With the full shmorgisborg of religions in the world, what makes Christianity the Truth and all the other religions false?
Today, we are going to peel back some basic truths about the Bible and see that the uniqueness of Jesus Christ is unmatched as compared to any and all other gods and religions in the world. Let’s get started!
No other God outside of the biblical God can claim that their god or religious figure ever came into the world in human form, walked among us and is literally “love”.. No god outside of “I AM”-“YAHWEH”-“JESUS CHRIST” was made manifest among us so that we might live through Him. And no other religion or their god outside of the Biblical God “IS LOVE” in their essence or attributes. 1 John 4:9 stands out among other verses as to why this is.
1 John 4:9 says: “In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him.”
This is just but one verse, but a very powerful and insightful one. What is 1 John 4:9 saying and how does this truth verse debunk and disqualify all other religions such as Buddhism, Islam/Mohammad, Mormonism and even Judaism which denies Jesus Christ (Son of God) as being the truth or true God? Let me explain.
Buddha, Mohammad, Mormonism, even Judaism lack the essential components which in turn disqualifies them as the truth of God while at the same time setting Christianity apart as the Truth of God. Here, Christianity is clearly seen not only as THE TRUTH, but as the Truth “DESIRED” by all nations and all peoples. Let’s break down 1 John 4:9 and apply across the board.
FIRST: “LOVE OF GOD”: 1 John 4:9 opens with God telling us that it is HIS LOVE, the “love of God” that “was made manifest among us”. What does that mean? It means that His Son, Jesus Christ was born as 100% God and 100% man who dwelt “among us”. No other religion can even remotely make such a claim. No other religion ever said that God Himself made himself a human being and came to earth to walk among the people of the earth. Only Jesus Christ was born as fully man and fully God and dwelt among us in human flesh. That’s number one.
SECOND: “GOD SENT HIS ONLY SON”: Not only did God send His Son, but He sent His ONLY SON. This means that God so LOVED us that he sent his ONE AND ONLY Son in human form or “was made manifest among us”. According to the Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, the word “MANIFEST” means:
“To “display" or show by one’s acts or appearance and implies an external display so evident that little or no inference or conclusion or opinion that is formed because of known facts or evidence is required as it implies presence of visible signs that lead one to a definite conclusion.
In other words, the actions and eyewitness accounts of JESUS were DISPLAYED and SHOWED the entire world by His ACTS and APPEARANCE that He is the Son of God. Furthermore, His actions were so evident as an EXTERNAL DISPLAY that no other evidence was necessary to prove him to be GOD HIMSELF-the SON OF GOD. The VISIBLE SIGNS of Jesus’ three short public ministry lead the world to the definite conclusion that He is the Son of God.
Buddhism, Islam, Mormonism, Hinduism and all other religions in the world are unable to make such a claim. The evidence is simply not there. Only the biblical Son of God, Jesus Christ fits this bill and He fits it to the tee.
Why is this so important? When I think about the military draft of the past, I think of the fact that in many cases, if one had only one son, they were often spared the draft or military service in an effort to maintain and preserve the family name in the case the drafted soldier parishes in war. God didn’t concern Himself as such; instead He intentionally sent His one and only Son Jesus into the world-purposely and sacrificially as an “atonement” for our sins-to die for you and I and all who would receive Him. We often gloss over this simple truth. The point is that God is extremely “LOVING”, “GIVING”, “CARING”, and “WANTING” the best for all humans which are created in His image. We should be eternally grateful that God did that for us. That’s number two.
THIRD AND LAST: God did all of this for the simple reason-“SO THAT WE MIGHT LIVE THROUGH HIM”. What does it mean “that we might live through Him? It means that "WE (including you and I) HAVE SEEN AND TESTIFY THAT THE FATHER HAS SENT HIS SON TO BE THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD”. It means the indwelling God, whose presence is manifested in the midst of a loving Christian community, thus becomes truly visible to the eye of faith. Though no one “HAS SEEN” (“tetheatai”meaning BEHELD) God (v.12) speaks to believers who abide in Him (v.13).
It speaks to those who “HAVE SEEN” the Son as He is manifested “among loving Christians”. Hence, Christians who behold this manifestation have in fact have “SEEN” and can “TESTIFY” to the fundamental truth that “the Father has sent the Son to be the Savior of the world.” THE BOTTOM LINE IS THAT this great truth can be put on display through the instrumentality of Christian LOVE-As GOD IS LOVE and we, as His children can and do POSSESS HIS LOVE.
IN SUMMARY CONCLUSION: 1 John 4:9 is part of a much larger passage which includes 1 John 4:7-21 in total. This is one of John’s greatest passages in that “GOD IS LOVE” (vs. 8, 16). LOVE is HIS supreme quality for us, but as an attribute or as His essence is NO GREATER than any of His other attributes.
So to answer the original question-with the full shmorgisborg of religions in the world, what makes Christianity the Truth and all the other religions false? The uniqueness of Jesus Christ is which is unmatched as compared to any and all other gods and religions in the world is the answer.
God can be known only by those who “LIVE IN LOVE” (vs.16). Yet we could not know how nor be able, to love Him or others if He had not “FIRST LOVED US” (v.19) Furthermore, “IF WE LOVE ONE ANOTHER”, God abides in us and His love is perfect and matured in us (v.12).
Today we have learned in 1 John 4:9, that “THE LOVE OF GOD” for His children was visibly demonstrated through Jesus work on the Cross on our behalf. Furthermore, that He sent his “ONLY BEGOTTEN SON” expresses the sense of uniqueness, not a literal birth (Hebrew 11;17). Simply put-Jesus is the unique Son of God; no other person is God’s Son in the way He is.
Hence, Buddha (Buddhism), Mohammad (Islam), Mormonism, even Judaism lacks the essential components that disqualifies them from being the truth of God and sets Christianity apart on a separate level and dimension as “THE EXCLUSIVE TRUTH OF GOD”. In the END-Christianity is clearly seen not only as THE TRUTH, but as the Truth desired by all nations and all peoples . For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them” (Romans 1:19).