God is the “Ultimate” Moral Standard that does not, cannot, and never will change. In a world constantly peppered with sexual images and temptations, God makes clear through Paul in Romans that we are to present our physical bodies as morally clean before God. But all of this starts in our "minds" which dictate our physical actions. This mandates that we NOT to dress provacatively which is a huge problem in Western culture (just walk outside your house to see this.) Whatever happened to modesty? It also means that we are NOT to act with flirtation towards other people. Now that we have the two BIG WHAT NOTS, let's look at what we OUGHT TO DO. Following and adhering to God's moral standard means that we are to present our bodies "up" as a sacrifice to God, and not "down" to the world. This appeal by Paul for us to dedicate our life up to God in this way is addressed to believers in four essential ways:
1) BY MERCIES THE OF GOD: Which have been described in the preceding chapters.
2) “TO PRESENT” Our Physical bodies TODAY as an IMMEDIATE imparative, as a decisive decision (6:13).
3) AS A “LIVING SACRIFICE”: We are to present our physical bodies up to God in place of dead animal sacrifices. This reflects the "NEW COVENANT" in place of the Old Law (See a previous article/Podcast addressing the importance of keeping our word as God keeps his covenants.
4) And finally, we are to offer up our physical bodies in and as “SPIRITUAL WORSHIP”: While this one is easy to overlook, Paul is speaking here about intelligent, rational and deliberate worship and not in some passive, prolonged-stalling way.
All of this is good and well, but I want to point out ONE simple truth, which if we get wrong, we get the entire passage wrong and will fail. And that one point is that in order to offer up our physical bodies as a sacrifice to God in worship, we must first get the mind under control and in line with God. What does this mean? It means that the intellect and rational start in our “MIND”. Simply put: What we “think about” dictates our actions.
“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship” (Romans 12:1