Steven Garofalo
Politics • Spirituality/Belief • Preparedness
By Steven Garofalo, April 29, 2024 (Copyright 2024)
March 29, 2024

In Paul’s letter written to the Philippians church in 61 A.D., Paul wrote, “Only let your manner of life be WORTHY of the gospel of Christ….” (Philippians 1:27a). Today I will answer what God tells us through Paul as to how you and I can and ought to live a life worthy of the Gospel.

I want to fast forward to verse 29 which expounds on what Paul is getting to regarding the “HOW” we become more worthy of the Gospel. Paul wrote: “FOR IT HAS BEEN GRANTED TO YOU THAT FOR THE SAKE OF CHRIST YOU SHOULD NOT ONLY BELIEVE IN HIM BUT ALSO SUFFER FOR HIS SAKE” (Philippians 1:29).

So, what exactly is Paul saying here? In order to understand verse 29, we must understand verses 27 through 30.

“Only let your manner of life be WORTHY of the gospel of Christ so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are STANDING FIRM IN ONE SPIRIT with ONE MIND striving side by side for the faith of the gospel, and not frightened in anything by your opponents. This is a clear sign to them of their destruction, but of your salvation, and that from God. For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake, engaged in the same conflict that you saw I had and now hear and I still have”.

BREAK DOWN: Let’s jump rin and learn the seven key ways given by Paul to your and I today regarding how we can live worth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

  1. LET YOUR MANNER OF LIFE BE WORTHY of the gospel of Christ. This is a big swath statement that is broken down in the rest of the passage.
  2. THAT I MAY HEAR THAT YOU ARE STANDING FIRM IN ONE SPIRIT (vs.27). As believers, we must be authentically unified. This means no back-biting, gossiping or selfish ambition. It means what says in that we must stand firm in the Gospel in ONE SPIRIT which is “in and of itself” as well as guided by the Gospel Word of God.
  3. THAT I HEAR YOU ARE STANDING FIRM IN ONE MIND (vs. 27). The MIND is not speaking to the emotion or how we feel, but what we know is true through God’s Word.
  4. WORKING AS A TEAM: STRIVING SIDE BY SIDE FOR THE FAITH OF THE GOSPEL (vs. 27). Even if we don’t get along super well with another believer, in many cases, we are called to simply “get along with them” well enough to work together. If we go back to #2 and avoid gossip, back biting and selfish ambition, working as a team is very easy in that we simply do what we are called to do in light of working with other Christians.
  5. NOT FRIGHTENED (TERRIFIED) IN ANYTHING BY YOUR OPPONENTS (vs. 28). Let’s be honest in that the characters on the television are often very sub-par to say the least. It’s easy to cheat and steel your way to the Presidency or high level corporate positions and the like. I’m not saying that all high level, accomplished people are corrupt-only that many if not most of them have compromised to some degree, if not greatly to get where they have gotten. This “can” be true in Christian ministries as well. In any case, remember that these people put their pants on one leg at a time. The power they hold is real, but only here on earth. “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matthew 10:28).
  6. YOUR COURAGE IS AND WILL BE A CLEAR SIGN TO YOUR OPPONENTS OF THEIR DESTRUCTION AND YOUR SALVATION FROM GOD HIMSELF (vs. 28). The word “TERRIFIED”  or “FRIGHTENED” is a strong term that is used of the terror of a panicked horse. the Philippians are not to be terror-stricken in the face of their enemies, and neither should we. Their courage would be for the Philippians and is for us today, proof of their (and our) salvation and of the ultimate failure of our foes who persecute us for our faith. A worthy life is seen if not being "ALARMED" in any way by opponents of the gospel but quite the opposite. Paul added that this stark difference of response to the gospel is a sign (or "evidence") of the opponents destruction, but of the Philippians' deliverance-and allis is from God. 
  7. ALONG WITH THIS MISSION COMES A CALLING THAT ASSUMES SOME LEVEL OF “SUFFERING” (vss 29-30). Mention of opponents to the Gospel brings up the subject of suffering. The struggle the Philippians faced was not a sign of God's dislpleasure., Rather, just as by God's sovereign mercy the Philippians came "TO BELIEVE IN  CHRSIT", so also God granted that they "SUFFER FOR HIS SAKE" (Acts 5:41; Romans 8:17). Paul could view sufferin gas a gift becuase, first, it yields proven character and hope (Romans 5:4); second it yields future glory (Romans 8:17); and third, those who suffer for the gospel reflect Jesus' life since they are following the path that He took (the sufferings of Christ Col. 1:24; 2 Co. 1:8-11).
  8. Looking ahead to Chapter 2:1-11, Paul further develops the concept that we are "CALLED TO UNITY THROUGH HUMILITY". This includes the exchortation to unity through humility (2:1-4). I believe that when Christian persecution gets a bit stronger, that the body of Christ will stop the country club, back biting nonselse that currently plagues the body of Christ through rugged individualism. As for you and I today, the we have a great start point as to how we can start living a life more worthy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Bible as a whole. IN THE END, YOU WILL BE SEEN BY GOD AND MAN AS HAVING A LIFE-“LED BY A MANNER WORTHY OF THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST”.


“LET YOUR MANNER OF LIFE BE WORTHY” is a political term meaning “LIVE AS CITIZENS” (of heaven, 3:20). To do this believers should stand strong, strive, and suffer. The Philippians were in the same basic conflict that Paul himself wears in from those who opposed the Gospel. “LET YOUR CONDUCT” sets the tone for how we are to act in verse 27. The word used could refer to discharging the obligations of a citizen. Because Philippi held the privileged status of an Italian Roman Colony, its citizens understand the responsibilities associated with citizenship. It’s within “OUR CONDUCT” that we are to “STAND FAST”,STRIVING TOGETHER” for the faith . God never intended believers to be alone. His plan is that we should gather together in the church in order to strengthen and encourage each other (2:2). Paul was urging them to strive together, not just for the sake of their “INDIVIDUAL FAITH”, but also on behalf of the truth of Christianity, their common faith. And these are “SEVEN, GOD GIVEN WAYS ACCORDING TO PAUL AS TO HOW YOU AND I CAN AND SHOULD LIVE OUR LIVES WORTHY OF THE GOSPEL.


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By Steven Garofalo, August 26, 2024 (Copyright 2024)


Ecclesiastes 7:1 says: “A good name is BETTER than precious ointment , and the day of death than the day of birth” (ESV).


For starters, the two parts of the verse go together and Solomon is making the simple point that the day of death is better IF one has made a GOOD NAME for himself during life-so that his life has a continued or lasting REPUTATION and INFLUENCE. It's easy to do a singular good thing or have a good reputation for period of time, but difficult to carry that reputation over your entire lifetime into death. It's easy to finish the race, but difficult to finish the race strong. It's dififcult to achieve what Paul sayd to Timothy in 2 TImothy 4:7. "I HAVE FOUGHT THE GOOD FIGHT, I HAVE FINISHED THE RACE, I HAVE KEPT THE FAITH" (2 Timothy 4:7). Anyone can finish the race without keeping the faith and/or with a terrible, tained reputation or name. But, it's worth keeping right with God as best we can to finish strong.

Solomon says that a good name is “BETTER THAN OINTMENT” which is PERFUME. Solomon is using “ointment” or “perfume”, which was very expensive and exclusive only to the very wealthy (in biblical times) as an illstration and a standard for comparing a good REPUTATION. OINTMENT or PERFUME was very desirable, expensive, and out of reach for most people in biblical times.


It’s the continued influence that our name carries long past our years of life on this earth and into eternity that I want to focus on today. Before we go there though, I want top point out that verse one is part of the bigger passage found in the verses one to fourteen whereby, Solomon, through a series of proverbial comparisons, offers counsel concerning wisdom and folly. Solomon shows the potency of one by pointing out and comparing their opposites i.e. folly vs. wisdom.

Back to our main point: Our name is really all we have, and a good name can be a special valued asset worth much more than all the riches of the world. If you have a good name, that name connects you with your past family ancestors and history, your present business, family and community dealings. On the contrary (opposite), bad living can derail and ultimately destroy your name/reputation and standing in your family and community. Again, righteous living will accomplish quite the opposite in that people will want to do business with you, marry into your family, and TRUST you and those with a good name. REMEMBER, birds of the same feather flock together-meaning that good people tend to affiliate with others who speak the truth, are trustworthy and who have a good name and reputation.

LASTLY, your actions, words, teachings, character, and service will bless others in this life. It is almost impossible to comprehend the number of people you will effect for the good in the name of Jesus Christ when we make a “good name” for ourselves during the few days we have on this earth. 

When I look at most of today’s politicians and business leaders, I see that they have made a strong name for themselves, but not in the good. They have impacted many millions of lives-but not for the positive, right or good in most cases. And when they breathe their last, like you and I, they too will stand before God to give an account. Their “NAME” or reputation will also instruct those who come after them as to the what not to do. The pain, hurt and loss from politicians such as Nancy Pelosi and many others on both sides of the aisle will leave them with a horrible name, reputation and legacy. 

In closing, please remember the words of God as spoken through Solomon in Ecclesiastes 7:1: “A good name is BETTER than precious ointment , and the day of death than the day of birth” (ESV).

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By Steven Garofalo, August 23, 2024 (Copyright 2024)

In today’s uncertain world, we tend to have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Today, I am going to show you what king Solomon says in Ecclesiastes about sleeping well and what keeps us up at night.


What is Solomon saying exactly about our sleep and dreams. I want to back up one verse to v.2 which says, “BE NOT RASH WITH YOUR MOUTH, NOR LET YOUR HEART BE HASTY TO UTTER A WORD BEFORE GOD, FOR GOD IS IN HEAVEN AND YOU ARE ON EARTH, THEREFORE…” 

Simply put, Solomon is saying that as nighttime dreams often reveal one’s preoccupation with his work, so also excessive words in prayer may show a lack of intelligence. You see, these two verses go together. I am going backwards because I want to better illustrate the central point. Said differently, I want start with the TRUTH and then give the reasons. 

If I may, please allow me to go back two more verses to make today’s point even more complete. Verse one opens the entire chapter staunt to “Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. To draw near to listen is better than to offer the sacrifice of fools, for to not know that they are doing evil”. 

The entire chapter sets the tone with Solomon stating firmly to “GUARD YOUR STEPS”, meaning for example to be careful, attentive, listen in the spirit of “OBEDIENCE” to God. Verse Two is a pivotal verse that I believe is a hinge between the first part of this passage and the second. 

Verse two says, “Be not rash with your mouth, nor let your heart be hasty to utter a word before God, for God is in heaven and you are on earth. Therefore let your WORDS be FEW.”

In other words, (no pun intended) Solomon is saying that we are not to make a rash or ill-considered bargain with the Lord, nor twist a wish into a demanding prayer to God (under the guise of “vision” or “faith”). In other words, we are always to be thoughtful and of few words when in God’s presence. Verses 4-5 go on to take this home in regarding GIVING and KEEPING our WORD as Solomon calls making these VOWS as optional, hence if made they MUST be kept. 

The point of this passage boils down to the futility of careless worship which includes seeing God something less than the God of the universe and our heavenly Father who is all powerful, all loving, but all JUST as well. And our attitude towards God is reflected best in our worship of Him. Solomon sets forth an exhortation concerning proper worship.

As for how well we sleep, it all boils down to our mind and heart-namely how right we are with God. When our earthly work over-dominates our minds and heart, we get distracted and self-dependent on ourselves and this temporal earth instead of on God Himself as the ultimate Provider and Sustainer. God is not only over the universe, but also our lives and our work. As a result of a mis-aligned faith or obedience, we tend to become sloppy in our worship of God, making our time with him less authentic and heart felt and more mechanical.  

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly is the problem I find rampant today, even with many Christians, which is the failing to keep one's word. I have one friend inparticular who I have known for decades who has said he was going to do something numerous times, but never carried through with his word (oath). Perhaps he spoke "hastily".  I said something I to him at first but stopped saying anything to him about the matter(s) because I want to see the raw truth about this character and what kind of friend he is. I want to see if he continue to VOLUNTARILY give his word or make an “oath”. The failure to carry through with our word (oath) is a character flaw bathed in selfishness, selfish competition, and an unhealthy faith based on emotion and selfish-ambition over obedience. 

When we fail to keep our word, God convocation us. How does He do this? Through His Spirit to ours. The mind and heart convicts us when we do such a thing because God’s Word is written on our heart. Furthermore, God's Law is written on our hearts-hence, we know better. “THEY SHOW THAT THE WORK OF THE LAW IS WRITTEN ON THEIR HEARTS, WHILE THEIR CONSCIENCE ALSO BEARS WITNESS, AND THEIR CONFLICTING THOUGHTS ACCUSE OR EVEN EXCUSE THEM” (Romans 2:15).

If we want to sleep well, we need to be right with God. We need a clean conscience and heart that while not perfect, needs to be cleansed daily through reading God’s Word, prayer, confession and supplication. Furthermore, knowing that we are sinners, we must approach our worship of God rightly, and with clean hands. This includes keeping our word or “oath’s” we have made to Him and to and to others-even when it hurts or costs us something. 

This is called “obedience”. Once we begin to better do this, God makes clear that our sleep will be more relaxed, more sweet, less troubled, and more restful-even in today’s uncertain world. Yes, we tend to have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, but there is remedy, and that remedy is the God of the Bible and obedience in love in what He calls us to do, how we are to live, and how we are to properly worship Him-which entails all things we do in life. And with that, I wish you better sleep, better rest, and a better quality of life.

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By Steven Garofalo, August 19. 2024 (Copyright 2024)

America has been called “The Melting Pot” for all people, cultures and countries around the world. But is multiculturalism good? More importantly, is it biblical? In this series, I am going to show you through the Scriptures that the gathering of many cultures in one place, or multiculturalism” can be beautiful, but ONLY when under the Federal Headship of Jesus. in an article by Jennifer T. Eagan, last updated July 19, 2024 defines “multiculturalism” as “the view that cultures, races, and ethnicities, particularly those of minority groups deserve special acknowledgement of their differences within dominant political culture”

The one big problem with this definition is the point that new comers to any culture or country somehow “deserve special acknowledgement”. This serves only to destroy the existing culture and refill that space with those of other cultures that do not deserve or have not worked for what they have been given. An example of this is the U.S. governments granting tens of thousands of dollars to migrants (non-U.S. citizens) to buy new homes with the hard earned tax money generated by citizens of that country-against the will or without the consent of it’s citizens. This is more political than it is compassionate.

I was born in Brooklyn, New York and was raised in the Washington D.C. area. New York City and Washington D.C. are about as multicultural as you get and I had tons of friends from countries around the world which was awesome. Growing up in these cities, the one commonality my multicultural friends and I shared were the (biblical values) of hard work, respect for one another, and the respect of my friends being in my country, as would be expected when I visit theirs. That seems to be lost in today’s world. Multiculturalism is beautiful on one hand though and destabilizing and can be disastrous on the other. 

It all boils down to a “United States” of America or “United State Countries of Europe” or any other continent that determines a countries unity, stability, functionality and so on. When you bring migrants into any country that are poor and cannot pay for themselves, you enslave the citizens of that country against their will to pay for the cost of living of the existing citizens. The result as such results in “TRIBALISM”.

TRIBALISM, according to the Mariam Webster Dictionary is: “Consciousness and loyalty especially exaltation of the tribe about other groups; strong group loyalty”

When I was a little boy, in New York City, the neighborhood my family lived in was mostly Italian. My grandmother would take me to the “market” (not supermarket) for fresh food and nobody spoke English, at least not to my grandmother. They all spoke her dialect of Sicilian. My other grandmother only spoke English. But both sides of the family “ASSIMILATED” into American culture, adopting American values, including working hard and not taking hand outs.

Today, we find entire ethnic groups from poor countries and not so poor countries coming to America and Europe with no desire to engage in the American or European work ethic; instead living off government provisions. Furthermore, speaking of American in-particular, many of these ethnic groups live in America, but refuse to assimilate into American culture. And here lies the issue in that it creates cultural, ethnic and religious tribalism. The same is true of Europe.

In this two part series, I want to focus on most all that matters, which is “religious” assimilation". WHY? Because if all ethnicities were to adopt the Christian religion and/or values of the Christian faith, the United States would be more “UNITED” than ever before. But there is one problem which is that every country has a central dominant, traditional religion which governs their values, mores, traditions, values and laws. When Islam’s Sharia Law is seen by its American citizen members of the Islamic faith as above the Constitution, it creates a divide among more serious issues. In the Middle East, there is NO multiculturalism. In India which means “Country or Land of the Indis”, there is very little if any multiculturalism. The same with China, Japan and most of the East among the rest of the world.

As a result, WESTERN-CHRISTIAN dominant cultures are diluted into “nothingness” while non-assimilating cultures and religions take over the Christian landscape-all in the name of “POLITICAL MULTICULTURALISM”. A major part of this equation is government control, but this is not the point of this article.

In PART 2, I am going to do more of a deep dive, looking at specific directives given by the Old Testament as to the dangers of multiculturalism and show you what that means for you and I today. The biblcal view of multiculturalism deals with many aspects of life and reality but not in an overly practical and prescriptive way. All people and cultures are part of our human heritage and equally valued by God for sure. And politicaly, teh Bible has more to say about respecting authority than it does about specific policies, Theologically though, the Bible does NOT support the idea that all cultural religous ideas are equally true or shouldbe treated as such. In the end, yes, we are all equal in God’s eyes. But God is clear that Christians and Jewish people are not to mix their religious beliefs in the name of “MULTICULTURALISM”, however attractive as that may seem. I will pick up with that point in PART2.

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