WHY DOES GOD TELLUS AS CHRISTIANS TO PRAY FOR OUR POLITICAL LEADERS? Today, I want to answer that question in short form by breaking down 1 Timothy chapter 2, verses 1-2.
Paul wrote to Timothy in 1 I Timothy 2:1-2 the following: “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way” (1 Timothy 2:1-2)
Let's break this verse down in FIVE POINTS which in turn answers the question as to why Christians should pray for their leaders.
FIRST: The words “First of all” can also mean “Therefore”. This is important become Paul is elaborating on what will build up the church (1:4). And that is PRAYER. And this includes praying for our leaders, including our political leaders. Interestingly, Paul uses four of the seven terms for prayer found in the New Testament. It prayer were not important, Paul would not have used those four of seven terms for prayer.
SECOND: Paul uses the word “SUPPLICATIONS” which emphasizes personal need The verb from which the noun is derived has the ideas of “PETITION” or REQUEST. In other words, Paul makes clear that we have a personal need in verb or action form to go to God with our petitions meaning our requests. Pray is much more than just asking God for our needs and desires through prayer. Pray also entails praising God, confession our sins to Him. Giving Him thanks. And then coming to God with our requests. Luke 11:1-4 gives us a full model of how to pray according to Jesus.
THIRD: Paul uses the word “PRAYERS” Paul uses the general word for prayer. It’s important to note that the term is always directed toward God with reverence or worship. Making this point eliminates what prayer is not.
FORTH: Paul urges us to make “INTERCESSIONS”. This means that we are to “approach God with confidence”. We are not to come to God thinking that He may or may not hear us. This will help us build our faith..
FIFTH AND LASTLY: Paul says that we are to give “THANKSGIVING” to God. We are to have an attitude of gratitude to God and not complain about what He takes us, our country, and the world through in life. Giving THANKSGIVING TO GOD is the act of praising God for what He has done for us and what He is going to do through us.
IN APPLICATION: Each of these aspects of prayer should be included in our prayer life and the prayer life of the church. Let’s notice that God tells us clearly through Paul’s letter to Timothy in this passage that we are to pray for ALL PEOPLE, ranging from the smallest to the tallest. This is to be the first object of prayer for us. This expression for male and female alike cannot be restricted to believers, but should included nonbelievers as well, such as “kings and all who are in authority”.
God here answers the question as to WHY PRAY “…for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way” (1 Timothy 2:2).
This calls on us to strive to have an internal, more amiable composure, both emotionally and intelligibly speaking. It doesn’t mean that Christians are to be door mats, on lay that we are to remain calm, peaceful, and order our words and actions calmly in light of our witness for Jesus Christ. Paul makes clear that the idea of praying for kings and those in authority has a twofold emphasis:
EMPHASIS #1) it is a specific way to pray for all men, because the actions of a king affect society as a whole.
EMPHASIS #2) : It reminds believers that God is the ultimate Sovereign over all things. He is in control, and our prayers affect decisions at the highest levels. The church prays for its secular leaders so that those leaders will not harass the church, leaving its members free to live a “tranquil and quiet life” (v.2), and so that the believers lives may be marked by “godliness and dignity”.
IN CONCLUSION: God’s desire is that the gospel invitation be extended to all people (v4). A stable government that views the church favorably would allow the church to spread the gospel. The gospel is inclusive in its scope of its offer but exclusive with respect to its means. And it’s your job and mine to share that inclusive in scope message that is exclusive in its means through the blood of Jesus Christ.