Each day that God gives us in our life is a day with choices. Each day starts with the singular choice how “HOW” we start that day.
Today, I am going to give you three simple but connected action points as to how to start each day-starting today forward. If you do this, your day will be more focused on the hope of God and less on the depressed state of the world in the present. Let’s get started.
The unlisted author thought to be King David said, “Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!” (1 Chronicles 16:8). If we look carefully, God gives us three actions points through this very short verse. Let’s break this down and apply it to our life today forward.
- FIRST: GIVE WE SHOULD START EACH DAY BY GIVING THANKS TO THE LORD: We live in a crazy world that seems relentless in tearing the faith from every believer. The evil one and his demonic crew seeks to do this to any and all Christians that he can get a hold of. Yet we stand strong in our faith-so let’s give thanks to God for that. We need not stop there. Think about all that God has done for you personally. How He has protected, provided and blessed you and your family. We can give thanks for our health and/or the years of health the Lord has given us over our life time. It’s all perspective which can be and ought to be turned into ACTION. And our first action point for today is to give THANKS to the Lord.
- SECOND: LET’S START EACH DAY BY CALLING UPON THE NAME OF GOD: Let’s make sure to rise early each day and call upon His name. This is an important one because it moves the needle up a bit from saying thank you to expending greater energy in CALLING upon His name. This is an act of worship whereby we ask God to come closer to us this day. Within the context of the vers and 1 Chronicles 16, this connotes the idea of calling upon Yahweh and not upon the idols and false gods of the nations. Yahweh, the biblical God (alone) deserves to be called to praise and is the only God that we are to rely upon.
- THIRD: We are to “Make known his deeds among the peoples”. This speaks to David who will recount the amazing deeds God has done in the sight of all peoples, and he encouraged all who heard him to do the same. In return, God’s people should talk of all His wonderful works! This is just as true for us today as it was back when David uttered these words. Let’s take a closer look at 1 Chronicles 16:8 to get a more biblical perspective of what God is telling us in this passage.
"Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!” (1 Chronicles 16:8).
CONTEXT: To give some context to 1 Chronicles 16:8, we must zoom out to get the bigger picture. In a nutshell, this is recorded as King David’s Song of Thanks after they had brought the Ark of God back to Jerusalem and set it inside the tent David had pitched for it and had offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before God.
The fact that this psalm (through vs. 36) consists, with slight variations, of Psalm 105:115; 96; and 106:1, 47-48, perhaps indicating that David in fact was their author (though listed anonymously in the Psalter which is a copy of the biblical Psalms used for liturgical use in Church worship).
WHAT IS GOING ON? In 1 Chronicles 13:1-14 David brings the Ark to Childon re: Uzza’s death. David’s fame and victory over the Philistines are outlined in 14:1-17. David then brings the ark to Jerusalem in 15:1-29. And finally, in 1 Chronicles 16:1-43 we have David’s celebration and arrangements for the ark.
IN SUMMARY AND SO WHAT! Today, we looked at 1 Chronicles 16:1-43 which outlines David’s celebration and arrangements for the ark. In Chronicles 16:8, the Psalmist gives the call to praise, employing several imperatives: First, to “GIVE THANKS”. Second, to “CALL UPON HIS NAME”. And Third, to “MAKE KNOWN HIS DEEDS AMONG THE PEOPLES”. The latter can be expressed through song. As for you and I-we can sing, speak, glorify God, seek, and remember Him rightly (16:8-13). For the Chronicler the keynote of this praise is found in 16:11 in the imperative to “SEEK THE LORD AND HIS STRENGTH’ SEEK HIS FACE CONTINUALLY”. And continually means just that-continually; meaning that we never stop seeking God’s face, praising Him, and making Him known among all peoples He brings us in contact with; showing His great deeds from the biblical text and perhaps our personal life in an effort to lead some if not many to Him and salvation through Jesus Christ.
Each day that God gives us in our life is a day with choices. Each day starts with the singular choice how “HOW” we start that day. And these three biblical action points can serve us well in starting each day well for God and those He brings into our lives daily.