Psalm 91:1 says: “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty”. But what does this really mean? It speaks to God's protection.
To answer the question as to who God protects, we must first understand Psalm 91:1 within the context of Psalm 91 as a whole. Psalm 91 is a psalm of TRUST and is outlined as follows:
- First, it’s our TRUST in God that gains us our SECURITY by Him.
- That security is anchored in God’s CHARACTER (VSS. 1-2).
- Furthermore, God’s security flows from His character, which in turn is delivered within the context of God’s CARE for us (VSS. 3-8).
- In the end, our security is found in God’s love and protection for us within the confines of His plan for our lives (VSS. 9-13). This does not mean that bad things cannot or will not happen in life; bad things are guaranteed to happen from time to time. But even through those trials, suffering and pain, God is still watching over you and I, protecting us in ways that we cannot imagine or quantify. Sometimes, God intervenes and literally protects us from harm, and sometimes God protects us as we go THROUGH trials, pain and suffering. He does this more than we know or give credit for.
- Lastly, our TRUST in God is anchored in His LOVE (VSS. 14-16). God’s LOVE for us covers a multitude of our sins. “Above all, keep loving one another earnestly since love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8). God IS LOVE, hence this verse makes clear that God’s love, when lived out in our lives is powerful and covers a multitude of sins.
- IN CLOSING: God protects those who TRUST in Him. Before we go, it's important to note atht in PSALM 91:1-2 the Psalmist gives four names for God within these two short verses. Those names include GOD as… the “MOST HIGH” (Genesis 14:18). God the “ALMIGHTY” (See Genesis 17:1). God, our “SHELTER” or “HIDING PLACE”, and God our PROTECTION” (Shadow), “REFUGE”. He is God our “FORTRESS”. These are names for those who are “His own”. Who are His own? You and I and all “authentic” followers of Jesus Christ (not those in name only). In the end, God protects who? “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1). I pray today’s devotion blesses you as your start your day.-Steven Garofalo