As I read through God’s timeless Word through the biblical Scriptures, I am reminded over and over that through all our modern technology-nothing has changed in that people are people and sin is sin. And this goes with the sinful, human desire to control other human beings and amass wealth beyond what they can use, spend or take with them into the presence of God.
Today, I am going to show you through 1 Kings 1, the degree to which even biblical characters went to amass authority, control, power, and wealth. In the end, as I just stated, nothing has changed in thousands of years. When Christians and non-Christians alike fail to live according to God’s ways, moral ethical values, and his basic laws, sin abounds, people get hurt, societies deteriorate, and God is not honored. The good news is that mankind is always sinning but always allows for U-Turns back to Him! Let’s get started by looking at the Book of 1 Kings.
The Book of 1 Kings opens with the struggle for the success of the king of Israel. Verse one tells us that King David so old and advanced in years to the point that he was unable to get warm.
David’s condition left him as the king to be in no condition to affectively rule the kingdom any longer. As a result of King David’s failure to enact a succession plan up until this point almost cost the death of Solomon in that David’s son Adonijah tried to take the kingdom by deception and force. Scriptures tell us that Adonijah, “…exalted himself, saying “I will be king…And he prepared for himself chariots and horsemen and fifty men to run before him” (v.3). He did this without speaking to David in an effort to take advantage of David’s old age through a form of what might be considered “elder abuse”. Had he succeeded, he would have to have Solomon, the rightful successor of throne killed in order to squelch all legal challenges to the throne.
I want to pause here to point out that Adonijah was “a handsome man” (vs. 6). This goes back to a previous episode whereby I addressed the fact that humans, including God’s people, tend to want and often demand “handsome-good looking-charismatic-statesman like” leaders over those of character and who speak the truth and who follow God’s word and ways as best they can. It’s a human sickness that has always plagued God’s people, even to this day. That being said, let’s move on.
In a nutshell, in an effort to claim the throne for himself, Adonijah sacrificed sheep and held a feast to proclaim himself king among many of the kingdom’s officials, He would have gotten away with it had it not been for Nathan the faithful prophet and Bathsheba, Solomons’ mother. What happened is that Nathan and Bathsheba met with king David to inform him of Adonijah’s actions to take the throne by force. This resulted in David’s instructing them to immediately do the following which they did. And their counter actions went into action right while Adonijah was holding a feast with many of the kings officials. Verses 38-40 describes the scene as follows:
“So Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and the Cherethites and the Pelethites went down and had SOLOMON ride on King David’s mule and brought him to Gihon. There Zadok the priest took the horn of oil from the tent and anointed Solomon. Then they blew the trumpet, and all the people said, “”Long live King Solomon! And all the people went up after him, playing on the pipes, and rejoicing with great joy, so that the earth was split by their noise” (1 Kings 1:38-40).
“Then all the guests of Adonijah trembled and rose, and each went his own way” (v.49).
Why did they do this? Because those associated with Adonijah would be considered co-conspirators. They were caught red handed playing politics in an effort to gain favor and/or a favorable position with Adonijah who they thought would be successful in his efforts to illegally and unethically take the throne by force. They knew they had sinned and that if caught, it might very well cost them their own life and or freedom, so they quietly dismissed themselves in an effort fall back in line with Solomon and rightfully abandon Adonijah as a false king.
Verse 51 tells us that Adonijah himself “TREMBLED…and he feared Solomon. So he arose and went and took hold of the horns of the alter” (v.51).
Adonijah went to the alter and took hold of the horns as a legal claim to protection which was, not automatically granted otherwise (Exodus 21:14; 1 Kings 2:28-34). David allowed Adonijah to let go of the horns and then he allowed him to come out of the alter without being killed. At least for the moment. And this ends chapter 1 of 1 Kings. The point of today’s episode is to highlight just how far people will go to amass and maintain their power. It’s a human sin to use power for one’s personal gain which is temporal,and an eternal blessing which lasts forever if used for God’s glory and the good of others while on earth.
IN SUMMARY: This illustrates vividly through another biblical story, “WHAT PEOPLE WILL DO TO OBTAIN POWER”. As we have seen, sinful humans will steel, cheat, lie, and even commit murder to obtain and maintain their power and all of the perks that come with that. And for what? A few years of temporal power amassed “against God’s will” most likely end up hurting them in the temporal and certainly in eternity. It most likely will as well land them in hell as opposed to heaven for eternity. What people will do now for temporal pleasure is very short sited. We as followers of God through Jesus Christ should inventory how we are living our lives daily in an effort to avoid the pitfalls of falling into such temptations in our own lives.
This is not just a story about kings, presidents and leaders, but about you and I and all of us as parents, managers and community leaders. We should be careful to act rightly, fairly, and biblical at our job in how we treat other family members with financial matters, inheritances, and other resources. God knows all, sees all, and deals with all. Nobody, not even the earthly kings get away with evil and sin. And neither will we. The great news is that we can lead rightly wherever God’s calls us to with moral, ethical and biblical direction. And this is the great news and the hope we have in our temporal time here on earth we call life and how we can use whatever power, influence and affluence God lends us for the blink of an eye we call life.