With all of the world gone crazy and now Israel at war, we are to be prepared but not wrongly preoccupied.Today I am going to show you thorugh Scripture, that the coming of the Lord in the rapture and the start of the day of the Lord will be completely UNEXPECTED; and unless one is prepared before that time, he or she will face the hardship of the tribulation period (vss. 11-12).
FIRST: We need to be aware that most proclaimed Christians in our modern age are “cultural” Christians in name only. As such, they will be taken off guard as they are not truly saved or they would be serious about their faith. If they were serious, they would be “watchful and alert” as to the times”. We need to communicate this to our cultural Christian friends and help lead them into a serious relationship with Christ. They are truly at risk.
SECOND: On the converse, we should not be overly watchful or pre-occupied with “END TIMES”. There is a difference between being watchful and being overly watchful. The difference is being “obsessed”. We don’t know the day or time the Lord will return, so such obsession will only serve to un-rightly pre-occupy our minds in distraction, creating apathy, and in some cases, developing into some kind of biblical entertainment within our soul. In the end, this can keep us from the main thing, which is SERVING the Lord regarding the misson He called us to in the “PRESENT MOMENT” meaning today.
THIRD: We need to understand that God is infinite, meaning He has no beginning or end. God is also Omniscient, meaning He is “ALL KNOWING”. God is also a “Simple” Being as He is Pure Spirit. This means that God is not “MATERIAL” at all but pure spirit. In the end, God has neither a past nor a future because He simply is “I AM”. As such, He is (in) the “PRESENT”. We as well should focus on today.
FORTH: LET'S ASK THE SIMPLE QUESTION "SO WHAT!" Christians are to live each day as if Jesus is returning that day. This has been the case ever since Jesus was taken up into heaven (Matthew 28). Our obsession ought to be simply accepting and believing that He IS coming back and fulfilling the MISSION in light of our faith in God who has His eternal plan in His predetermined time according to His plan. It's in His control and not our own. We should be obediently fulfilling God’s mission He called us to as opposed to expending energy trying to figure out WHEN He is returning. Simply put, we are to engage in action over philosophical thought and trying to be mini-prophets.
IN CLOSING: I want to leave you with a few verses I hope will help you better focus and be encouraged regatding how you and I can and should live out our life and calling in our upside down world. Let’s start with the words of Paul who said:
“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will revealed in us” (Romans 8:18).
Matthew 6:34 which tells that we must shift our focus to the PRESENT, not worrying about TOMORROW. "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble".
And lastly, Jesus himself told us in Matthew 6:34: "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble” for Each day has enough trouble of its own”.
In the end, let’s be found LIVING OUT our FAITH in action and not QUARTERBACKING Scripture, trying to figure out the return of Christ. Let'a work hard each and every day to live our life as if Jesus is returning that day- "today". The Bible seems clear that our efforts to try to figure out when Christ will return is a futile thing and a waste of the talents God has given us. WHY do I say that? Because you and I have enough TO DO in the present to worry about the future. And it is in this way that you and I can rightfully “EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED”.