We are fast approaching a whole new world. As such, let’s keep in mind that nations never stay static or the same for very long, so what we are experiencing is nothing new in light to world history; it’s only new for you and I. Today, I will show you that as WE RAPIDLY APPROACH A NEW WORLD and we need to avoid being static: Stop waiting or End Times Please.
I want to ask that we be honest in that the America Empire is in rapid decline. It’s not sac-religious to say that, it’s simply the truth. As such, please try to look above that fact and take up a more biblically correct, God-ordained perspective. There is an incorrect and correct biblical perspective by the way.
To claim Revelation 6:15-17 or Mark 13:14 as a reason to flee to the hills as a calling from God may or may not be correct. It’s possible here for one to take Scripture out of context. For example, in Mark 13:14, Jesus warns his followers, “But when you see the abomination of desolation standing where he ought not to be (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains” (Mark 13:14 ESV). So, who is this person of trigger point that would cause the uprooting of our life if we are claiming this specific verse or passage? It’s the the “abomination of desolation” (Matthew 24;15). He is the man of sin (2 Thess. 2:4), the Antichrist, who at the midpoint in the Tribulation breaks the covenant he made with the Jewish people at the beginning of the Tribulation(Dan 9:27) and demands that they and the world worship him. Those who resist will be persecuted, and many will be martyred; that is the reason for the urgency of the instructions in verses 16:22. Are we in the Tribulation?
Are you pre-mid-or post-Tribulation? My point is that if you are going to use biblical wisdom to uproot your tree, make sure that you are not “claiming” a specific verse or passage to accommodate your fear. There is nothing wrong with making a rightful decision based on a host of factors, but basing such a move solely on a specific verse or passage as “God’s calling on your life” is incorrect and can be damaging. Why? Because we risk manufacturing some revelation or false calling our life in light of something God is not saying. God’s wisdom is to be taken in whole and not in part. I’m not saying don’t move-only not to claim a Scripture you like to justify a move and blame it or claim it on God. God’s Word is a wholistic Truth text, full of wisdom as to how we are to make decisions. I will cover that subject in an upcoming episode.
In truth, we are fast approaching a whole new world. As such, let’s keep in mind that nations never stay static or the same for very long, so what we are experiencing is nothing new in light to world history; it’s only new for you and I. I guesstimate that we have about a decade or so (mid 2030’s) of difficult, transitional times ahead of us before the new world is in place with a new generation of leadership is running the world. To be honest, I don’t see an American led world at all despite how sac-religious that may seem to some. I don’t worship the United States or any other country but only our Lord Jesus Christ, the God of the biblical Scriptures.
We have a decade of difficulty ahead of us. In the interim, the question boils down to: “Where will you plant your tree? And will you choose to live in a neutral, apathetic state or a state of mission in action. We all need to take some responsibility in that we find ourselves in the position we are in today in great part due to the fact that we as the body of Christ, the Church, have allowed it to get this way. We have gotten to comfortable in our safe and artificially prosperous country. Christians have become too comfortable living out the orthodox, Christian faith, and as a result, most of us have taken our faith and the Word of God for granted. To prove my point, please go back and watch watch Parts 1 and 2 of this series regarding the North Korean family who were sentenced to a work camp for 100 years for the single charge of being caught or found to be in possession of a Christian Bible in their home.
As we wrap up today’s episode, I want to give you two important decisions we all have to make as Christians living in an unsettled world:
In truth, we are fast approaching a whole new world. As such, let’s keep in mind that nations never stay static or the same for very long, so what we are experiencing is nothing new in light to world history; it’s only new for you and I. In the end, WE ARE RAPIDLY APPROACHING A NEW WORLD: Avoid APATHY in simply waiting For End Times and get in the game. God's timing in not our timing, and we do not know the day or time. Our job is about doing the business God calls us to in the present and leave the end of the story to Him.
1) Do you personally believe we are about to experience End Times and the return of Jesus?
2) If your answer to #1 is YES, what has God called you and all believers to be doing upon His return? (There are a lot of things we DON'T want to be found doing-so focus on WHAT you DO want to be found doing.) MATTHEW 24:44-47 tells that "Jesus said, "You also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect." Who then is the faithful and wise servant?" ..."Blessed is that servant whom his master will will find so doing when he comes. Truly I say to you, he will set him over all his possessions". Jesus we must go to work and be found working.
3) Do you feel that it is is sac-religious to say that America is in decline? Whether YES or NO, why do you think so?