The world is changing fast. This is exciting and scary at the same time. It's scary because the secure way of life we have all excperience up until lately is being dismantled. The exciting part is what lies on the other side of the story. Granted, we have very difficult and scary times ahead, but if we remain steadfast in Christ and prepare propertly for what is to come, we can and will propsper once again. Will that be different? Yes, the United States is no longer and will no longer be the sole power in my estimation, but that doesn't mean we won't be something great if we act rightly, get our priorities straight, seek God and the the right thing. Let's start today's entry by looking at the mascot of our country today's corrupt and inept world-our puppet master president. The president is not really our president. He has lost much of his cognitive abilities as a start point and was installed to serve at the pleasure of a small body of governmental and corporate leaders-worldwide. This makes the president "A PUPPET RULER" or "PUPPET PRESDIENT".
One thing that most of us never thought possible, especially in America is the advent of a "PUPPET KING" or "PUPPET PRESIDENT".
According to Wikipedia a puppet ruler is a person who has the title indicating possession of political power, but who, in reality, is either loyal to or controlled by outside individuals or forces. Such outside power can be excorcised by a foreign government, in which case the puppet ruler's domain is called a puppet state.
I would assert two things. First, the United States is current ruled not only by a puppet ruler, but by a puppet "state"; an international body of people or people from a mix of international countries. Second, this is nothing new. We tend to read the Bible and see it as outdated-but nothing is further from the truth. Let's look briefly at the biblical story of 2 Samuel whereby upon King Saul's death, instead of installing David as King David over Israel, Abner, the head of the Israeli military installs Saul's son Ish-bosheth as a puppet king. Let's keep in mind that this occurred over 930 before the time of Christ. Please read below:
Ish-bosheth Made King of Israel
"8 But Abner the son of Ner, commander of Saul's army, took Ish-bosheth the son of Saul and brought him over to Mahanaim, 9 and he made him king over Gilead and the Ashurites and Jezreel and Ephraim and Benjamin and all Israel. 10 Ish-bosheth, Saul's son, was forty years old when he began to reign over Israel, and he reigned two years. But the house of Judah followed David. 11 And the time that David was king in Hebron over the house of Judah was seven years and six months" (2 Samuel 2:8-11).
BOTTOM LINE: The bottom line is that Saul's only surviving son, Ish-Bo Sheth, which means "MAN OF SHAME" in Hebrew was crowned king over the northern tribes and Transjordan. Abner, the head of Israel's military used this weak king as a front for his own ambitions (3:11; 4:1). Why did Abner do this? Because he, like today's modern, corrupt leaders lack skill, wisdom, ability and the godly character and His blessing to accomplish great things and lead properly. Today's governmental and corporate leaders only know how to corrupt, steal, distort and abuse others like a bully in order to maintain and grown their power. That's not leadership (although they use the media to proclaim it is), that's dictatorship.
THE GOOD NEWS is that corrupt leadership never lasts very long. It causes major destruction before it collapses within itself, often taking everyone and society itself down with it. I see this to be the case in America and Europe. Europe has already began the process of electing very far-right populous leaders. As such, I see them as more advanced in that specific area than America.
MY FORCAST: My forecast, if such a thing is possible, is to say that, in general terms: like Saul's son Ishbosheth (man of shame) who ruled only two short years-America and the West will experience the much the same. In 2 Samuel 3:1-21, Abner ends up deserting Ish-Bo Sheth. "There was a long war between the house of Saul and the house of David. And David grew stronger and stronger, while the house of Saul became weaker and weaker" (2 Samuel 3:1-2). In verse 12, And Abner sent messengers to David on his behalf, saying, "To whom does the land belong? Make your covenant with me, and behold my hand shall be with you to bring over all Israel to you". David insists on taking his promised wife Micahal (son of Saul), despite her being married to someone else already. WHY? Because that would give David a direct blood line and claim to the throne. And why did Abner ask to make a treaty? Because he was a inept, feable man of opportunity; much like today's leaders. He lacked the skills, ability and calling from God to lead Israel. He had no other cards to play or skills to work with other than to steal, murder, cheat and distort. Simply put, Abner was "lacking".
WHAT HAPPENS IN THE END: Joab, David's military head (unbenounced of David) kills Abner in (vs.27) which put him at odds with David. "Once Ish-Bosheth, Saul's son, heard that Abner had died at Hebron, his courage failed, and all Israel was dismayed" (2 Samuel 4:1). I am confident that this is very same road that the United States and much of the world are going. When all seems lost though, God shows up and eventually installs David as king and a new, very stable, improved, prosporous Israel emerges.
SO WHAT! What does this mean for you and I today? It means to simply buckle up, be praying fervently every day and througout your day. Be prepared in mind, body and spirit to persevere through some very difficult times, which I estimate will last about a decade. I don't know the future, but believe that we will emerge as a new country on the "UP" around the mid-2030 time frame. It's our job to prepare the world as best we can for our children and the next generation. In the interim, lest you be tempted to think that calling the president a "puppet ruler" be too strong; ask your self-"Is it the truth". Once you are willing to accept the truth, you will be ready to move on to what God has in store for you and I and the world. This starts with some very difficult times but ends with new, good, peaceful and prosperous times. Let's keep in mind that we serve a very powerful God who is in full congrol. But also keep in mind that while He is the God of hope, He is also the God of justice. What we are experiencing is to be expected in our morally corrupted world and we are not so special as to escape difficult itmes and trials. As followers of Jesus Christ, we can and should lean on one another as believers-both bringing strength as well as leaning on others who are strong so that that we become part of the solution, not the problem. And this explains the "puppet ruler" and gives us a foreshadowing of the future according to God's Word.