Steven Garofalo
Spirituality/Belief • Education • News
Steven Garofalo, M.A. Apologetics is president and founder of ReasonForTruth.Org and EquippedAcademy.Com. His mission is to help you not just survive, but to thrive by cutting through the distortion of current events with discernment, wisdom, and the truth of God-to encourage, educate and prepare you for what is, and what is at hand. www.ReasonForTruth.Org www.EquippedAcademy.Com
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IS AMERICA THE “NEW ROME”? - Where Republics Meet Empire

“Remember, Roman, that it is yours to lead other people. It is your special gift” - Virgil, The Aeneid

“We are the indespensable nation. We stand tall. We see further into the future.” - Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright

(I will be doing an entire podcast expounding on this. STAY TUNED!)

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Thank you all for being part of my community. This year is very special as a season of LOVE and HOPE in our Lord Jesus Christ. Please enjoy a small sliver from the CalvaryChurch.Com Christmas concert I pre-recorded. I pray it blesses you as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

In His service…Steven

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RADIO INTERVIEW-LOOKING BACK-Religious Freedom in 04-09-15

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RADIO INTERVIEW-LOOKING BACK-Religious Freedom in 04-09-15
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Christmas IS or EQUALS LOVE. Merry Christmas to our COMMUNITY. May God continue to bless you, protect you, provide for you and give you great joy beyond understanding....Merry Christmas Eve-Steven

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Zach and Troop are safe and past the range on fire…THANK GOD

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By Steven Garofalo, March 28, 2025 (Copyright 2025)

Temptations are a very real part of our daily lives. Whether being tempted with food, money, power or sex, our wicked flesh and selfish desires are never satisfied. Today, we are going to dig deeper into the Book of James 1:13-18 and explain the mechanics and stages of “temptation”. Let’s get started.


Picking up in verse 15, James explains the progressive path of sin from being “lured” to our moral failure, starting in the mind and then into sinful actions. James says, “Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.” (v.15)

What James is saying here is that there is a progression of sin. As the stages of sin expand, sin eventually develops to the point that it can lead to death (like Eve’s temptation in Gen. 3:6-22). 

In the end, this path starts with our being tempted or lured through our own moral weakness through being enticed by our own desire. Temptation starts with our weakness. Each person has their own weaknesses and trigger-points founded on their fleshly desires. Those desires can include money, power, sex, prestige and other things. In the end, it is by “HIS (our) OWN DESIRE” (v.14) so we cannot blame anyone else, including the devil, for our shortcomings or failures. To simplify what James is staying, let’s break down this progressive process into three stages.


1) First, when we fail to flee from sin, our desires give birth-becoming fully conceived, suggesting the image of a person’s will bending toward and finally seizing evil.  

2) Second, in turn, those desires give BIRTH to literal “SIN.” Literal sin is just that -“literal” - meaning it’s a real sin that we are festering in. When I look at all of the corruption in the world, starting with government and private sector employees, I see good people who started doing good and allowed temptation move them to the point of literal sin. This is just as true for you and I as it is anyone else.

3) And third, when sin is fully grown it can lead to physical death if not dealt with. There is “spiritual” and “physical” death. They are very different. The word James uses is “physical death." 
The idea that sin has reached its maturity and has possessed the very character of the individual to the point of “death.” And death, while often spoken about in the spiritual context, here it speaks specially to physical death (Prov. 10:27; 11:19; Rom. 8:13).
Why would God do such a thing as bringing physical death upon a Christian? For the authentic Christian, God may bring physical death for the simple reason that He is infinite, and knows that they will increase in their sin all the more, bringing greater judgement upon themselves and others in the process. If God sees fit to end a physical life in order to preserve their eternal-spiritual state, that is the best course of action; as all course of actions by our perfect God are good, right, true, and best for us.
Let’s remember that God tempts no one. Enticement to sin does not come from God. God will never deliberately lead a person to commit sin because that would not only go against His nature, but would be opposed to His purpose, which includes molding His creation into His holy image. That said, God sometimes places His people in adverse circumstances for the purpose of trials and tribulations for the purpose of building their godly character (Gen. 22:1, 12)
We must always be on guard and remember that the whole purpose of being “LURED” or more explicitly, “DRAWN AWAY ENTICED” is for our fleshly desires and the evil spiritual world to draw us away from God-to be enticed by the evil one. 
We are wise to understand and accept that sin does not force itself on the unwilling but is chosen because of its attraction. It’s the same idea as the tragic path of an addict: a habit once acquired by an individual in the end completely controls that person. And when sin is fully grown up, it brings its goal to completion. 
I hope and pray you today’s episode has helped you to become more aware of the stages of sin and now that is played out in your own life. Better yet: How you can positively battle that sin with the Power of the Spirit of God and His Word.
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By Steven Garofalo, March 24, 2025 (Copyright 2025)

All of us experience temptations on a daily basis. Whether that is temptation with food, money, power or sex, Satan and our fallen modern world is bent on tempting us in every area, on every level. Today, we are going to dig into the Book of James, Chapter 1, verses 13-18 in explaining the pedigree of trials-explaining temptation in verses 13-15. Let’s get started.

In James 1:1-12, James in the Book of James not only explains, but outlines the “purpose of trials”. Today, we are going to study what James has to say about the mechanics of “temptation(s)”. 


James makes clear that God himself does not tempt anyone, saying: “Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and He himself tempts no one” (James 1:13 ESV). James goes onto write about God as only being able to give good things. This includes the Holy Spirit and the Word of God that is key to the spiritual battle that entails deterring temptation. This begs the question as to “what is temptation?”

For starters, to tempt is to test, try, prove, or solicit to evil. In verse 2 and 12, the same Greek word is used to mean those trials that are designed to prove the quality of one’s character. In verse 13 the word “tempt” means “a solicitation to evil”; and this, James says, is not from God but from man’s own inner lust (v.14). Any attempt at self-excuse is ignorance about God and of the nature of temptation. 

James 1:14 says, “But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire”. The word “LURE” is the same word used for “fishing lure”. We lure fish by placing artificial or live bait on a line with a HOOK to entice, hook, and reel them in. The devil or his angels do the same with us-luring (soliciting) us to evil through our own inner lust. Again, the word picture behind these words is that of the hunter or fisherman (the lustful flesh, secular world or evil spirit) luring his prey (us) from its safe retreat into sinful thinking and/or actions.

And this explains the biblical concept of "temptation". In the next article, we will look at the "STAGES" of sin-meaning how and where sin starts in our minds and hearts and where it ends up. Stay tuned and make it a great day as we apply this new understanding or simple reminder of what sin is, who it comes from from, and how to avoid it-Steven

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By Steven Garofalo, March 17, 2025 (Copyright 2025)

Stages Of Sinful Temptation To Death

Steven Garofalo M.A.A., March 14, 2025


All of us experience temptations daily. Whether that is temptation with food, money, power or sex, Satan and our fallen modern world is bent on tempting us in every area, on every level.

Today, we are going to dig into the Book of James, Chapter 1, verses 13-18 in explaining the pedigree of trials-explaining temptation in verses 13-15.

In James 1:1-12, James in the Book of James not only explains, but outlines the “purpose of trials”. Today, we are going to study what James has to say about the mechanics of “temptation(s)”.


James makes clear that God himself does not tempt anyone, saying: “Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and He himself tempts no one” (James 1:13 ESV). James goes onto write about God as only being able to give good things. This includes the Holy Spirit and the Word of God that is key to the spiritual battle that entails deterring temptation. This begs the question as to “what is temptation?”

TEMPTED DEFINED: For starters, to tempt is to test, try, prove, or solicit to evil. In verse 2 and 12, the same Greek word is used to mean those trials that are designed to prove the quality of one’s character. In verse 13 the word “tempt” means “a solicitation to evil”; and this, James says, is not from God but from man’s own inner lust (v.14). Any attempt at self-excuse is ignorance about God and of the nature of temptation.

LURED AND ENTICED: James 1:14 says, “But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire”. The word “LURE” is the same word used for “fishing lure”. We lure fish by placing artificial or live bait on a line with a HOOK to entice, hook, and reel them in. The devil or his angels do the same with us-luring (soliciting) us to evil through our own inner lust. Again, the word picture behind these words is that of the hunter or fisherman (the lustful flesh, secular world or evil spirit) luring his prey (us) from its safe retreat into sinful thinking and/or actions.


Verse 15 goes onto explain the progressive path from lure to moral failure in the mind to sinful action, saying: “Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death”. What James is saying here is that there is a progression of sin. As sin festers it eventually grows to the point that can lead to death (like Eve’s temptation in Gen. 3:6-22). In the end, the path starts with our being tempted or lured through our own moral weakness through being enticed by our own desire. Each person has their own weakness trigger-points founded on their fleshly desires. Those desires can include money, power, sex, prestige and many other areas. Either way, it’s by “HIS (our) OWN DESIRE” (v.14). And this process can be broken down into three stages.


1)    First, when we fail to flee from sin our desires give birth-becoming fully conceived, suggesting the image of a person’s will bending toward and finally seizing evil.  

2)    Second, in turn those desires give BIRTH to literal “SIN.”

3)    And third, sin when sin is fully grown it can lead to physical death if not dealt with).


In closing, let’s remember that God tempts no one. Enticement to sin does not come from God. God will never deliberately lead a person to commit sin because that would not only go against His nature, but would be opposed to His purpose, which includes molding His creation into His holy image. That said, God sometimes places His people in adverse circumstances for the purpose of trials and tribulations for the purpose of building godly character (Gen. 22:1, 12).

We must always be on guard and remember that the whole purpose of “LURED” or more explicitly, “DRAWN AWAY ENTICED” is to be drawn away (from God) and enticed by the evil one. Sin does not force itself on the unwilling but is chosen because of its attraction. When James uses the word of “CONCEIVED” sin, it’s the same idea so prevalent in today’s world of the tragic path of an addict: a habit once acquired by an individual in the end completely controls that person. And when sin is fully grown up, it brings its goal to completion. This is the idea that sin has reached its maturity and has possessed the very character of the individual to the point of “death”. And death, while often spoken about in the spiritual context, here it specks specially to physical death (Prov. 10:27; 11:19; Rom. 8:13). And these are the stages of sin that we ought to study and prepare against through our daily living.

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