We live in a global-pluralistic world that asserts that all religions lead to the same “spiritual truth”. But that is impossible biblically, religiously, culturally and logically. I wrote a book showing Christ as the only truth: Bookstore Today I will show you that in our global world, that God doesn’t change and that their is but one true God in light of all other gods being false gods. In fact there is no other God other than the God of the Bible.
“…know therefore today, and lay it to your heart, that the Lord is God in heaven above and on the earth beneath; there is no other (Deuteronomy 3:39)
Zooming out to look at Deuteronomy 4:27-31, we find Moses instructing the Hebrews in his first prophesy of Israel’s removal from the land if she proved to be disobedient. Yet, if she would turn to God, He would be merciful and restore her. Is anything different in how God does things today as compared to then? God is immutable and He is unable to change. As such, the same is true for our modern world (and all countries) as it was for the Hebrews back during the time of Moses when God spoke the Book of Deuteronomy to Moses.
According to Moses’ first prophesy in this passage, if the Hebrews (Deuteronomy 4) would turn to God, He would be merciful and restore her. It’s a very simple formula for a very complex and sinful world. Israel experienced such removals in the Assyrian and Babylonian captivities as well as in dispersion after her rejection of Christ. Repetition of sin shows man’s stubborn heart in continually getting comfortable and rejecting God.
For example, the words “latter days” (v.30) is not speaking to the Christian cult called “Mormonism-latter day saints”. The cult of Mormonism is a whole sale rejection and deliberate distortion of the true God of the Bible in an effort to make God into their image-the image of man. Mormonism rejects Jesus Christ as “The Son” of God, trying to make Him out to be one of many gods. This in great part is what Moses was warning the Hebrews (and you and I today) about. The game has not changed since then and is just as true for you and I in 2023. In other words, what Moses prophesied is just as true today as it was then-so please don’t think that our modern problems are something new or something God has never dealt with before. It’s “old hat” to God. Remember, things don’t change all that much over history and time, just the players and the people groups. Sin is and has always been exactly the same today as it was when Moses spoke to the Hebrews. Correctly speaking, the words “latter days” here speaks clearly to the times subsequent to the prophet’s message and culminating in the final restoration of Israel at the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Moses clearly and correctly prophesied:
“…know therefore today, and lay it to your heart, that the Lord is God in heaven above and on the earth beneath; there is no other (Deuteronomy 3:39)
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
God didn’t give His only Son like a political race for the office which includes a choice of many for man to choose from. God (Jesus) simply “IS” the truth. And in the end IN OUR GLOBAL WORLD THERE IS BUT ONE GOD…made clear through the Bible, the Trinity-who granted us access to heaven through His one and only Son Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
So relax and remember that while we live in a global-pluralistic world that falsely “asserts” that all religions lead to the same “spiritual truth”, that such thinking and belief is impossible biblically, religiously, culturally and logically. SEE: Bookstore And that’s great news for us to take to our lost world.