in Jesus today.
WE must as well WORK WHILE IT IS STILL LIGHT/DAY BECAUSE DARKNESS/NIGHT IS COMING. Jesus said in 8:12, "I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD" As the sun is the physical light of the world, so Jesus is the spiritual light of the world. As the light of the world, Jesus exposes sin (vv. 1-11) and gives sight (9:1-7).
You, me and all authentic Christians are called to reflect the Light of God in our dark world while it is still light. In other words, while we still can, because the time/day is coming when we will no longer be able to do so. It's like a race: Once time runs out and our Lord calls us home its game over. We all will eventually be called to give an account as to what we did with our gifts, calling, mission and time while it was light. This is all according to the New Testament. What does the Old Testament say about serving God while there is still light?
Looking at the Old Testament, King Solomon in Ecclesiastes 9:4 which says:
“But he who is joined with all the living has hope, for a living dog is better than a dead lion” (Ecclesiastes 9:4)
What the heck does this mean? The living really do have an advantage over the dead (v.4). WHY Because the dead have no further opportunities of securing compensation for their efforts (labors) for God on earth (v.5), and they no longer share in life on this earth (v.6). Here, Solomon is using a proverb that says a living lowly creature is preferable to a dead exalted creature. The point is not that death is the absolute end of all things but quite the contrary. Instead of death being “THE END”, his point is that while there is life, there is HOPE of doing something more for the glory of God. This is called mission. This does not have to be feeding the poor or evangelizing, but does require a few things as follows:
- That we do all things for the glory of God. The truth and love of God will surface through those efforts and made apparent to the lost world by default.
- We must be winsome in how we live out our faith in serving our Lord Jesus Christ. In business, we cannot and should not clobber people with the Gospel, but draw them in through a curious heart wanting to know, hear and receive the true God of the universe and the truth of exclusive salvific gift of eternal life in and through Jesus Christ.
- Finally, we must be deliberate in all we do for God’s glory and the edification of others with God and His Word in mind. This is called “living out your faith”. It’s not done on Sundays or Bible study only, but is part of who we are in our daily life.
In the end, “But he who is joined with all the living has hope, for a living dog is better than a dead lion” (Ecclesiastes 9:4). Life is SHORT and if you are reading this, you are still alive and able to live out your mission calling while there is still light. The living really do have an advantage over the dead (v.4) because the dead have no further opportunities of securing compensation for their efforts (labors) for God on earth (v.5), but the dead no longer share in life on this earth (v.6). With that in mind, let’s start living out our MISSION TODAY-WHILE IT IS STILL LIGHT!