"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1 NIV). "God saw all that He had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning-the sixth day." (Genesis 1:31 NIV).
We often speak of America as a nation built in greatness. But WHO really made it great? I would submit that great families, communities, towns, cities, states and countries that are “great” are built by something greater than itself/themselves. New York City's greatness is a good example. Take it's large buildings for example. Do they make it great? I would submit that no, it's the heart of the New Yorkers themselves that make it great. If you are not from NYC you may not understand that. But my family is from Italy and New York City. I spent alot of time there growing up. That being said, while not perfect, the older generarion of New Yorkers revered God (of the Bible). Even our Jewish neighbors did so before the majority of the Jewish community became more liberal in their social and religious thinking.
SO WHAT MAKES ANY CREATED THING GREAT? The answer is in as much as it reflects the Creator God. Not any God, but the one true God of the universe as spoken about in the Bible. Yahweh, or as the Bible calls Him, The Great “I AM”. God said to Moses, “I AM who I AM.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” (Exodus 3:24).
In the end whatever you and I do today will be great in as much as it reflects God’s beauty, character, essence and His ways. In as much as we deviate from God, all we do will reflect the opposite. Compate the beauty of a NYC historical building designed and built the 1800’s to a NYC sky scraper built in the 1970’s or in 2023. The 1800’s architecture reflects hand carved work from deep within the hearts of men that pointed back to God and the gifts God fave to those men to do that great work.
This reflects the greatness and beauty of God. The large sky scrapers of today are marvels for sure, but are they also soul-less steel shells covered with glass. They have little is any depth, individual character, or soul in and of themselves. They were not made by the slow, patient hands if godly men. The Prophet Jeremiah said,
“Ah, Lord GOD! It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you.” (Jeremiah 32:-7)
That’s right, nothing is too great for God. As for you and I today, if we seek God in all things we do in life: from parenting to the arts to architecture to business. From dentistry to doctors. From sales to salmon fishing. Yes from salmon fishing. Anything that we do that has “added value” (not a liquor store or gambling establishment which cannot reflect God’s goodness), then and only then will we begin to once again create great things in our world.
In closing, when speaking about America as the great nation, let’s remember what made it great. Better yet, let’s remeber “WHO” really made it great. It will take a generation-or numerous generations to heal America and other great nations that have strayed from God and His ways. I would submit that great families are what make great communities, which lead to great towns and great cities. It’s then that we have great states that form a country. And any country in the world that is “great” was built by something greater than itself. And that always starts with the “GREATEST” of all, the Great “I AM”.