The Merriam-Webster defines a cheat sheet as “a written or graphic aid (such as a sheet or notes) that can be referred to for help in understanding and remembering something complex”. In basic form, the Parables of Jesus were given to us as a written graphic aid to help us better understand, more simply through story the more complex lessons from God.
In one of the most important parables Jesus gave us, the parable of the “SOWER” in Mark 4. I want to point out some subtle but important things about this parable and the importance of the words of Jesus for our lives and the lives He calls us to impact with the Gospel message of Jesus Christ as written about in the Jewish Scriptures and the New Testament. I will break down a few points for our takeaway today in light of starting the new year.
FIRST: Mark 4:1 opens with “Again He (Jesus) began to teach beside the sea.” Jesus had been teaching a lot, and kept teaching non-stop throughout His short but world changing life-time. My challenge to you and myself is that we do the same by awaking each morning by “AGAIN”, serving God faithfully in all He calls us to do that day. Each day is new and carries a new mission for that brief 24 hour period of time. Let’s be faithful stewards to the time, talents and people God calls us to daily.
SECOND: In Mark 4: 3, Jesus opens his parable in of the seeds/sower with one word which is “LISTEN”. When Jesus says “LISTEN” we are wise to do so. Then He goes into the parable of the sower and. The seeds (different people and their condition of their faith). Jesus opens each day with the simple command to “LISTEN” to His biblically recorded Word. This is a daily call, not a Sunday EXCERCISE. Let’s be in God’s Word and prayer daily for 10-20 minutes to start and grow that in God’s time.
THIRD: God will open your eyes more deeply to His truth when we get and STAY consistently in His Word. In Mark 4:13, Jesus said, “…Do you not understand this parable? How then will you understand all the parables?” We will not increase in biblical wisdom and discernment unless we are in His Word, the Bible daily. In Mark 4, Jesus knew they (His disciples) didn’t understand the parable. Jesus told them point blank, that if they could not understand simple parables, how would they be able to understand more complicated ones? The sower was then explained by Jesus as one sowing “THE WORD”. The Word included both the Hebrew Scriptures and the teachings that Jesus gave them DIRECTLY over 3 years.
The sower was explained by Jesus as one sowing THE WORD. The emphasis is on the four kinds of soils, not the sower. Let’s wrap up by taking a look at them in an effort to understand ourselves, our own faith, and the faith of those around us.
FIRST: The words sown BESIDE THE ROAD fell in UNPREPARED individuals and Satan Snatched it away. This one is speaks to those who hear but brush the Word and Truth of God through Jesus Christ off with no real desire to know Him (VSS. 14-15).
SECOND: The word sown ON THE ROCKY PLACES represented individuals who received the word with joy, recognizing it as truth. But the reception was superficial and change did not follow. Seeds sown ON ROCKY PLACES represent people who receive the words with joy, recognizing it as truth. But the reception was superficial and change did not follow. The truth is that seeds germinate because there is life in the seed. But the pressure of persecution impact is similar to hot sun on rootless plants. We all know folks in this category (VSS 16-17).
A THIRD response occurred as seed is SOWN AMONG THE THORNS. There was a response, but thorns choked out the truth and no fruit developed. What did Jesus mean by THORNS? Thorns that arise include THE WORRIES OF THE WORLD, AND THE DECEITFULNESS OF RICHES, AND THE DESIRES FOR OTHER/MORE “THINGS” (vs.19)
FORTH AND FINALLY, some seed fell into PREPARED HEARTS, producing fruit; thirtyfold, sixtyfold, and a hundredfold. Although one cannot be dogmatic, if genuine conversation results in a changed life that produces fruit (cf. Matthew 7:16, 20; Luke 3:8).
Only this fourth response indicates genuine salvation. The first three responses produced no fruit, indications there was no permanent change. The purpose of this parable is not to elaborate on genuine conversion but to illuminate to his disciples, including you and I as to WHY individuals responded as they did to Jesus.
While the Merriam-Webster defines a cheat sheet as “a written or graphic aid (such as a sheet or notes) that can be referred to for help in understanding and remembering something complex”, Jesus simplified for us His complex wisdom for better understanding God’s truth in life and in relation to others. My two take-away for you today is simple. Read Mark 4 and the Parable of the Sower (Seeds) and refresh your mind and heart as to the four possible faith scenarios in those around you and perhaps, for some of you, your own faith. And then commit to use this great wisdom of Jesus in your life and life mission-hear forward. I have started to do this myself and it’s something we call all do. Blessings-Steven