We took the boys camping and fishing up to Linville Gorge, NC this past weekend. FLY FISHING not just any old fishing. It was wonderful to see my son really take to a sport that demands a high level of patients as he was the last boy to catch a fish, the only boy to wade into the water for hours, and who ended up catching the largest fish of the day. He said, “Dad, I am going to catch a fish if it takes me until 11pm tonight!”. He sat with Tripp, our senior leader who spent time showing he and the boys how to prepare the line, cast, fish, and the art of patients.
As a take away, I am reminded that our Heavenly Father sits patiently, preparing us through His Word to do His mission; namely the Great Commission found in Matthew 28. For all the reasons God puts us on this earth, leisure is a by-product and a secondary thing to doing His work, enjoying Him, and leading others to Him as the true meaning of life. The term “Fishers of men” is a phrase used in the New Testament to describe God’s mandate given in Matthew 28 through Jesus as the last thing He left us upon descending into heaven. But that was the Great Commission to “Make disciples of all the earth” which includes being fishers of men. The actual term "fisher of men" started when Jesus started His public ministry. Simon called Peter and Andrew, were casting their fishing nets into the Sea of Galilee but caught nothing. They had been fishing ALL NIGHT and as very, very experienced and seasoned fishermen-still had caught no fish. Jesus came along and asked them to cast out their nets to one side of the boat. At first, they (as professional fishermen) attempted using human logic to communicate to Jesus that there were no fish to be caught in that area at that time. Jesus persisted, was patient and told them to put their nets down. They finally put their nets down and caught so many fish, the nets nearly broke from the weight of the fish. Then, Jesus called them to follow Him and told them that in doing so they were to become “fishers of men”. That famous phrase is mentioned in Matthew 4:19 and Mark 1:17 (…He said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19).
With all the crazy things going on in this world, I am reminded through these boys that God is in control. This was reflected in the youthfulness, hopefulness, patients and faith of these young Christian men. I am proud of my son and all the boys. But as a human father, I am elated to see my son’s patients, faith, dependence on God, and desire to become and develop into a godly young man, and a “fisher of men”. I am thankful for Tripp, our faithful, senior leader who took the "time" out of his life and away from his family to sleep in a tent and teach these boys how to fish and much more about life in the process. What else can I ask for?
The world is changing rapidly and will become something very different than we have known it to be or can even imagine it can become. Despite such a scenario, God is the same because he never changes. Neither does being a fisher of men-that never changes either. It cannot be emulated by AI or administered through some government agency or any organization. It boils down to good old fashion relationships and taking the time to share the Word, Love, and Truth of Jesus Christ. But, it's up to you, me all Christians to be fishers of men for the next generation. God will get the job done as the Ultimate Fisher. It’s a blessing for us to be servant fishers of men in His service.
So, driving back, tired as can be after sleeping in a tent, on a sleeping pad for two days, I was reminded through the fellowship of other godly servant dads and these boys, that life in the present is good in Him. And to see these young men become future “fishers of men” is better than all the riches in the world. And that, I am grateful for. All of a sudden, the craziness of this political season and nuts world seems silly in light of eternity. It more like a bunch of young boys and girls fighting at recess over control of the play ground. Let’s pray for these young men-that they, along with other godly young men and young ladies will lead America and the next generation back to a more stable, biblically based state, dependent on God, and unwavering in their mission to become “fishers of men and women” around the world. “Dad, I am going to catch a fish if it takes me until 11pm tonight!”. PATIENCE. I think that says it all:). Have a wonderful and blessed week-Steven
(SPECIAL THANKS TO TRIPP GABRIEL AND CHRIST COVENANT CHURCH IN MATTHEWS, NC for hosting the Trail Life Troop 0413. The church leadership is very involved with the troop and has given my son and many other young men great mentoring, leadership training, and godly character development. I want to to recommend that anyone with a son as young as five years old up through Highschool to pleas visit the troop one Thurday evening at 7:00 pm.)