Welcome back to Reason For Truth, This is continuation of the Parable of Seed. This week we will look at the parable as it was “DECODED” by Jesus Christ himself. To recap, all Christians share one thing in common. We are all one way when we get saved and change over time as we strive to live out our Christian faith. Speaking of American Christianity and for the West in particular, in general, the worries of this world and our current state of unsettled politics, economics and security are pulling down many Christians faith. For some, it’s material wealth beyond expectations that has distracted them from living out their “GOOD SOIL” with a solid faith and a dependence on the Lord. That has nothing to do with their being saved, but everything to do with state of their faith and how they live out that faith. Without further ado, let’s jump in with Jesus’s decoding of the Parable of the Seed in Luke 8:
- SEED: “The seed is the word of God” (v.11).
- THE SHALLOW SOIL: The SEED that fell upon the PATH (Shallow soil or shallow person or person with shallow faith): “Are those who heard or hear God’s word; then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved” (vs.12). Matthew tells us, “And as he sowed some seed fell along the path and the BIRDS came and devoured them”. The “BIRDS” represent “SATAN” or “EVIL”. It’s easy to get excited about Jesus, Christianity and a church with great worship music and friends. But, it’s another to be filled with joy and make Jesus Christ the center of our faith as opposed to the external, human elements that result in the devil being able to distract and destroy that shallow faith.
- “THE ROCKS” OR THOSE WHO FAIL THE “TEST”: Those whose faith are like seed falling upon the rocks. “And the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear the word, receive it with joy. But these have no root; they believe for a while and in a time of TESTING fall away.” MATTHEW 13:5 calls this “ROCKY GOUND” in that it’s shallow soil on top of solid rock. At some point, and even periodically, our faith is TESTED. How and if we finish the race reflects our perseverance or lack there of in our life. The bottom line is this: What determines success as a truly saved Christian is a successfully tested faith.
- THOSE WHO ALLOW WEALTH AND MATERIALISM TO CHOKE OUT THEIR FAITH. This faith is the one I want to focus on the most today. “And as for what fell among the thorns (and weeds), they are those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by the cares and riches and pleasures of life, and their fruit does not mature” (vs.14). Matthew’s telling of the Parable Of The Seed in 13:25 is most likely speaking of “Darnell”which was a serious weed of that grew among the wheat in the time of Jesus. At that time in history there were no modern sorting machinery to enable Darnell seeds to be separated efficiently from seed wheat, so they grew together as similarity between Therese two plants is so great that in some regions, Darnell is referred to as “false wheat”. Simply put, the :Darnell” blade resembles “wheat” but can only be distinguished from wheat when it becomes fully ripe. Biblical speaking, it’s like a FAITH that “LOOKS” authentic, but is not. This speaks to “CULTURAL CHRISTIANS” (those who are Christians in name only) as opposed to “AUTHENTIC CHRISTIANS” (those who authentically and truly place their daily and eternal life and trust in Jesus Christ for their salvation and daily living). This is the toughest one for American’s and many people around the world to accept because we live in an era of unprecedented wealth, comfort and political correctness. To make the declaration that cultural Christians cannot earn their way to heaven through good works is politically unpopular. If honest, we must admit that most of us live a privileged life to one degree or another. This is true of the poor in the projects as compared to how the poor live in most other countries around the world.
- THE THORNS: Many Americans have started off humble with a strong faith and have become wealthy over time. In a few cases, those in this category are able to manage their wealth biblically in light of God’s word. In most cases though, naturally, that wealth leads to a false “independence” in light of their daily need for God in their lives. As a result, the “THORNS” of this world are strangling them and their faith. This never is or was Inited to be the case to begin with. In other words, no Christian ever sets out to harm their faith, but a natural by-product of riches is the danger of allowing the “THORNS” of this world to begin to choke out their faith and walk with Jesus.
- FINALLY, THE GOOD SOIL: Lastly, Jesus says, “As for that in the good soil, they are those who HEARING-the word (God’s Word), HOLD it fast in an HONEST and GOOD HEART, and BEAR FRUIT with PATIENCE” (Luke 8:15). This verse is a sermon all its own. That being said, once saved-always saved. Again, in application for you and I today, all authentic Christians start off as “good soil” but if not careful, as a saved person in Christ, still allow a shift to the thorns of this world to choke out their commitment and vigor for Jesus Christ as they become more successful, more affluent and more independent in light of how the world defines success. This by its very nature leads to a departure at some level, away from the dependence on God, where they started.
What I find interesting about Luke’s account of this parable is found in Luke 8:16-18 in that the TRUTH is brought to light in one’s actions, or HOW they live out their faith. These are the words of Jesus through Luke 8:16-18.
16 “No one after lighting a lamp covers it with a jar or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a stand, so that those who enter may see the light. 17 For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light. 18 Take care then how you hear, for to the one who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he thinks that he has will be taken away.”
Continuing with the theme of the word of God introduced in verses 4-15, Jesus compares His teachings to “LIGHT”. He said it (the light of God) should not be hidden, but displayed, so that people can benefit from the illumination. Eventually everything will be revealed by the light of the word of God (Hebrew 4:12, 13). And in the end, Jesus tells us to “take heed how you hear”. Jesus ends the parable with a warning to His audience to listen to and follow the word of God (James 1:22-25). In other words, turn their faith into ACTION-being “DOER”S of the word and not just hearers.
CONCLUSION: The parable teaches that there would be four different responses to the Word: FIRST: No response. SECOND: Emotional response. THIRD: Worldly response. This is the seed I want us to focus on today. Are you currently, or have you ever made a lot more money as compared to when you first trusted in the Lord as Lord and Savior-as the seed that bared 100-fold? Have you ever or are your current long allowing the “Cares and riches and pleasures of life stifle or “choke out” your spiritual fruit from maturing further in your faith? Remember, there are four kinds of seed, but for American’s especially, (vs. 14) this is an interesting seed category to look at for the authentic believer who, as a saved believer, has now made quite a bit more money, experienced a great more deal more pleasure, independence and who have been blessed by God materially. How has that effective your life as such?
CONTINUANING FROM ABOVE-FOURTHLY and LAST: What is a fruitful response. Speaking of American Christianity and for the West in general, we live in a time whereby these four categories mandate a fresh look. Not in terms of our salvation but how we are currently living out our faith in the modern world. Are we meeting with the Lord daily in prayer and Bible study? Are the worries of this world and our current state of unsettled politics, economics and security pulling down our faith, or strengthen ending it through a deeper dependence and trust in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Or, for some of us, is material wealth beyond expectations distracting us from being “GOOD SOIL” with a solid faith and a dependence on the Lord?