It can be called the Law of Equal Effort, and it's incredibly simple: Regardless what life throws at you, what you put in, albeit less, or more, the results of what you put in determine what comes out the other end. Today, I want to show you that by understanding the principle of applying yourself sacrificially will determine everything about what you are trying to accomplish, your walk with God, and who you become in this life and perhaps eternity. Let’s get started.
Humanly speaking, in our unjust world, just because you tried hard doesn’t mean you’re owed a thing. We’re entering a world where people don’t understand this simple fact. They think that if they try something for a bit they should be given a chance. They should be given something for their effort. A medal for trying hard.
The truth is the world isn’t fair. You aren’t owed anything. Even if you try hard, put all your effort in, learn, get good, you’re still not owed anything. The bottom line is that in this world, trying hard isn’t an automatic ticket to success. God's providence, timing, location and who you know matter just as much.
The effort is assumed. It’s expected. The rest shouldn’t be.
That being said, the law of effort over results does NOT apply to your pursuit of God through Jesus Christ. Your pursuit of God, the progress you make in life over time (your life time) may vary in terms of emotion and spiritual growth with peaks and valleys. But, in the end, you get to an amazing spiritual place with God and your life will be changed forevermore in this life and in the next one for eternity. I would like to illustrate this point with my new Moka espresso pot.
I now pretty much only drink hand crafted Italian coffee I make with an espresso pot. I don’t use a machine and it’s very cost effective-but it does take EXTRA EFFORT and TIME to make. In the end, the taste is AMAZING an unmatched. My walk with Christ is very similar that it rests on my time with the Lord in His word and in prayer. It entails making notes in my Bible. It entails getting my day started as soon as possible, but only after prayer and study of God’s Word.
What’s my take-away-the point of this entry? Simple: That EFFORT equals MEANING. it’s important to understand and embrace the fact that things in this life that come too easy are not typically worth their salt because we have very little to anything invested into them. This is true as well regarding our relationship with Jesus Christ. Like any other relationship, what we put into them is what we get out.
Like that espresso pot, our time with God and being in His Word will produce a very rich pot, of deep quality driven relationship with the God of the universe. So, let’s stop pushing the God button with a quick prayer, and instead, pursue Him more deeply and richly in love, through His Word, and in prayer. I promise you-once you experience the deep, rich relationship and the aroma of God-like that Moka, espresso pot, the world with all its pleasures, recreation and affluence will pale in comparison.
While this life is driven by what can be called the “Law of Equal Effort”, Regardless what life throws at you, what you invest into your relationship with God and all He has entrusted into you as mission in this life time, the results of what you put in will determine what comes out the other end.
And in the end, the principle of applying yourself proactively, sacrificially, and with discipline and love will determine everything about what you are trying to accomplish today, in your life-time walk with God, and perhaps eternity.