In Paul’s letter written to the Philippians church in 61 A.D., Paul wrote, “Only let your manner of life be WORTHY of the gospel of Christ….” (Philippians 1:27a). Today I will answer what God tells us through Paul as to how you and I can and ought to live a life worthy of the Gospel.
I want to fast forward to verse 29 which expounds on what Paul is getting to regarding the “HOW” we become more worthy of the Gospel. Paul wrote: “FOR IT HAS BEEN GRANTED TO YOU THAT FOR THE SAKE OF CHRIST YOU SHOULD NOT ONLY BELIEVE IN HIM BUT ALSO SUFFER FOR HIS SAKE” (Philippians 1:29).
So, what exactly is Paul saying here? In order to understand verse 29, we must understand verses 27 through 30.
“Only let your manner of life be WORTHY of the gospel of Christ so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are STANDING FIRM IN ONE SPIRIT with ONE MIND striving side by side for the faith of the gospel, and not frightened in anything by your opponents. This is a clear sign to them of their destruction, but of your salvation, and that from God. For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake, engaged in the same conflict that you saw I had and now hear and I still have”.
BREAK DOWN: Let’s jump rin and learn the seven key ways given by Paul to your and I today regarding how we can live worth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
- LET YOUR MANNER OF LIFE BE WORTHY of the gospel of Christ. This is a big swath statement that is broken down in the rest of the passage.
- THAT I MAY HEAR THAT YOU ARE STANDING FIRM IN ONE SPIRIT (vs.27). As believers, we must be authentically unified. This means no back-biting, gossiping or selfish ambition. It means what says in that we must stand firm in the Gospel in ONE SPIRIT which is “in and of itself” as well as guided by the Gospel Word of God.
- THAT I HEAR YOU ARE STANDING FIRM IN ONE MIND (vs. 27). The MIND is not speaking to the emotion or how we feel, but what we know is true through God’s Word.
- WORKING AS A TEAM: STRIVING SIDE BY SIDE FOR THE FAITH OF THE GOSPEL (vs. 27). Even if we don’t get along super well with another believer, in many cases, we are called to simply “get along with them” well enough to work together. If we go back to #2 and avoid gossip, back biting and selfish ambition, working as a team is very easy in that we simply do what we are called to do in light of working with other Christians.
- NOT FRIGHTENED (TERRIFIED) IN ANYTHING BY YOUR OPPONENTS (vs. 28). Let’s be honest in that the characters on the television are often very sub-par to say the least. It’s easy to cheat and steel your way to the Presidency or high level corporate positions and the like. I’m not saying that all high level, accomplished people are corrupt-only that many if not most of them have compromised to some degree, if not greatly to get where they have gotten. This “can” be true in Christian ministries as well. In any case, remember that these people put their pants on one leg at a time. The power they hold is real, but only here on earth. “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matthew 10:28).
- YOUR COURAGE IS AND WILL BE A CLEAR SIGN TO YOUR OPPONENTS OF THEIR DESTRUCTION AND YOUR SALVATION FROM GOD HIMSELF (vs. 28). The word “TERRIFIED” or “FRIGHTENED” is a strong term that is used of the terror of a panicked horse. the Philippians are not to be terror-stricken in the face of their enemies, and neither should we. Their courage would be for the Philippians and is for us today, proof of their (and our) salvation and of the ultimate failure of our foes who persecute us for our faith. A worthy life is seen if not being "ALARMED" in any way by opponents of the gospel but quite the opposite. Paul added that this stark difference of response to the gospel is a sign (or "evidence") of the opponents destruction, but of the Philippians' deliverance-and allis is from God.
- ALONG WITH THIS MISSION COMES A CALLING THAT ASSUMES SOME LEVEL OF “SUFFERING” (vss 29-30). Mention of opponents to the Gospel brings up the subject of suffering. The struggle the Philippians faced was not a sign of God's dislpleasure., Rather, just as by God's sovereign mercy the Philippians came "TO BELIEVE IN CHRSIT", so also God granted that they "SUFFER FOR HIS SAKE" (Acts 5:41; Romans 8:17). Paul could view sufferin gas a gift becuase, first, it yields proven character and hope (Romans 5:4); second it yields future glory (Romans 8:17); and third, those who suffer for the gospel reflect Jesus' life since they are following the path that He took (the sufferings of Christ Col. 1:24; 2 Co. 1:8-11).
- Looking ahead to Chapter 2:1-11, Paul further develops the concept that we are "CALLED TO UNITY THROUGH HUMILITY". This includes the exchortation to unity through humility (2:1-4). I believe that when Christian persecution gets a bit stronger, that the body of Christ will stop the country club, back biting nonselse that currently plagues the body of Christ through rugged individualism. As for you and I today, the we have a great start point as to how we can start living a life more worthy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Bible as a whole. IN THE END, YOU WILL BE SEEN BY GOD AND MAN AS HAVING A LIFE-“LED BY A MANNER WORTHY OF THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST”.
“LET YOUR MANNER OF LIFE BE WORTHY” is a political term meaning “LIVE AS CITIZENS” (of heaven, 3:20). To do this believers should stand strong, strive, and suffer. The Philippians were in the same basic conflict that Paul himself wears in from those who opposed the Gospel. “LET YOUR CONDUCT” sets the tone for how we are to act in verse 27. The word used could refer to discharging the obligations of a citizen. Because Philippi held the privileged status of an Italian Roman Colony, its citizens understand the responsibilities associated with citizenship. It’s within “OUR CONDUCT” that we are to “STAND FAST”, “STRIVING TOGETHER” for the faith . God never intended believers to be alone. His plan is that we should gather together in the church in order to strengthen and encourage each other (2:2). Paul was urging them to strive together, not just for the sake of their “INDIVIDUAL FAITH”, but also on behalf of the truth of Christianity, their common faith. And these are “SEVEN, GOD GIVEN WAYS ACCORDING TO PAUL AS TO HOW YOU AND I CAN AND SHOULD LIVE OUR LIVES WORTHY OF THE GOSPEL.