Good morning. Today, I want to encourage you as to the fact that despite how scary our world may seem, that God is on the throne and knows exactly what is going on and what is yet to happen. Furthermore, all is in God’s hands. I want to encourage you to read Deuteronomy chapter 3, written by Moses circa 1410 B.C. Then meditate on the fact that you and I have been called to stand strong for the God and His ways. If we do that, in time, the victory will be ours in leading America, Europe, and the world back to the true God of the universe. That is going to take time, courage and stamina. We didn’t get here in a day, and we are not going to get back in a day. This is about you and I fighting the good fight for our children’s generation. Let’s jump right in now.
In an effort top provide you with a small bit of context, Deuteronomy chapter three fits into a larger passage, which picks up right after the basic introduction (1:1-5). Todays two short verses (Deuteronomy 3:21-22) falls within a greater section of passage which encompasses Deuteronomy 1:6-4:43, outlining the historical recapitulation of Israel’s Wanderings. It starts with Israel at Kade’s-Barnes in 1:16-18 and ends with a call of obedience and the cities of refuge in 5:2-43.
Today, I want to focus on the simple fact that God called Israel to take the land, starting with Basham, and the God the king of Bahn came out against them (the Israelites). What happened was that Og and all his people came out to battle at Edrei, but the Lord said, “do not fear him, for I have given him and all his people and his land into your hand” (Deuteronomy 3:2). Please pause for a just a moment to take in 3:11, which says:
“For only Og the king of Bashan was left of the remnant of the Rephaim. Behold. Behold his bed was a bed of iron…Nine cubits was its length, and four cubits its breadth, according to the common cubit” (Deuteronomy 3:11). This is important because as many of you know, Og was the last of the Rephaim, or giant race that inhabited Palestine. (See 2:20). Why is the size of his bed mentioned here? Because he was a giant. His “bed of iron” has been understood as an iron-trimmed stone coffin or an iron-decorated couch to be placed in his tomb or as a monument made of basalt (an iron-bearing rock.) In any case, the size of the bed was (13.5 x6 ft or 4.1 x 1.8 m) indicates how huge Og was. In other words, Og and the Rephaim scared the Israelites terribly as they were giants! The Lord told the Israelites to take Og and his gian people, and they did so successfully through God’s favor. The same is true of you and I today.
It’s natural for us to be afraid of the current world situation. After all, they seem like giants to us. But we as followers of Jesus Christ must believe what the Bible says in that God is almighty and in control-more powerful than the feeble, misled, crooked so called “leaders” who are in control at present. I want to make very clear that the anti-Christian leaders running the world today are in power for one and only reason. That reason is that we as Christians got comfortable in our free, comfort filled, recreation and pleasure driven world. In the process, we accepted an anti-God leadership to take the helm of our nation(s). This is true of most all of us to some degree.
The good news is that God is all powerful and in control of our nation and the world-not Satan, not the President, not the Prime Minister or cabinet of any country. No, God is in control. These leaders (as we are beginning to see rise up in Europe and in America) who believe in Jesus Christ are starting to prevail. Why? For the simple reason that many if not most of them are brave in the Lord, taking a stand for the true God of the universe-despite the outcome. The President of Hungary and the Italy are two of the strongest examples. In America, we are starting to see this as well in different parts of the country. God doesn’t change, and neither does the way He does things either.
TODAY’S SHORT PASSAGE POINT: I want to leave you with two verses to take our point home today. Let’s read these verses and meditate on what God is saying to us through them.
“And I commanded Joshua at that time, ‘Your eyes have seen all that the Lord your God has done to these two kings. So will the Lord do to all the kingdoms into which you are crossing. You shall not fear them, for it is the Lord your God who fights for you.’” (Deuteronomy 3:21-22).
In closing, I want to encourage you as to the fact that despite how scary the world may seem, that God is on the throne and knows exactly what is going on and what is yet to happen. You and I have been called to stand strong on God’s Word and and His ways. If we do that and trust in Him, in time, the victory will be ours in leading America, Europe, and the world back to the true God of the universe. It will not be like it used to be becuase that was history. It will be whatever the Lord calls it to be. This is going to take time, courage, suffering and perseverance. We didn’t get here in a day, and we are not going to get back in a day. This is about you and I fighting the good fight in Christ for our children’s (and grand children's) generation. Let’s keep our chin up and think more about our children’s (and grand children’s) generation than our own. All this being said, let’s not make it a good day, let’s make it a GREAT day, knowing that we are in God’s will, at the exact time in history that He appointed us live, and for the mission He called us to this day. May the Lord bless you all-Steven Garofalo