Temptations are a very real part of our daily lives. Whether being tempted with food, money, power or sex, our wicked flesh and selfish desires are never satisfied. Today, we are going to dig deeper into the Book of James 1:13-18 and explain the mechanics and stages of “temptation”. Let’s get started.
Picking up in verse 15, James explains the progressive path of sin from being “lured” to our moral failure, starting in the mind and then into sinful actions. James says, “Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.” (v.15)
What James is saying here is that there is a progression of sin. As the stages of sin expand, sin eventually develops to the point that it can lead to death (like Eve’s temptation in Gen. 3:6-22).
In the end, this path starts with our being tempted or lured through our own moral weakness through being enticed by our own desire. Temptation starts with our weakness. Each person has their own weaknesses and trigger-points founded on their fleshly desires. Those desires can include money, power, sex, prestige and other things. In the end, it is by “HIS (our) OWN DESIRE” (v.14) so we cannot blame anyone else, including the devil, for our shortcomings or failures. To simplify what James is staying, let’s break down this progressive process into three stages.
1) First, when we fail to flee from sin, our desires give birth-becoming fully conceived, suggesting the image of a person’s will bending toward and finally seizing evil.
2) Second, in turn, those desires give BIRTH to literal “SIN.” Literal sin is just that -“literal” - meaning it’s a real sin that we are festering in. When I look at all of the corruption in the world, starting with government and private sector employees, I see good people who started doing good and allowed temptation move them to the point of literal sin. This is just as true for you and I as it is anyone else.