Why does God call us into marriage, business, friendship and more specifically into MINISTRY with at least one other person? Jesus tells us why in Mark 6:7, when He personally sends out the Twelve Apostles: “7 And he called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits.”
While this tells us "THAT", it doesn't make clear "WHY" God called his disciples to go out in pairs. In an effort to answer the question, let's zoom out on Mark chapter 6 which opens with Jesus going back to preach in His home town-only to face disbelief, rejection and reticule from his family and hometown. After Jesus healed just “a few people”, He moved on to doing the business the Father called him too, which was SENDING OUT THE TWELVE APOSTLES. What stands out to me in the sequence of this chapter is that it seems that Jesus goes to His hometown, but is widely rejected in His claim as Messiah, despite doing miracles. As a result, Jesus immediately gathers the 12 disciples to Himself and sent them out with some very specific directions.
- He sent them TWO BY TWO (v.7).
- He gave them authority over the unclean spirits.(v.7)
- He charged them to “take nothing for their journey except a staff-no bread, no bag, no money in their belts-but to weaker sandals and not put on two tunics” (vss.8-9).
Out of these three mandates given by Jesus to His disciples, it’s the first one (“He sent them two by two” v.7) that grabbed my attention today. Why was it so important to send His disciples out two by two, and why was it important to have that stated in the Bible? I believe there are five specific reasons which I will list below.
Let's break these down in an effort to better undersand the WHY behind Jesus' sending out his disciples (this applies to you and I as well) in pairs.
FELLOWSHIP: I can personally testify that ministering is not a Lone-Ranger sport. Fellowship brings joy, confidence, peace and excitement to serving the Lord. Most of all, it brings STRENGTH among other things to the difficult task of ministering in and too the world; within and outside of the church.
SUPPORT: Having the fellowship of at least one other person to “do life” and “do ministry” with offers SUPPORT. Ministering to others can often be physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually draining. Having another person or more helps support God’s servants in all those ways. People who say “Jesus is all I need” are fooling themselves and lack “ACCOUNTABILITY”.
ACCOUNTABILITY: A flaw of the sinful human condition is to project the best image to the public while sometimes doing things on one’s own terms without accountability. This can be dangerous from a lack of wise counsel to bringing a vulnerability to temptation into the equation.
ENCOURAGEMENT: This is a BIG one. I tell those who support our efforts at Reason For Truth that their financial support is immensely important; especially the monthly support we receive. Monthly support consistently tells that that person/couple are standing with me. It's also a sober reminder that God sees all and expects accountability for the generosity and financial sacrifice of those who God has called to stand with me and RFT financially. But it’s really more than that. When I receive a note or hear from someone through email or a phone call, it encouraging me. It’s priceless and uplifting. Most people don’t understand the power of a kind, loving and uplifting word of encouragement, and the power of their giving in my personal life and that of the mission-calling at hand.
ADEQUATE WITNESS: Lastly, is that sending out one or more people into the field of harvest for the Lord provides adequate witness. What do I mean by that? Jesus Himself answers that question Matthew 18:20 which tells us, “FOR WHERE TWO OR THREE ARE GATHERED IN MY NAME, I AM THERE AMONG THEM”.
Rewinding one verse to give us better context: Jesus said in 18:19-20, “Again I say to you, if TWO of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will done for them by my father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them”. The bottom line is that when Jesus is with us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31). When we know and understand God's Word and depend on the Holy Spirit to help us, the world is no match for God. God triumpths one way or another; in one form or another, even if within our own soul. In the end, having a human helper helps in all the ways listed above, ultimately producing an "adequate witness" for the spread of the Gospel message and glory of God.
IN CONCLUSION: God expected doesn’t expect us to go it alone in carrying out His mission. He will raise up at lease one other person to help us to provide FELLOWSHIP, SUPPORT, ACCOUNTABILITY, ENCOURAGEMENT, and ADEQUATE WITNESS to do the mission. The principle of sending God’s servants out two by two is still a good one to follow today in church visitation and any other form of one’s calling. I pray you will implement this in your own life and help those who are out in the harvest field do the same. Trust me…we need it:)-Steven