Today, September 25th of 2023, the state of Texas has declared a legal (and U.S. Constitutional) right of State of Emergency from foreign invasion. As a result, the state is organizing it's military resources to amass and defend the Texas boarder from foreign invasion.
Many Christians have the misled idea that having compassion on people coming to America for a better life illegally is somehow moral. The same can be said in Europe. That is biblical wrong and the tide of public opinion is changing rapidly, drastically, and overwhelmingly-rejecting the concept of no-boarders and illegal immigration en-mass.
WHY? First, it’s effecting the personal lives and safety, security, livelihood and identity of the entire nation. Second, “what is moral is determined by God (as found in His Word) and not by man or woman’s opinion or emotional feelings. I would submit that when all is said and done, there will be far less compassion on foreigners and immigration as a rsult of both legal and illegal immigration.
This begs the question as to WHAT the Bible say about foreign invasion: Jesus says in Matthew 5:9 says, “Blessed are the peacemakers…” Military and civilian peacemakers alike are and will be blessed in as much as they properly protect their state and citizens (state and nation) from foreign invasion, human traffickers, murderers and even illegal innocent people from illegally entering and overtaking the land; draining resources from people who have and continue to pay taxes legally but are denied the legal support owed to them. Looking at the Old Testament, it is abundelntly clear that foreign "invasion" was an ongoing struggle for Israel. This was as true in their taking the Promise Land as it was with Israel and Judah being invaded by their enemies. Let's take a look at what the Bible says.
In Judges 6 “Again the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the LORD, and for seven years He gave them into the hands if the Midianites. Because the power of Midian was so oppressive, the Israelites prepared shelters for themselves (not the foreign invaders!) in mountain clefts, caves and strongholds. Whenever the Israelites planted their crops, the Midianites, Amelekits and other eastern peoples invaded the country. They camped on the land and ruined the crops all the way to Gaza and did not spare a living thing for Israel, neither sheep nor cattle nor donkeys.”…It was impossible to count the men and their camels; they invaded the land to ravage it. Midian so impoverished the Israelites that they cried out to the LORD for help” (Judges 6:1-6).
In the case of Judges 6, God allowed invasion to wake up His people as to their doing evil in the eyed of God. I believe the United States and Europe are under the very same situation (judgement) in that we have gotten so far away from God morally, sexually, worshipping sex and all things materially and monetarily that God has no other option other than to bring sobriety upon us through the invasion of our land, people and culture-until we wake up to God, His Word and ways. Thankfully, both the United States and Europe are waking up. Most people think that most illegal immigrants of of Hispanic decent, but they are not. Many if not most are from Northern African and like Islamic rooted peoples/countries. Diversity is good, but eliminating the Judaea-Christian morals in culture and from law is extremely dangerous and bad in that it will dismantle any nation from it’s foundation (changing our legal system, cultural values, traditions and existence.)
In an article titled “What Is The Land God Promised Israel” on GotQuestions.Com, it says, “There is probably no more disputed real estate on earth than the land of Israel. Even calling it “Israel” will raise objections from some quarters. The Jewish people lay claim to the land because they first held possession of it millennia ago and because God directly gave them the land, as recorded in the Bible. In Genesis 12:7, God promises Abram, who had just arrived in Canaan, “To your offspring I will give this land.”
This leads us to the ask the question, "Did God give the Israelites a land without boarders?" Did God give the Israelites the land to possess? What makes any human being conclude that boarders don’t matter?
Illegal immigration is the single most important and unifying issue in Europe and the United States at the present moment and I would assert that without boarders, you and I have no country. Like Israel, the United States and Europe are in a very dangerous position with open boarders and it must be addressed by Christians without emotional feelings leading the solution. Compassion must be bridled and led by the law: What is legal and right while being compassionate in the execution of the law and the protection of it's legal citizens. Compassion ought never eliminate the law.
IN CLOSING, while the state of Texas that has declared a state of emergency as an act of war regarding the invasion of foreign nationals, President trump declared that he will in the case of a second presidency intact the single largest deportation of illegal invading immigrants in the history of the United States. He is simply saying that he will take the legal steps to enforce the law which God gave us to begin with. As such, let’s make sure that we don’t support the unbiblical, godless invasion of our nation, no matter where you live in the world. As the state of Texas has declared their legal and U.S. Constitutional right of State of Emergency from foreign invasion, let’s be sure to support God and the law and not the political emotions that will pepper the media. Many Christians and people in the USA and Europe in general have the misled idea that having compassion on people coming into their country for a better life (illegally) is somehow good and moral. God’s Word is clear that if yo want to come, come legally, and don’t invade another country by populous force. The tide of public opinion has and is changing rapidly,drastically and overwhelmingly-rejecting the concept of no-boarders and illegal immigration en-mass. Let’s pray that the body of Christ and all citizens wake up to God and His Word as laid out in the Bible.
What can we do? First, pray. Second, make sure to share the truth of God in His Word with 3-5 people over the next week or two. Third, take your faith serious through studying the Bible and living it out in your life. And that’s how we will stabilize our nation here and abroad. And lastly, make sure that you support the law and not the decisions of lawless leaders. God is above you, me and all leaders; whether they act biblically or not.