Why do we as followers of Jesus Christ self-censor? I think it’s (understandably) out of fear. The problem is that such fear unchecked leads to self-censoring to the degree of not proclaiming the gospel message to a lost world. Opening the books of Romans, Paul says:
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith” (Romans 1:16-17).
The Apostle Paul suffered horrendously for his faith. But did he self-censor at any point? The answer is "No", Paul didn’t self-sensor in his preaching the Gospel truth of Jesus Christ, but quite the opposite. Paul expressed great eagerness to evangelize (1:15) at all cost. WHY? In Paul’s own words, because… “I am not ashamed of the gospel…It’s the power of God.”
I think most of us sadly have self-censored to some degree in today’s political climate. The greater question we need to ask is if, how much, and in what ways is it right or not right to self-censor in light of God’s power over man’s power. The word “Power” where means “mighty potency which God gives us”. God’s “power” is much greater an man’s ability and force or coerce anyone to self-censor what they think and say. Paul makes clear that he MUST proclaim the truth of Christ in light of salvation.
This is clear in that Paul’s uses the Greco-Roman word for salvation, which in proper context (for that time) meant/painted a picture of an individual being rescued from some physical peril, perhaps from a burning house or from drowning. In this verse, Paul uses this illustration to communicate God’s deliverance of sinners from the eternal consequences of sin. A such, one who “believes” was used of one whose reliance upon Christ for salvation.
We find Paul not self-censoring at all or even shying away from proclaiming the Truth of the Gospel message. He does not self-censoring at all. Paul says that he is “not ashamed”. Paul was ready to speak and preach the Gospels of Christ at all cost. In our modern age, overwhelmingly we are not.
In conclusion, we too can be tactful and still proclaim the truth of God without self-censoring. We ought to be eager to make God’s wonderful gift of eternal salvation known to the lost. When we do this, as a result, “the power of God” changes us like it did Paul. As a result, we too, just like Paul will not be ashamed or self-censor for the simple reason that “it works”. Salvation delivers us from the judgment of God and the power of sin, and to self-censor to the point of not sharing our faith is a sin on our part. That’s the central point here. Christ’s atonement on the cross makes eternal salvation available to “EVERYONE” who will accept it. Evil, authoritative suppression of speech by any authoritative body or person(s) is not all powerful as only God is. Our freedom to think and proclaim the truth of God is our main and last line of defense against the evil which seeks only to distort the truth and win a few battles in light of having lost the war. Let's keep in mind the main point, which is that it's the casualties (lost souls waiting to be redeemed by Christ) along the way is what count. For this reason, we should reach as many of them as possible with the truth and love of Jesus Christ and not self-censor. For that would be wrong.
So why do we as followers of Jesus Christ self-censor? I think we would all would agree that it is (understandably) out of fear. The problem is that such fear unchecked leads to self-censoring to the degree of not proclaiming the gospel message to a lost world. And this is our calling from God through the Great Commission in Matthew 28. In closing, let’s read, meditate and emulate what the Apostle Paul said: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith” (Romans 1:16-17).