All of us have been wronged if not harmed on occasion; most of us recently.
Today, I am going to show you how God instructs us to respond when wronged; with patients, engaging those who come against you, but leaving vengeance to the Lord.
When we have someone or a group of people in our company, at the office, in the neighborhood or even in our family who seeks to do us harm, how do we deal with their unrighteous attacks against us? First, let’s be honest with ourselves to make sure that we are not part of the issue and make every effort to resolve the issue. In those rare times, when are repeatedly attacked and wronged by no fault of our own, God provides us wisdom as to how we as Christians are to respond when wronged. We find the answer to this question in 1 Samuel, so feel free to turn there and follow along.
In 1 Samuel, we find king Saul unrighteousness hunting down David in the wilderness in an effort to murder him. But WHY? In effort to provide context, Saul turned out to be a disobedient king and upon God’s directive, the prophet Samuel anointed David as successor to the throne over Israel (1 Samuel 16:13). Despite Saul’s cruel treatment of David, David was very loyal to Saul and God blessed David’s military exploits more so than even Saul as made evident in 1 Samuel 18:7, “And the women sang to one another as they celebrated, “Saul has struck down his thousands and David ten of thousands”. Out of sheer pride and jealousy, Saul repeatedly attempted to unrightly kill David.
Let’s pick the story up with Saul hunting down David. In 1 Samuel 24, Saul learned that David and his men were hiding in the wilderness of Engedi. Saul chose 3000 of his best military soldiers and went to seek David and his men in front of the Wildgoats’ Rocks (v.2). After being unjustly hunted down, David and his men (under intense duress) were hiding in a cave that Saul just happens to walk into to relieve himself. David’s men encouraged David to kill Saul in that this must have been confirmation that God was handing Saul directly into his hands to be put to death. But David would not kill Saul as the Lord’s anointed who was still the formal, official king in office. Instead, David cut off a corner of Saul’s cloak. When Saul got back to camp, David called out from a distance, showing Saul the corner of the robe, making the point to Saul that he (David) could have killed him, but he did not.
David then made the case to Saul that he was not trying to take over Saul’s throne or harm him and Saul weeped and called David a better man than himself “As soon as David had finished speaking these words to Saul, Saul said, “Is this your voice my son David?”” And Saul lifted up his voice and wept. And said to David, “You are more righteously than I, for you have repaid me good, whereas I repaid you evil”” (vss. 16-17).
Saul then admitted to David that “you shall surely be king and that the kingdom of Israel shall be established under your hand” (vs. 20).
Would you rather be judged by man or by God directly without grace for your sins? David spared Saul and even bowed before Saul to show his respect for Saul as king, despite Saul’s trying to kill him and even admitting to David that he (David) would be the king over Israel! The main point here is that David made clear that his hand shall NOT be against Saul (v.13).
But David also told Saul point blank that Saul’s actions were directly in the cross hairs of God himself and that he is leaving Saul in the hands of God to be judged and sentenced. “May the Lord therefore be judge and give sentence between me and you and see to it and please my case and deliver me from your hand” (v.15). David was patient and did not kill Saul when he had the opportunity to do so in the name of self-defense. Instead, he left it in God’s hands to deal with Saul. And God did just that in 1 Samuel 31 when Saul was gravely injured in battle to the point that he was going to die. Instead of being dishonorably captured or killed by the Philistines, Saul asked his amour-bearer to run his sword through him, the amour-bearer would not do so and Saul instead fell upon his own sword, committing suicide. “So Saul took the sword and impaled himself on it” (1 Samuel 3:5).
In conclusion, all of us, including you and I have been and perhaps currently are being wronged if not harmed. Today we have learned how God instructs us to respond when wronged. He calls us to demonstrate patients, engaging those who come against us, but ultimately leaving judgement and vengeance to the Lord. When we have someone or a group of people in our company, at the office, in the neighborhood or even in our family who seek to do us harm, how do we deal with their unrighteous attacks against us?
FIRST: Let’s be honest with ourselves to make sure that we are not part of the issue.
SECOND: We should proactively attempt to every effort to resolve the issue.
THIRD: In those rare times, when are repeatedly attacked and wronged by no fault of our own, we should wait upon God and be confident that He is or will provide us wisdom as to how we are to respond to the violation.
And this is how we are to respond when wronged.