Do you remember as a child, playing the game of “Hide and Seek”? As adults many of us feel as though we can hide somethings, in some cases all things or even anything from God-starting with their thoughts.
Today I am going to show you that in truth, we can’t hide ANYTHING from GOD. God is omniscient (meaning He supernaturally knows all things), He is also omnipresent (meaning He is all places-everywhere at all times), and He is eternal, meaning that He has no beginning or end; He has always been. Now, let's look as to why it’s impossible for us to play “hide and seek” with God.
In the Book of Jeremiah, chapter 23, it says: “Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the LORD. Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the LORD" (JEREMIAH 23:24)
The prophet Jeremiah, referred to as "the weeping prophet" (8:1; 13:17) or the "property of loneliness" because he was commanded not to marry (16:2) faithfully preached the Word of God for over 40 years, wrote the Book of Jeremiah between 6:27-585 B.C. Today, we will mine down into Jeremiah 23:23-34 in an effort to gives full context as to what the prophet Jeremiah was going through during his mission as a prophet in light on what you and I as believers of Jesus Christ are living through today in the 21st Century.
In Jeremiah 23:23-32 we find the false prophets misrepresenting God’s character and Jeremiah confronts this error head on. These false prophets saw God as some kind of localized deity from whom they could “HIDE”. They actually told themselves that, some how, He (God) would “NOT SEE” (v.24). The fact is that God in His omniscience fills “the heavens” and “earth” so that no place is outside His realm. He had heard what the false prophets had said when they spoke lies in His “name” (v.25). The prophets also claimed that God had given them revelation in a “dream”, but their visions were imaginary (v.16). Their “dreams”, false prophetic visions, were designed to make Judah “forget” God’s “name” (v.27), just as earlier prophets did through “Baal” worship (v. 13). Their prophetic messages were as worthless for meeting spiritual needs as was “straw”, instead of “grain”, for meeting physical hunger (v.28). In the end the words of the false prophets had no force, while God’s “Word” is powerful and penetrating “like fire” (v.s 29; 20:9). God's Word is as effective as a “hammer” that “shatters a rock”. God set Himself “against the prophets”, which is repeated three times (vss. 30, 31, 32) in order to illustrate His intensity in this matter. God's Word says, They (false prophets) “led My people astray”, they were not sent by Him, and they did not “furnish”…the slightest benefit”.
SO WHAT? Verse 23-24 together are part of the section which closes as it began (VSS.18-24), with rhetorical questions that contrast the nature of God with the errant views of the people. God is not a distant unconcerned deity like Baal (2 Kings 18:27), but One who is every “NEAR/PRESENT” to His people. Nothing can be hidden from Him and nothing goes unnoticed. This should be very comforting to us as God's authentic followers through Jesus Christ.
In truth, we really can't hide our thoughts, actions or motives from God. God knows all things. Matthew 6:8 says, Therefore do not be like them; for your Father knows what you need, before your ask Him.” For today, lets’ remember that God is waiting for us (you and I) to appear before His throne to praise Him, confess our sins, give thanks, and to make our authentic requests (however small or large) to Him who is able to do all things. In in next devotion, I will develop more deeply the Scriptural reason as to why God does not play “Hide and Seek” with us. In the interim, make it a wonderful start to the new week.-Steven