WHY did God give us His Word? You can come up with your own list. Today I am going to give you FIVE biblical reasons as to why God gave us His Word.
ALL of God’s Word, all Scripture has been breathed out by God and is not something made up out of any of the biblical writers. The Bible came from God through the men who wrote it (see 2 Peter 1:21). God super intended these human authors so that, using their individual personalities, they composed and recorded without error God’s Word to man. Christ attested to the fact that inspiration extends to the very words.
It’s important to note that inspiration does NOT involve mechanical dictation but the accurate recording of God’s words. Inspiration not extend beyond the original meaning and manuscripts, though the texts we possess today have been transmitted with high accuracy.
Let’s now look at the five main purposes for God’s Word-Scripture.
God’s Word itself says in 2 Timothy, 3:16-17 that “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Let’s break this down:
- TEACHING: The Word "doctrine" equates to “TEACHING”. Notice that Paul highlights “correct teaching” first. It all starts with correct Christian education and flows from there. The anti-intellectual attitude and over-spiritualization of modern Christians has come back to haunt them and all of the Christian body. Proper teaching is greatly lacking in the overall church today and the reason why I started ReasonForTruth.Org and EquippedAcademy.Com.
- REPROOF: Which is simply conviction by God and His Spirit through His living Word. This is not simply a rebuke; it is demonstrating some truth beyond dispute.
- CORRECTION: Refers to setting something straight (2:15). Having a teachable spirit is essential to the Christian faith in this way. Sadly, in our modern age, most people, including many Christians do not have a "teachable spirit". If a believer does not have a very teachable spirit, he or she will be hampered in their ability to grow in Christ.
- TRAINING IN RIGHTEOUSNESS: Scripture is also “INSTRUCTION” for all things in life and refers to the process of training as like child (we are all children of God). In this list, only one of these terms is oriented to knowledge and information-that is, “DOCTRINE” (1 Peter 2:2). The other three in the list involved a CHANGE of life. Knowledge that does not change one’s life is useless. On the other hand, living without any understanding of who God is and what He expects of us is dangerous.
- TO EQUIP GOD’S PEOPLE: Lastly, The purpose of the proper use of Scripture is that “the man of God” may be EQUIPPED-thoroughly “EQUIPPED FOR EVERY GOOD WORK” (2 Timothy 17). God makes clear that he wants to EQUIP you and I for the unique biblical mission He has called us to from eternity. The study of Scripture will make a believer “COMPLETE”, meaning “CAPABLE” or “PROFICIENT”. The words, “THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED” means “FULLY PREPARED”. God’s Word says we are to do all of this for “EVERY GOOD WORK”.
IN SUMMARY: The study of the Bible is profitable in at least five different ways. TEACHING refers to the doctrinal dimension of the Ministor of instruction. These three words that follow this term focus on the practical application of Scripture. REPROOF is one of a group of words that are related to refutation or conviction. It is complemented by CORRECTION and TRAINING which refers to the positive alternative. CORRECTION implies restoration of the fallen to a previous wholesome state. TRAINING is more proactive and involved instructing all believers in righteousness, Scripture was more than adequate to prepare Timothy who Paul was writing this letter and it is just as if not more adequate for you and I today to face the challenges posed by false teachers. In the end, God's Word will EQUIP you and I today, as it did Timothy more than 2000 years ago for life and mission, enabling us to be proficient in every good work. The best part is that that Scriptures supply you and I today as believers in Jesus Christ with all the information we need to live out the life God has for and expects from us who belong to Him.
IN CLOSING: The root of the Greek term that is translated “EQUIPPED” by the way refers to making something become “useful”, “suitable”, or “appropriate”. Paul emphasizes the essential link between knowing God’s Word and applying it to one’s daily life. Right doctrine should produce right practice of all of God’s principles in our daily life. Let’s make sure to turn this lesson from a noun into a verb. Please meditate on these simple truths and have a great day knowing WHY God gave us the Scriptures-to help us live a godly life here on earth and to prepare us for the next.-Steven