WHY IS THERE HOPE IN LIFE? Because God has a MISSION for us. Solomon explains this in Ecclesiastes 9:4 which saying:
“But he who is joined with all the living has hope, for a living dog is better than a dead lion” (Ecclesiastes 9:4)
What the heck does he mean? The living really do have an advantage over the dead (v.4). WHY Because the dead have no further opportunities of securing compensation for their efforts (labors) for God on earth (v.5), and they no longer share in life on this earth (v.6). Here, Solomon is using a proverb that says a living lowly creature is preferable to a dead exalted creature. The point is not that death is the absolute end of all things but quite the contrary. Instead of death being “THE END”, his point is that while there is life, there is HOPE of doing something more for the glory of God. Let me explain this in three ways:
1. That we do all things for the glory of God. The truth and love of God will surface through those efforts and made apparent to the lost world by default.
2. We must be winsome in how we live out our faith in serving our Lord Jesus Christ. In business, we cannot and should not clobber people with the Gospel, but draw them in through a curious heart wanting to know, hear and receive the true God of the universe and the truth of exclusive salvific gift of eternal life in and through Jesus Christ.
3. Finally, we must be deliberate in all we do for God’s glory and the edification of others with God and His Word in mind. This is called “living out your faith”. It’s not done on Sundays or Bible study only, but is part of who we are in our daily life.
In the end, “But he who is joined with all the living has hope, for a living dog is better than a dead lion” (Ecclesiastes 9:4). Life is SHORT and if you are reading this, you are still alive and able to live out verse one as Solomon lays out for us! The living really do have an advantage over the dead (v.4) because the dead have no further opportunities of securing compensation for their efforts (labors) for God on earth (v.5), and they no longer share in life on this earth (v.6). With that in mind, let’s start living out our MISSION TODAY!