In our modern world, we can buy most anything in one form or another. But two coveted things that cannot be bought are God’s wisdom and knowledge. To be clear, man’s wisdom and knowledge are abundant, but God’s knowledge and wisdom can only be obtained from God Himself. Proverbs 9 tells us clearly the starting point for obtaining God’s knowledge and wisdom, and today I am gong to show you how you can obtain more of God’s wisdom and knowledge in your life. Let’s start with what God says.
“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight” (Proverbs 9:10). Before we go any further, I would like to establish proper context as to what the writer is saying here.
As a starting point, it’s essential that we establish the fact that wisdom is NOT acquired by some mechanical formula but through a right relationship with God. Verse 7 says that “…fools despise wisdom and instruction” hence do not obtain wisdom and knowledge. The word “fools” is speaking about those who are easily fed and who consume anything they hear out of emotion as those people are gullible, silly persons, those who are both mentally naive and morally irresponsible.
Verse ten of Proverbs 9 is a reiteration of both the motto of the wise teacher and the theme of the book of Proverbs (1:7). Proverbs 1:7 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction”. Again, Proverbs 1:7 is the motto of the wisdom teachers and the theme of the book of Proverbs over all is that the fear of the Lord is the starting point for, and essence of all wisdom and knowledge. And it all starts with a simple, healthy “FEAR OF THE LORD” when approaching God, which means having a reverence for God expressed in submission to His will (Job 28:28; Eccl.12:13; Ps. 111:10; PROV. 9:10, 15:33).
The only way that we are to approach God is with fear. Approaching God rightly means coming to Him with a healthy fear which equates to “REVERENCE”. God is our “Father” rather than our “Daddy” for example. The term “HOLY ONE” is an intensive plural of the Hebrew word for HOLY: “the most Holy One” or “the quintessence of holiness”. As a result of our reverence (or lack there of) towards God, we will feel the effects of God’s wisdom or our foolishness as we cannot escape either as a consequence. But it doesn’t stop there; a proper reverence for the Lord our God has a direct correlation to proper worship.
Fear of the Lord reiterates in 9:10 reiterates not only the theme verse of the entire book of Proverbs, but this verse also shows the inextricable connection between wisdom and worship (1:7). I want you to think about what differentiates modern Christian music from traditional “worship”? Simply put, it’s the focus of the words which defines the actual “reverence and fear of the Lord”. Modern Christian music sadly ought NEVER be mixed up with true WORSHIP (music). While there is some real modern worship music, most of what we see in our modern Christian music is entertainment or points inward towards us as humans as opposed to up towards God.