Since World War2 America has been the standard for goodness, honesty, and doing the right thing. Most Americans and people around the world are asking the question as to what will happen to or become of America? What has and what will happen to the “shining the city upon the hill” that led the world for generations.
Today, I am going to give you the biblical principles that will help navigate these crazy times and provide you with a mental and spiritual framework to restructure your view of America and the world in an effort to help you navigate your steps biblically here forward. God tells us to KEEP HIS COMMANDS. If we keep His commands we will KNOW NO EVIL. If we avoid acting and becoming evil, we will know the proper time and the just way to go according to God’s will. Let’s get started!
King Solomon said, “Whoever keeps a command will know no evil thing and the wise heart will know the proper time and the just way. For there is a time and a way for everything, although man’s trouble lies heavy on him” (Ecclesiastes 8:5-6). So HOW are we to live morally and keep God’s commands in this evil world? The answer lies in breaking these verses down more deeply.
In verse 5, Solomon is saying that a wise man’s confidence is that the many inequities we face in life, culture, corporate and government actions eventually will terminate and proper judicial decisions will be made in vindication. In other words, hang in there, stay in prayer and in your Bible daily. Do the mission God has called you to and stay strong in spirit and faith. God will administer His correction and justice in His perfect timing.
In verses 6-7 Solomon says that a wise man will wait patiently for God’s time of reckoning (His timing) despite the fact that the wise cannot and do not know when that time of judgement and justice will happen “For he does not know what is to be, for who can tell him how it will be?” (Vs.7).
Solomon makes clear in verse 4, “For the word of the king is supreme, and who may say to him, “What are you doing”?
Most of us are scratching our heads asking the same question as to “WHAT IN THE HECK IS THE GOVERNMENT DOING?” This same question was asked of those who pretended to be able to rebuke God in (Job 9:12; Dan 4:32). The rhetorical question amounts to a firm denial of the king’s power, which is very real. Solomon the Qohelet (which means preacher’s) basic point in these verses is clear in that we should treat the king or government officials fearfully because they are very powerful.
In reading these verses, Solomon’s “specific advice” is a bit difficult to interpret in detail than it may appear on the surface. The passage most likely speaks to Solomon’s advice as making the point that we are to show proper reverence for authority by obeying the king (v.2). Solomon makes clear that we should not be quick to abandon the king in pursuit of a rebellious plot (meaning an evil matter).
IN APPLICATION FOR US TODAY: We are not supposed to live under a king but in a “republic” governed by the people in democracy. In our modern governmental structure, when the head of government acts in a very evil manner, as we see today, we want to think properly and biblically. When the government itself acts in “An evil manner”, it’s a matter of time before it eventually ends in rebellion and revolt on behalf of the people. This is true for both those who believe as well as those who do not believe in God. Solomon says that because the government or king is so powerful, initially, those efforts of rebellion and revolt will fail (VSS.3-4). That speaks to a government structured with a king. In today’s world most countries are not government by a king but supposedly by law, by the people.
IN CONCLUSION: How Are We To Think and Act?
The answer lies in verse 5 whereby Solomon gives us two key principles. FIRST, we are better off being obedient to the king or authorities because it’s the best way to avoid harm. SECOND, since subordinates are dealing with such a powerful person (the king) or governmental (body), They also need wisdom to know how best to obey him.
That being said, America has a different Constitution then any other country in the world. The United States Constitution explicitly states that the citizens (are supposed to) run the government. This leads us to zoom out on Solomon’s wisdom in light of “We the people” who are the ultimate government in an effort to understand our legal and moral rights. If a James's dictatorship takes over a legal by the people entity called government I believe there is a moral justification for change by the oeiple in ways the general public misunderstands. In the United States, we have no “king” or are not supposed to anyhow. This is where it get’s sticky. If the government in America abuses its citizens, there is a legal and moral path for rebellion, revolt and all out change. I won’t speak any further to that other than it’s a reality and it’s the law according to the U.S. Constitution. Do you homework on the U.S. Constitution as there is a lot written and video recorded on this.
Wrapping up: Ecclesiastes 8:8 says, “No man has power to retain the spirit, or power over the day of death. There is no discharge from war, nor will wickedness deliver those who are given to it”.
In other words, just as no one can control the day of his death or his discharge from war, he cannot escape the consequences of his wickedness. I find this passage fascinating because God makes abundantly clear that all of the immoral local, national and world leaders who are abusing their powers are just accountable to themselves, but to God. Be sure-God is using them to do a work in His people, as we His (God’s ) people, the church have gotten soft on His Word and His ways. Furthermore, God is reaching those who don’t yet know Him with His salvific message leading to eternal life in Christ.
Remember verses 6-7 whereby Solomon says that a wise man will wait patiently for God’s time of reckoning (His timing) despite the fact that the wise cannot and do not know when that time of judgement and justice will happen VERSE SEVEN SAYS: “For he does not know what is to be, for who can tell him how it will be?” (Vs.7). Listen, God will speak and act in a split second when He is ready. And when He does, hang on and hang in there if Jesus has not returned.
Living life selfishly, abusing others as opposing to living life as God calls us to biblically has eternal consequences. It’s like going to a theme park and riding a roller coaster. When the ride is over (and it always does in terms of governmental rule, vacations, good times and bad), the lawless leaders get off the ride like everyone else does. The when evil leaders get off the ride, I can assure you that they, like everyone else will come face to face with God himself in judgement. And God help them because judgement for their mis-management of people’s lives, the monetary system, natural resources, the life and death of millions if not billions of innocent adults and children alike will come into account. In the end, those leaders they will be called to give an account as to their attack on the Truth of God and how they used their authority to help or harm others.
You can be assured that they’re millions and billions of dollars, political contacts and all the armies of the world will not be of help to them in that moment. Like everyone else, they will stand before God coming out of this world just as they entered-with nothing. They like us will have no excuse as to their greed, lust and unfettered, unsatisfied hunger for power, murder, and pillaging to the point of causing pain, injury, loss and even death to countless people.
As for you and I today, God tells us to simply KEEP HIS COMMANDS. If we keep His commands we will KNOW NO EVIL. If know no evil, we avoid acting and becoming more depraved with evil in both thought and action. If we do this we will be better equipped to persevere through this terrible time in history and help our children prepare for the world yet to come according to God’s will.