We Live in an unsettled world to say the least. As a result, many Christians have shifted into an apathetic as opposed to an aggressively positive mission mode.
Today, I am going to show the results of apathy in the Christian life and why it’s OK to plant your family tree anywhere you feel comfortable in light of God’s wisdom-as long as it’s among other trees in a forest of any size. And as long as you are in mission to glorify God, lead others to Christ, and raise up a new generation for Christ in the fast approaching new world and generation coming of age.
Let’s start by looking at some things that impact our lives as a result of our living in our current, unsettled world:
FIRST: As a result of our unsettled world, many Christians have shifted into an apathetic mode, idly standing by, out of any sort of mission-commission, simply waiting for Jesus to return. It’s amazing to see even the most devout Christians not serving the church or the Lord Jesus Christ in any capacity at all. Anyone can teach Sunday School, help teach the children at church, come besides a Christian organization to help them do the mission more effectively, go on a missions trip, and the list goes on. I am reminded that as Christians we are called to live every day as if Jesus is returning “today”. And as such, we are called to be like a verb, “in motion”. When Jesus does return, if we are still on this earth, we called to be found living out our God given mission as opposed to living out a life or recreation, comfort or in apathy and idleness. We are to be found in mission-motion, not hiding from the commotion. I want to challenge you to do “something” to serve the Lord Jesus Christ at your church or with another Christian organization.
SECOND: As a result of our unsettled world, some Christians are flocking from blue states to red states, from red states to red counties, from red counties to rural spaces, and yet, for some, from America to another country altogether. I am not criticizing this but rather support this migration in any case as long as we are living out our God given mission and not hiding from the world. This begs the question as to, “Do we head for the hills or hide in plain site?”
The answer depends on the “WHY” you might, are, or have already replanted yourself and your family. If you have sought God’s wisdom as found in His Word, not taken a verse and claimed it in and of itself, and made a decision that seems right in light of God’s will (which we cannot know for certain until we are looking in the rear-view), then perhaps it’s time to replant your tree and relocate. It’s important to not that if you are in motion, being salt and light in mission, that while that’s not the only factor, it is a key indicator of God’s will for your planting your tree someplace else. This is a serious subject and the church has to wake up, leave the pews after church on Sunday morning, and get to know our neighbors, co-workers, and everyone else God places in our spheres of influence and life. Our failure to do so is to neglect the mission God called us to and would be wise to stay put in the first place.
It’s easy to move to a place of seclusion and hiding in an effort to tune the world out. But consider wherever you move to, that with technology, the best place to hide is in plain view. Let’s remember the “Last God Father”, Matteo Messina Denaro who was recently caught and arrested in Palermo, Sicily for some very bad crimes. Let’s remember that Metteo eluded police for 30 years but was finally arrested for murder and a host of other terrible crimes. According to the article by Insider.Com by Rebecca Rommen, August 13, 2023 5:37 AM ET, Matteo said that he was inspired by the ‘an old Jewish saying’ “If you want to hide a tree, plant it in the forest’”,
The questions now rests with you and every believer as to where you will plant your tree. Just remember one thing, which is that the very best place to hide that tree is in a forest. I will leave the rest for you to decide how that applies to your life.
As authentic Christians, we are called to be around people as our calling to be salt and light. That can mean planting your tree in the country side, the city, the suburbs, or even in another country-as long as your are fulfilling the biblical mandate to make disciples of all the earth. The Great Commission is a “commission” not a “suggestion”. I pray you will towards and not away from your mission in light of the Great Commission-no matter where you choose to plant your tree.
1) Summarize briefly two results of living in an unsettled world.
2) Is is OK to plant your tree (live) in the country, suburbs, city, or even another country in an effort to feel comfortable and safe? Why?
3) Despite wherever we choose to live and God leads us, what are we to be found doing and why?
4) What does the following mean to you: "If you want to hide a tree, plant it in a forest"?