Do you ever feel as though you pray but God is not hearing your cries?
Today, I am going to to show you in five basic points, through Ecclesiastes 8:5-9 that God hears our cries, but in His infinite wisdom and divine plan-answers our prayers in time. You can be confident that the inequities you and I as believers currently face eventually will be addressed by God in His time…not ours.
I want to assure you that God hears your cries and knows your pain and struggles. You can be confident that in His time, He will show you His will in light of your own ambitions, desires and will. The truth is that as imperfect creatures, you and I often misinterpret God’s pause in responding to our cries as unanswered prayer. Nothing can be further from the truth. God tells us through Psalm 40:1 that: “I waited patiently for the Lord. He inclined to me and heard my cry.” God is “inclined towards us” meaning He is wanting or likely to act-but in His time and according to His divine plan. Let’s be careful to accept the fact that we are to wait upon God-and not God who is to wait upon us. Let’s shift gears and look at Ecclesiastes 8 to better learn how you and I can better wait upon God’s answered prayer.
God tells us this in Ecclesiastes 8:5-9: “Whoever keeps a command will know no evil thing, and the wise heart will know the proper time and the just way. For there is a time and a way for everything, although man's trouble lies heavy on him. For he does not know what is to be, for who can tell him how it will be? No man has power to retain the spirit, or power over the day of death. There is no discharge from war, nor will wickedness deliver those who are given to it. All this I observed while applying my heart to all that is done under the sun, when man had power over man to his hurt” (Ecclesiastes 8:5-9 ESV).
God’s words through King Solomon can be broken down into five basic points which are:
1) FIRST: A wise person’s confidence is that inequities eventually will terminate, and proper judicial decisions will be made for his vindication (vs5). In other words, with all the injustice we see in the news, in our schools, communities, business and world today-we should be CONFIDENT that those inequities will eventually terminate with God’s justice. Remember that. Nobody gets away with doing evil in the long run. It may be after one’s death, but eventually those who propagate these gross injustices will be called to justice.
2) SECOND: You and I as believers are to wait patiently for God’s time of reckoning despite the fact that we cannot know when that time will come (v.7)-despite the fact that we are weighted down with trouble in the meanwhile (v.6). In the mean while means our present present life in this sinful, fallen world. In other words, be patients, it’s just for a little while.
3) THIRD: In the interim, while we wait, we are to be found doing God’s work-serving and worshipping God as opposed to basking in recreation and comfort of our privileged life. Let’s not be caught living life blindly to God’s plan as was the case in Noah’s time, when the Great Flood came.
4) FORTH: Just as one cannot control the time of our death, he or she cannot escape the consequences of their wickedness-despite how small or how powerful they may be in this present world at this moment. Turn on the television and look at the immoral prospering on the backs of the masses and keep in mind that God makes clear that how wealthy and powerful a person may be on this earth-they cannot and will not escape the consequences of their wickedness.
5) FIFTH and LASTLY: Solomon makes clear that God sees and knows of “his hurt” (our hurt) (v.9) at the hands of wicked rulers-the injury of citizens/subjects being ruled by tyrants.
Simply put, you can be confident that the inequities you and I as believers currently face eventually will be addressed by God in His time. As a wise man once told me: “Life is short but eternity is forever”.
IN CLOSING, go back and study these five basic points found in Ecclesiastes 8:5-9. And remember-God hears your cries, but in His infinite wisdom and divine plan-He answers your prayers in His time. In the end, you can be confident that the inequities you and I as believers currently face will eventually be addressed by God in His time.