I have two specific areas of mission focus. The first mission is to equip young people in living our the Christian faith more effectively in a world intent on dismantling their faith. The second mission focus is a bit different and somewhat opposite in that it focusses on the unsaved. This second mission, reaching the unsaved is everybody’s calling (the Great Commission). I will focus on the the latter, “where the action is” in todays entry.
While the action is found in reaching the lost, the lost are messy people. Who are messy people? In today’s world, they are found inside and outside of the church, but are mostly the “unchurched”. I like meeting new, unsaved people that the Lord brings to me in an effort to share the Christian faith with them, even when in a challenging environment. I want to be clear that the challenging are a breed all their own, but we are still called to be courageous and “depend” on the Lord to instruct our steps, give us the Scripture and words to share with them. It’s our job to be courageous and obedient to God with all he calls us to share our faith with.
Sadly, most Christians only care to work with other Christians and hand off the job of “evangelism” to the “professionals” (pastors and para-church ministry) to carry out evangelism. This is the central reason why Christianity is in the state it is today. We as Christians for the most part either over-accommodate sinners or avoid them altogether. If we are healthy and confident in our faith, we ought to be reaching the lost world and prepare our children to gradually interact within the lost world as they are able to do so without losing their faith. If we fail to do this, we raise spiritually weak children unable to live out their faith in culture.
If we wait to share our faith with who we feel uncomfortable with, we miss the multitudes of lost the Lord has placed in our path. It’s frightening to share the Christian faith with our Muslim friends, homosexuals, the down and out, and especially government officials who run our local, state and federal governments, and the list goes on.
It seems that the most difficult people to share the Christian faith with are those who call themselves or “think” they are a “Christian” but have no real personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It’s often quite easy to share your faith the lost because they realize something is missing in their life.
SO, WHO SHOULD WE REACH OUT TO SHARE OUR FAITH WITH? The answer is simple in that if you don’t see these people, simply pray to God to bring them to you. I PROMISE they will appear in short time unless you are spiritually blind. The better question is: What would Jesus do or say about what I am staying. The answer can be found in Matthew 9 which defines WHO we are to share our faith with:
“9 As Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth, and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he rose and followed him. 10 And as Jesus reclined at table in the house, behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and were reclining with Jesus and his disciples. 11 And when the Pharisees saw this, they said to his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” 12 But when he heard it, he said, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. 13 Go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.’ For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners” (Matthew 9:9-14).
In the Pharisaic eyes, sinners were those whose occupations rendered them ceremonially unclean and not to be associated with. The Pharisees fasted twice a week in what is called “conspicuous piety”. Today, you and I are called to carry ourselves with dignity and cleanliness, clean speech, action and thought. We are NOT called to put ourselves on compromising situations in an effort reach the lost though. Yes sometimes that is a fine line to walk. Use biblical wisdom, prayer and your discernment, not your emotions when reaching others for Christ.
We need to be discerning, wise, careful, alert and equipped when sharing our faith those who we consider to be very lost. To take it a step further, we should always keep one eye open, be discerning and aware of compromise and the fact that the person we are sharing our faith with is on the outside and not a believer to be trusted on the inside.
“God wants everyone to be saved and to fully understand the truth. There is only one God, and there is only one way that people can reach God. That way is through Christ Jesus, who as a man gave himself to pay for everyone to be free. This is the message that was given to us at just the right time” (1 Timothy 2:4-6 ERV).
It’s our first calling as parents to equip our children biblically and otherwise for the world they sadly have already inherited. But it’s secondly also our calling to interact with the more dirty cloths in the hamper, meaning the lost, messy people of this world (sinners like you and I but void of the salvific blood of and relationship with the living Savior Jesus Christ). We have what they need, and in the emptiness of their heart, what they want. Yes, it’s scary, uncomfortable, and if not careful, yes, it can be unsafe to some degree. I am not saying to put yourself in harms way, but only to put yourself into uncomfortable situations at work, in your neighborhood, in the supermarket and anywhere else the Lord has for you to share your faith and interact with the lost. The power of the Helper-the Holy Spirit will come to your aid if you pray before, during and after your interaction(s) with the lost. And you must be in the Word of God daily-not just on Sunday when you have more time. You may on occasion lead someone to Christ. More often though, you will plant a seed of pre-evangelism for the next faithful and obedient Christian to lead them to Christ according to God’s timing and will. Lastly we must remember and accept that the Holy Spirit and only the Holy Spirit can change a person’s heart.
We only do our part in leading people to the Savior-the rest is God’s doling through Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. You and I need to accept that. In the end we will be stretched and a bit tired out, but exhilarated and charged up in our faith as the Lord works “THROUGH” us. And this is WHY we go WHERE THE ACTION IS”.